Wednesday 11 August 2010

Awards from my furiends

Well I am Blushing under me fuzz, because I got two awards out of the blue.
 The first one is from Tessa the Maltese just for loving my blog and me.
 I'm very honored to get it, Thank You so much Tessa it will go on my side bar with pride.

The second one I got was from Those Elgin Pugs,
 and on the same day recevied it again from Furbaby Chat!
So Thank you, to both of Yea.

Now with this one comes with some conditions

1) Thank the person who gave you the award
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discoved and you think are fantastic
4) Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award

Thank You 

Now I gotta tell you 7 things about me that you don't know, I'm pretty open to you lot on me blog, so it
 took me some time to come up with them, I don't mean I've made them up they are all true.

1) My favorite chews are golden paddy wack, mom don't mind me having these they don't smell like them tripe thingies

2) I don't like the ring tone on dads phone it does me ears in, the songs Holiday by Green Day, I'll tell yea I've already bit the cover, and if I get half a chance its going in the pond!

3) I like watching TV, no not all the time, in the evening after me walk,
something will catch me eyes and I'm glued.

4)   I do have a liking to chewing up cushons, well not quite the cushion, but I'm a dab hand at getting the zip thing off um, moms had to sew them all up!!! 

5) I hate getting up in the morning, my best time of day is about 4.00 zoomie time!!

6) My Great Grandad won Best in Show at Cruffs in 1998

 7)    I get a massage from mom every morning, its her way of checking for lumps and bumps, and that I still have four legs two ears and one tail.

The next condition is to pass it on to 15 bloggers who you have
 recently discovered and think are fantastic. well there's 24 on me list

I've been doing Saturday Blog Hop, thanks to the bloggers that host it, and I have picked up some blogs from there and also bloggers that are following me,  if you'd like to meet some new friends take a look.
 They are all linked to there blogs, just click on there names. 
 Sorry if I've miss any of my new furiends off the list,
 you can see my full list of the blogs I follow on me profile

Dog Photographer

Just as a paw note, mom made me do this blog, I thought at the time why, she said its a good way of documenting the things I get up to, like a diary.
But I had know idea the friends I would meet along the way in this blogland,
 from your posts that make me laugh to the ones that make me cry,
 I love seeing what you are all up to, I don't always have time to comment, but always try and find time for a visit, and thanks for the comments you leave for me.
 I raise my paws to all of you, my furiends
 George xxx          


Sam said...

Congratulations on your awards!

Pup Fan said...

Congrats on your awards! And thanks for thinking of me... you're the sweetest! It's always fun to pass it on - now I have some thinking to do!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hi George,

Congratulations on your awards. You deserve them. We always enjoy reading about your doin's.

And thanks for thinking of us for the award! We recently received that award and WE had trouble finding 15 other recipients--that's because so many had already been awarded, so you WAY beat us with 24!

Keep up the good work with posting.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Congratulations my furiend! You is so deserving of such nice awards. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Peggy Frezon said...

Congratulations on the awards and Thank you so much for passing the award on to me at Peggy's Pet Place! I'll be fulfilling my conditions soon! I love your blog and meeting such a fine looking lad from the UK. By the way, that postcard on your previous post, I live very near to that beautiful Lake George.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Thank you so much, George! I do have to think rather a lot about the seven things and about the 15 new blogs, so it might take a little time to get it done, but I hope you know I'm very honored and so glad I found your blog. I enjoy your posts so much. We all do. And I had the same feeling when I started my blog. I never in a zillionty years expected to make all these pawsome friends from all over the world, too. It's hard to keep up with everyone sometimes, but so worth it.

lotsa licks, Lola

Elfi said...

Thanks, Tiger. Will post soon!

Wyatt said...

Congrats on the awards! You really deserve it!
So you like sofa cushions....hehe


sprinkles said...

Congrats on your awards and thanks for sharing one with to me. What an honor! I just love butterflies so I'm thrilled to receive such a pretty award. You made my day!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Congratulations on BOTH of your awards. That is grrreat. I like to chew stuffs too, butt mostly just my own stuffs.
I know just how you feel about Blogville, buddy.

Agatha and Archie said...

Congrats on your lovely awards George! most deserved...... And four paws up back at ya!!! Love A and A

the booker man said...

mega gratsers on your shiny awards!! me and asa and mama are so glad you let your mama talk you into startin' a bloggie. :)
i liked your factoids! the one about not liking your daddy's ring-a-ding song made me giggle. oh, and what's your favoritest teevee show?
the booker man

jen said...

Congratulations on you awards, you deserve it!

Thank you so much for ours. This is our first award and I am so excited. Thank you!

The Daily Pip said...

George - what wonderful awards!! Good for you!

I completely agree about doggie blogland. It is a very special place.

About the chewing thing, I prefer paper towels over cushions, but maybe I should give the couch a try!

Your pal, Pip

Bocci said...

Oops-lost my comment! Congrats on your awards, George-they are richly deserved! You have a great blog!
And I'm delighted that you chose Bocci's Beefs as one of your favorites-thank ye, thank ye!
You said something about me putting up an icon of some sort on my blog-I'd be happy to-which one? :-)

Your buddy,

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, congratulations on your awards!!!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

Thank you so much for including me in your favorite new blogs! :) I really appreciate it- new dog photos coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards Georgie! You are very welcome too!

You are a super sweetie and do deserve them!

woo woos, Tessa

Life With Dogs said...

Congrats for collecting a little recognition. isn't it nice to start blogging and find yourself in the midst of this great community?

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! Congratulations on all your awards and your are just the cutest of cute!!!!! We have a fabulous time coming over to your bloggy and your always put a smile on our faces!!

We are so glad you are part of our bloggy family!!!

Much loves,
IzZY (I typed it today.. snorts) Josie, and Anakin Man

The Thuglets said...

George....Congratulations on the awards. Well deserved!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George....Madi and I are honored to accept this lovely butterfly award. Mom LOVES butterflies. WE'll post about it tomorrow.

We so enjoyed reading all about you and congrats on your two well deserved awards.
Madi and Mom

My Mind's Eye said...

PS George we meant to say we love #7 about made us smile.

Duke said...

Congratulations on your awards, George!
Guess what we saw today? George Street!
Mom needs to remember her camera for next time we pass by the sign!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

3 doxies said...

Oh George, CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserved wardies. It has been amazing ride...dis bloggie thing. I never imagined anybuddy would want to read bouts da trubles I get into...hehehe! But nuff bouts haves a wonderfully funny blog and I so enjoy coming to read bout your adventures and I just loves your wonderful sense of humor.
Oh and ummmmmm....why would learning how to pole dance gives da 'puter a virus?


3 doxies said... word verification was preach...hahahaha!


Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Youz the best George we Wuv Youz!!!! :) Big Hugs, Lauren, Sharky, ET and Duchess

Taryn said...

Thank you so much for recognizing my blog with this award! I am so glad you enjoy reading about my dogs! Their Welsh origins had nothing to do with it, I am sure ;-) I will try to post my award info soon. I need to gather a list of blogs together....Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Awww George!!! We really enjoyed hearing about you ♥ We think you are very cool ♥ Thank you so much for the award! You are so sweeet!!! Our post will be up shortly.

Erin said...

Congratulations on the awards you received! I truly appreciate you adding our blog to your list and for acknowledging our blog with an award. It's always a pleasant surprise to receive an email stating we have received an award. I'll be posting it on my blog in a day or so. Sorry for being late in replying but the heat is just killing me and I'm having a hard time getting anything done in this weather. Thank Again!
Erin & Mom

To Dog With Love said...

Congrats on the awards you received and thank you for passing it on!! I'll give it some time to think up a worthy response!! We decided to post a fun agility pic today, btw. Hope you come check it out and like it!! I always love to meet a new furriend!!
Your new pal,
Cosmo Havanese

MurphyDog said...

Wow Goerge! Thanks so much for the awesome award! I'll definitely pass it on...there are so many cool new bloggies out there lately!

wags, wiggles & slobbers