Thursday 5 August 2010

Holiday Journal Part Three

Lets get out and about, we went to South Stack Light House. Mom wanted to see a Puffin.

No No No, It didn't look like that, that was last years pic. When I was knee high to a grass hopper, that's wrong, not even here in any shape or form!! Anyways  this is want it looked like this year!!!

Yep its there some where, the mist was all over the sea!! At least the fog horn was working so we sat and waited and waited. Moms got no hope of seeing a puffin in this, even that seagul thought it was better not to fly. There are over 400 steps going down to the bottom. and in the end it started to clear.
Only for me to see this sign!!
 No Dogs allowed on South Stack.

Dad said it means the island that the light house is on, not the steps down to it, he said blow, it come on George lets go, I'm up for that, So we left mom at the top having a Dickie fit that some one would come down and turf us off, It gave her a chance to take these pic's.  


Mom thinks it looks like the Great Wall of China. Me and dad didn't go all the way to the bottom, half way was enough, cause you still have to climb back up! and no Puffins anywhere.

I ended getting closer to a Puffin than mom.

It cleared in the end, so I got me first good view of it

Look at that even some blue sky.

See Yea George xxx



Rose H (UK) said...

Don't stand near the edge George! You're making my knees go weak at the thought :o(
I've been to South Stack many times, but I've never seen it shrouded in mist before...just RAIN!
Auntie Rose

Princess Patches said...

What a gorgeous place, George! We're with Auntie Rose, though...don't get too close to the edge!

Penny & Patches

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow Georgie it looks like you had a swell outing! We love the scenery. Just breathe taking.

That was a HuGe Puffin!!
AireKisses, BabyRD

Anonymous said...

OMD that is alot of fog! Thats also the biggest Puffin that I have ever seen, in a picture that is. That does look like the Great Wall in China, sure your folks didn't take a wrong turn? BOL

Glad you are having such a great holiday!

woo woos, Tessa

houndstooth said...

Holy cats! George, you were on top of the world! If you had seen a puffin, would you have been able to catch it? I'm glad you had a safe walk, and didn't fall off that cliff!


♥ Sallie said...

I'm here! Alien just likes to comment sometimes. :)

Amazing pictures! South Stack looks like such a cool place to visit. And it does look like the Great Wall of China! I think your mom should make a Welsh Terrier calendar and sell it for lots of money!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Where have all those puffins gone! Our human went on the coastal service ALL the way up and down the Norwegian coast AND she really wanted to see a puffin. You guessed it. None around.

George, you a good climber, don't think our stumpy legs would have lasted that distance.

Great photos, though.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place to go for your holiday and with such wonderful scenery! You sure are a lucky dog, George!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh George, these are amazing pictures! Just beautiful. Though you were making me kind of nervous on those cliffs! You were standing so close to the edge!

Your pal, Pip

Sam said...

Amazing pictures - you sure went on a beautiful holiday with your family!

sprinkles said...

Oh George, how beautiful! You standing so close to the edge of that cliff would just about give me a heart attack if I were there with you!

Inky and Molly said...

Doesn't it look funny with all that fog around. We bet the sound was different too. Hey, those Welsh people really can't spell, can they?

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, it is beautiful!!! We would love to be there with you! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! How very exciting.. fog and all!! and you are just so cutes standing so tall looking over 'da wall!! And wow!! You saw a Puffin!!
Oh how we do enjoy the pho-toes and yous story times!!!

Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow George! You are one brave dog to stand so close to those dangerous cliffs! We love the Great Wall! Amazing fog pictures. That was a pretty awesome adventure!
The Road Dogs

violett said...

You are very courageous! I do not know whether I had gone so near to the cliff near...
Wonderful scenery... I like the fog!
Lots of love

The Thuglets said... get to see and do some amasing things!

Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx

p.s. Jans view reading it has got our hooman drooling..something she has always wanted to do!

3 doxies said...

Oh George dat was one freakishly humongous Puffin you saws...was you scared at all?
And I just gotta say dis again...your piktures are always amazing...they like top notch or whatever them hoomans say.


Agatha and Archie said...

Listen that looked like a lot of fun but you were REALLY REALLY REALLY close to the edge.. Archie fainted seeing you there and I got a little weak in the knees...but how lovely is that!! love A+A

John Going Gently said...

love the george and puffin photot

Duke said...

We just love your smile in that last picture, George! What fabulous photos!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

Absolutely beautiful....both the scenery and you George! So good to find your blog and thanks for checking ours out as well :)