We found a Dingle (a steep wooded valley)
on the island of Anglesey,
Nant y Pandy also called Nant y Dilyw
in Welsh means
Valley of the Deluge
its right by the town of
25 acres of wooded valley with boarded footpaths and walkways.
The river Cefni runs though the middle of it
Don't think they have had much rain,
because it looked more like a stream when we visited
Great place to visit on a hot day, plenly of shade
Time to leave, and get mom on a boat to see a puffin!!!
We saw this camper van,
mom doesn't have a thing about photographing them
but look at the name on it
Moms name is Janet Bell,
so if you see this van its not my moms lol!!!
LINK to her web site
Nice art work Janet ;)
OK mom get on the boat.
Shes sailing away to Puffin island
"Bye mom see you later"
see we didn't even stay to watch her go
"come on dad, I think its a pint in the pub"

"Good grief mom is that it, a puffin!!! can you zoom in on it"
"OK its a puffin"
"George, we have always come to visit at the wrong time of year!! over the last two weeks they have been leaving, but at least I have seen one, even if it was so far away!"
"As long as you are happy that's what counts, I'm very happy me and dad have spent the two hours you where gone in the pub, I call that a result"
Sorry no photos, well you wouldn't want to see me tipsy now would you, I've just got to sleep it off.
Before I go there some things I must tell you about.
Last Saturday mom dad and me went on a pub crawl/walk around Ironbridge with Boomer,
and his furiends, we had a great time.
Boomer now has his own web page and blog
I also made friends with Rolo the greyhound,
He has just started blogging.
I'm sure they would love you to welcome them to the world of Blogland
Boomer and Rolo are also on twitter,
they both said I should join, I have, its been a blast.
Mom being mom, wanted to follow the local news!!! how boring.
Until they asked for, what do you love about where you live, mom sent off a photo and a tweet that said
"The Countryside of Shropshire, Grinshill and Corbet Woods gets the 4 paws up from me"
You remember back in June I gave them the 4 paws up award.
Well blow me down, they used the photo on the evening news
Look out for me, on the link
If that doesn't work here's a photo
I got mail in the week, I entered
Thanks to you all that voted for me,
I came second, look what they sent
A beautiful home make picture and their favourite treats
Thanks Dex and Lou, its going up on the wall.
I'm nearly done, I know I'm rabbiting on,
Wyatt in the week put up a blog post
about the B day presents I had sent him,
no need but thanks Wyatt, he showed you the stamps I had sent.
You would have seen that I have had my very own stamp done,
They are proper stamps
that can be used on a first class letter in the U.K.
Ok I'm done for this post, I have had a great week, but I have been busy, so I am behind on my blog reading.
So miss you all when I don't have time.
Its a Bank Holiday weekend over here, so I will be out and about, will catch up with you all soon,
Have a great weekend and week, what ever you get up to.
See Yea Soon George xxx
Will be back on Tuesday with this months Photo Scavenger Hunt