Monday 9 August 2010

Holiday Journal Part Four

Hi every one and to my new followers, first thing before I get on to me Journal, I'd like to say Thank You to Maggie Mae, she sent me a lovely post card  with Lake George on it, a lake named after me, hows about that. Its going up on me bedroom wall. Thanks Maggie real nice of yea.
 Remember if any of you are out and about and see my name I'd love to get a pic of it.
 I'll put a thingy on me side bar so you can get in touch by email  

Right lets get started with me next trip out, to Parys Mountain, now to me its a funny looking mountain, cus its got a whacking big hole in the middle!!


Its was a Copper Mine and has all this different coloured rocks.


Mom kept seeing faces in the rocks, I think shes had to much to drink over the holidays!
According to the info about the place, because of the resemblance to the surface of the moon! Science-Fiction films have been made there!


Now mom hates having her photo took. When we both weren't looking Dad got this one.


Now I'm not to happy about this, I get paid for me photo shoots, in liver cake, moms very good she pays me well, where dads a bit slow on the up take. This is how my photo shoots go.

Mom  "come on George lets have a photo"
Me "ok mom"

Me "do you want me standing or sitting"
Mom "Sitting please"


Me "OK, hang on the winds blowing me fuzz hair around"
Mom "don't worry I'll take another one" 

Me "dam it mom me ears sticking up"
Mom "Don't worry I'll get a nice shot in the next one" 

Me "Hey mom if I tilt me head to the side that might look better"
Mom "Great shot George"


Mom "come and get your liver cake"

Sorry no shot of me eating, but trust me I got paid well. I will be putting the recipe for the liver cake in  part six of me journal, so you can all try it. 

See Yea George xxx 


Ruth said...

Ha ha! Funny photo commentary! Ben's like that, he needs well paid!

Unknown said...

George, you are such a PROFESSIONAL at da pikture taking.

I am sooo jealous...none of my crew co-operate with the photographer at all. In fact, Minna Krebs will run and HIDE as soon as she hears the first 'click' of the camera.

PeeS....I am impressed that you have a whole Lake in the US named after you!

I will be sure and be on the lookout for George stuff in my town.

Rose H (UK) said...

Oh George! You are a sweetie :o) Love the photos that you model in so well.
Special thank you for my 'sorry' gift that Mom and Dad bought over for you on Saturday - you really shouldn't have, but it's a lovely duck and you write SO well for someone of your age. Sid said thank you too for his special food - he gobbled it down!
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

♥ Sallie said...

Oh! Pary mountain is really cool. Do you know what that conical shaped building used to be?

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George!!!
Oh MY CATS AND DOGS, I do believe our moms were cut from the same cloth. Mom sees faces in clouds. HA!! Love today's my mind's eye that is what I think a moon crater would look like. So dear boy you are walking on the moon.

We agree about the constant flashing of the beast..if you are going to do it do it quick and it must be followed by TREATS.
madi and mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I'm back and I has missed you. I am soo happy that you gots my postcard! Your Holiday Journal Part 4 has so many wonderful pictures in it. Now I has to go back in time and looks at Parts 1-3!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS You is an excellent picture poser too!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place!

You are truly a model!

woo woos, Tessa

Patrice said...

George- your photography is wonderful. My German Shepherd will take my camera for sure if she sees this!

little princess Luna~ said...

this looked like great place to explore~! and omd george--you are a SUPASTA'~!!!!! :D


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Liver cake.....hmmmmmm....sounds like a good reason to pose.

That moon place looks like it has lots of interesting smells.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Daily Pip said...

George, you are a natural model! Keep the liver cakes coming!

Your pal, Pip

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

George, great photos! That is such a cool place - love the colors :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, what beautiful photos!!! That place does look like science fiction! You take great photos! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Chewy said...


awesome pics!


Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Wow those pictures a amazing!!!! You are such a cutie George!!!! We wanted to let you know theres a award for you from us on our bloggie!!! We saw you also won on Those Lovable Elgin Pugs and we also love you too so we wanted to share the award again hehehe!!!! Big Hugs, Sharky, ET, Duchess and Lauren

sprinkles said...

Pary Mountain is really pretty. I've never heard of it.

I don't think it's possible to take a bad picture of you, George!

The Thuglets said...

Goorge..all your photos are wonderful! Love the commentary. Any commentary here would be unprinable!

Liver cake..yum yum yummy.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! We do love yous pho-toes so!! You are adorable sitting 'deres even wits yous ear and all!!
Yes, we tinks we recognize 'dat view from a lot a SyFy movie's 'dat Daddy watches.. he be a real SyFy nerd!! Hee hee..
Love this post and we's keep our eyes out for Geroge stuffs!! Great post card from Maggie Mae of the George lake!!
Pug Hugs!!
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

Duke said...

You are such a handsome model, George! You're going to be famous one day - we just know it!
The different colors at Parys Mountain are just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

George lad I'm wagging you had such a smashing holiday on the moon.Did you ride on a moon buggy too? Play golf? Take one giant leap for dogs?Haaaaa!!!!

Mom's coming on well George. Feeding you dogalicious liver cake. Making sure she get the most flattering photos,though of course you're providing the perfect material. I did trot over to her photo blog. Yep. Fabbadabber. All in all you're doing a good job square cousin.

Wiry love Eric x

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

George, that looks like a fascinating place and I'd love to know about that tower thingy there, BUT I really, really love your ears. I think you could be an ear model if you wanted. Well all of you is very handsome and lovely to look at, but those ears are special.

lotsa licks, Lola

the booker man said...

how cool is it that you have a lake named after you! that miss maggie mae was super nice to send you a postcard of it! :)
you sure are a professional photo dog! i'm glad your mama pays you well for all your hard work. hopefully, your daddy will catch on. ;)
the booker man