Wednesday 30 June 2010

A Dash Around on a Hot Day!!!!

Saturday morning yes that hot Saturday, and we're off in the car, the tin can on wheels was like an oven, not that I've been in an oven, I know it gets hot cause there's a smell of burning hair when I go take alook.
Thank goodness this place is just a couple of miles away.

Weston Park

Now you can see there are no dogs or peeps in the piccy, they have more sense than us who were silly enough to go out in it. we ended up stopping for about an hour if that. So common sense won though in the end. Its surprising what you can fit in such a short time. Are you ready!

A Game of Chess

A Game of Jenger

Quick Smell of the flowers

Trying to keep in the shade

Blow Walking up the steps when I can walk to the side

Tried to get in through the back door But they weren't having it

A Two Second Break

And a Cheerio from me, I'm Going Home

Till Next Time, See Yea George xxx

Sunday 27 June 2010

To Dam Hot

Blimmy has it been a hot weekend, we went out on Saturday, (more about that later in the week)  not for long I was bushed.
Sunday, didn't think it would get any hotter but it did, had a short walk in the morning, and I decided to have a day at home

Now I don't think any other WT would be happy to show themselves with a tail like this, but I just  hadn't got the energy to keep it up  

Mom put the Jacuzzi on in the pond

I know you're all saying go in and cool down, well I had only been here a week and I fell in, so I'm not to keen on the idea, don't mind cooling me pads off in it.

This is mom bestist plant its a Peony called "Bowl of Beauty"

Ain't it pretty, well its not like that any more, I told her to water it yesterday, no she didn't take a bind bit of notice.

Look at it today in all this heat!

I think its a goner, I'll water it and see how it goes. I've been off my food today because of the heat, mom had to go shopping, and to try to get me to eat something, had brought a pork crackle roll which I ate.

The surprise of the day was baby peeps Simon, who we don't see that much, came down and washed his car, with the front and back doors open. Its the coolest I've been all day

Thanks to Maggie and Mitch's blog Silent Sunday  Mom brought me back a water melon.

Well I'm wacked so till next time

See Yea George xxx

Today England play............... Germany

This post is for Unity in Diversity, you see what its about here on Maxmoms Blog spot. 

Welcome to the Borough of Telford And Wrekin

Moms telling porky's "if you look in his hat there might be a rabbit" yea right, I fall for it every time

Back to what I was doing, its named after Thomas Telford famous for 

The Iron bridge, it is only a foot bridge now, not much good if you have a tin box with wheels, this is the main road bridge, that I kinder like.

The Wrekin is a Hill, infact its the only hill in the bourgh. in local folk law the story is. 

A very long time ago a Welsh giant by the name of Gwendol bore a grudge against the people of Shrewsbury , to such an extent that he proposed to destroy the town by dumping a spadeful of good Welsh earth in the Severn, diverting its course and flooding his enemies.

So Gwendol grabbed his spade, dug up a mighty load of earth, and set out for Shrewsbury. Not being the smartest of strongmen Gwendol lost his way, and found himself near Wellington, to the east of his hoped for destination. Here he met a cobbler, returning from Shrewsbury with a sackful of shoes to mend.
Gwendol asked the cobbler the way to Shrewsbury, describing how he intended to wipe it out. The cobbler thought fast, then tipped his sack of footwear on the ground, telling the fearsome figure he had worn all those shoes out walking from the very distant Shrewsbury.

Tired and fed up, the giant emptied his spadeful of earth on the ground, where it became Shropshire's great hill the Wrekin; then he cleaned his muddy boots with the spade, creating the smaller Ercall Hill beside it, before setting out home.

Telford is a New Town

It was built around smaller towns, (the building in the front of the piccy are not houses but business units)
The smaller older towns  around the new centre,are Ketley, Wellington, Hadley, Dawley,

Is this how I got my name? I'll be doing Frankie Further's name game on the 4th July
so pop back and find out, click on the piccy about it on my side bar.

I live in Oakengates, this is the view from the top of  Snedshill, my home is just down the hill on the right, you can see The Wrekin in the distant, and on a clear day with out a heat haze The Stiperstones where Gran and Granpops live and beyond to the Welsh Mountains

England will have to pull there finger out to win, but if they pull it off, the post will be about Oakengates
Also to Mishka my bloggie friend, good luck to Germany,
See Yea Till next time George xxx

UPDATE.....   Congratulations to Germany they stormed it, I have enjoyed doing these posts and feel I know a bit more about England and my home county than I did before.
So go out and find some information about where you live, you might come up with something even you did'nt know.

Till Next Time See Yea George xxxx    

Saturday 26 June 2010

Saturday Steps

These steps are by a place called Coalport, they are very steep and narrow, had to go up um one leg at a time!  

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Will They or Won't they...............England play Slovenia

This post is part of Maxmoms "Unity in Diversity" please take a look, its not all about football there recipes, photo's and write ups on other blogs about the countys that are playing.
England are playing Slovenia,  its a big one, if they lose they're out.
Last time it was the counties, and now I will tell you a little bit about my home county.

I was born and breed here in a place called "The Clee Hills" not far from where this piccy was taken. Mom and dad didn't think they would be able to pick me up because it had been snowing on and off of a couple of weeks.

This is a map of the county and how it is broken up into boroughs, South Shropshire is where the Clee Hills are.

Mom was born in Bridgnorth, what's left of the Castle tower leans at an angle of 15 degrees, that's greater than the leaning tower of Pisa. 

Not far and in the same borough is Much Wenlock.

 the following quote was taken from here
"It was in 1850 that the first ever Olympian Games were held here in Much Wenlock. The brainchild of Dr Brookes, the Games were originaly designed "to promote the moral, physical and intellectual improvement of the inhabitants of the Town and neighbourhood of Wenlock".

Shrewsbury is the County town

It has over 600 listed building. Charles Darwin was born and educated here. Shrewsbury Flower Show is the longest running horticultural show in the world, and has just got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Wem in North Shropshire

The Sweet Pea was first grown here by Henry Eckford in the 18th century, and is still celebrated each year with the Wem Sweet Pea Festival.

The Borough of Oswestry was a vital frontier town it has an ancient hill-fort said to be the birthplace of Queen Guinevera

Wilfred Owen was born in Oswestry, he is referred to as "The Greatest World War One poet".

That's just a whistle stop tour of the County, Wait I here you say, what about
Telford, if England win and that's a big IF, the post will be about my borough. 
See Yea George xxx

Update England won I think it is Sunday when they next play.
Right I'm off down the pub.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Lazy Saturday

Out and about again, to a town not far from where I live, I don't want to give to much away because of the "Unity in Diversity"  next time England play which is Thurday its about my home county, if they win!and go though to the next round it will be about my home town.
Dad was playing again so we went to watch, I ended up sitting with them while they played that's me under the chair

It didn't help the smell from the stall next to me, wafted over

All those cakes, not one pasted my lips, not half, not a quarter, not a crumb, a speck.  
I'm glad, later me and mom went for a look see around the shops, and came to this sign  

I am so lucky to have a warm home, a nice bed and get feed, so mom went in and gave the lady some money to buy some dog dinners.
 All the doggie photo's were on the door, so hope they get a good meal tonight.

Just one last thing

See Yea Till Next Time George xxx

Saturday 19 June 2010

Saturday Steps

Steps down to the Ice House at Attingham Park, no ice down there, it was dark and cold.

Friday 18 June 2010

Game On

Today England play Algeria

Welcome back, this post is in support of "Unity in Diversity" all about it can be seen on Maxmoms Blog    there are pictures, recipes, update on what's happening in South Africa with the football, plus other bloggers that have put up posts, covering the football teams playing. 
  This post is about the counties of England, the following map and most of the information has come from
Pictures of England .com  England is not that straight forward when it come to the counties,  I kept coming up with different  totals as to how many there are, some are sub divided.
 The list below covers 36 and a piece of information about them.        

 Counties of England

•Bedfordshire -  Dukes of Bedfords home Woburn Abby
•Berkshire - Windsor Castle, Royal Ascot is held here
•Buckinghamshire -Country residence of the Prime Minister
•Cambridgeshire - Home of the University of Cambridge
•Cheshire - Chester is the only city in England to have preserved its medieval walls
•Cornwall - Cornish tin and copper mines in and around 1816
•Cumberland - England's highest Mountain "Scafell Pike" 978m high
•Derbyshire - England's first national park "The Peak District
•Devon - Torquay- birth place of Agatha Christie
•Dorset - Weymouth-Sherborne Castle built by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1594
•Durham -Durham Castle and Durham Cathedral is a World Heritage site
•Essex - Southend-on-Sea boasts the longest pleasure pier in the world
•Gloucestershire - Gloucester Cathedral where shots for Harry Potter were filmed
•Hampshire - Home of the "New Forest" which covers 145 square miles
•Herefordshire - Home of the Malvern Hills
•Hertfordshire -Stevenage – the first UK New Town
•Kent - Home of Canterbury Cathedral and the worlds largest collection of oast houses
•Lancashire - Home of Blackpool the largest beech side funfair in Europe
•Leicestershire -  Has the National Space Centre
•Lincolnshire - Grantham- home to Isaac Newton
•Norfolk - Famous for the Norfolk Broads
•Northumberland -  Bamburgh Castle was the first castle in Britain to come under cannon fire
•Northamptonshire -Sulgrave Manor, the home of George Washington's Ancestors 
•Nottinghamshire -Birth place of D H Lawrence
•Oxfordshire -  Famous for its Universities
•Rutland - Is the smallest of the English counties
•Shropshire - Shrewsbury Birth place of Charles Darwin and my home county.
•Somerset - Britains largest gorge called "Cheddar Gorge"
•Staffordshire - Home of "The Potteries"
•Suffolk - Home of Newmarket Famous for Horse racing
•Surrey - Where Flatford Mill was painted by John Constable
•Sussex - Battle of Hasting in 1066
•Warwickshire - Stratford upon Avon Shakespease's Birth place
•Wiltshire - Salisbury Cathedral The Highest Spire in England
•Worcestershire - Famous for "Royal Worcester China"
•Yorkshire - The Famous "Yorkshire Dales"

The Isle of Wight is also part of England.

Thanks for popping by, next time England play my post will be about Shropshire my home county.

See Yea George xxx

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Attingham Park a Second Time

We've been back to this NT place called Attingham Park, I thought we'd been all around it the last time, we all know that mom is no good at reading maps, so dad picked one up, its a big place so here's some piccy's of the day. 

First thing to do is have a comfort break, and always remember to get your peeps to put it in the bin.


We'd not gone far and came to a sign, this way or that?
Dad got the map out.

I've never seen a Deer, in fact I've not see alot of things, every day is something new.
So I told dad we should go to the left

 Mom tells porky pies, her words were "if you kiss a frog it will turn into a prince" but nothing happened!      

On some more and another sign, yep its the right way.

In front of us was this, now I do steps in every walk we go on, but these looked on the big side to me, turns out its an optickaloosion. it was as flat as a pancake, I know what pancakes are yumy.

This place is so dog friendly, making the signs the right height so I can read them.  

We end up going through a big gate,  I'm on the look out

There they are

This was as close as we could get, pretty little things
Time for a break and a sit down before heading back home, mom and dad had the afternoon cream tea, and I was aloud to have a lick around the carton, gotta watch my waist line.

This is were I met Buster, his peeps were very nice to me, I had some water off them because the water on offer at the cafe was yuk, full of flys, and when mom and dad weren't looking I had some cake to.
Buster is getting on in years so he didn't want to play, that OK by me you have to respect your older doggie mates

On the way out I spotted some flat peeps

Moms having a weekend away with her girlie pals soon and she say's she will take a flat me with her.
Me and dad will have the weekend to ourselves, that could mean a pub and beer "yer", roll it on.
See Yea George
Don't forget on Friday I will be putting a post up for "Unity in Diversity"