Wednesday 4 August 2010

Sponsored Walk and Bits and Bobs

Well I did the walk,  lets get the bits and bobs out they way first, I asked mom if she would make me a new Bandanny for me walk, so on Saturday we went to the fabric shop, it called House of Lishkar at Garden Village on the Bridgnorth to Wolverhampton road if you live local its worth a look, I was not allowed in but the lady brought me a box out to pick one.

Mom went in a picked out some more fabric, looks OK to me

At the same place is a big pet shop and just look what's in there!!!!

Dam Rabbits or Bunny Burgers on the hoof

To get me blood pressure down I was allowed to pick a bone out to take home

Sunday got there on time for me sponsored walk, and met this dog, we all know there a peeps in there. 

We all had a great time running in and out of peeps trying to trip um up.

Going for the burn, in total we walked about 3 miles.


I got a glow in the dark bone for me collar with go walkies on it, that will come in very handy for when dad takes me down the pub at night, at least they will see me crossing the road even if dad has a wobble on, and takes his time!

In total I raised £104.00 ($165 Dollars)

Now the other bit of the bits and bobs is, I have let mom have some of me blog space. Yes you see I love me mom. Its all your doing, going on about how good the pic's are so she doing a digital album, you can get to it by going to my  profile or this link its funny cause she has to get me to put the posts up, so I'll leave out any I don't like.

See Yea George xxx



Unknown said...

George you look so handsome with your bandanna on, I need to get my two some of those!

Fred and haylie

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

What a great way to earn money for charity! Looks like you had a ton of fun too :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Unknown said...

I love your mom's pictures, they are beautiful!

Good job on raising so much money!
I love your new bandana - it is so stylish!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!!! Yous are just so cute and Funny!! Telling those bunnies what for... Trying to trip 'dat big doggie man...

good job ons yous walkie... yous raised lots of monies!!

Yous Mommy take beautEEful pho-toes too!!

Josie, Izzy and Anakin Man

Wyatt said...

Your mom got a new camera, right? Sure do like your pictures!
OMD, if Stanzie saw bunnies in a window, she would go right through!
Go job on your sponsored walk!


pee ese...we loved your recipe. I cried at the empty plate, for 45 minutes after the cakes were all gone!

Rose H (UK) said...

My goodness George, I hardly recognise you as you're all grown up now.
You and Mom did a wonderful job on your walk, and great that your helped charity too. Your bandana's smashing :o) Watch out 'cause Mom'll be making a matching one for Dad to wear on your joint trips to the pub!

Auntie Rose xx

sprinkles said...

Congrats on raising all that money! That's an accomplishment to be proud of.

I love your new bandana. You and your mom picked out an excellent fabric.

Your mom is a wonderful photographer!

I laughed and laughed at that comment you left on my blog the other day!

Peggy Frezon said...

What a gorgeous new bandanna, I love that you have different looks for different days! Hugs to you from the US.

WFT Nobby said...

Hey George, well done on the walk, raising all that money and looking SO smart in your bandana. Now you take care down the pub won't you...
Toodle pip!

3 doxies said...

Oh my gawd, hang on..............

Okays, I fells in da floor when I gots to da part bout your dad getting his wobble on...Bwhahahahahaha! Oh me, dat a treasure in deed.
Dis whole post was funnies fur me. I'm just imaging you tripping them peoples up with your leash....ain't dat fun.
Well done on your walk and way to go raising some monies, now can I borrow some?


little princess Luna~ said...

hi george--we love that last pic of you--you handsome ball of curls you~!! :)
great job on the walk~!! :D


Anonymous said...

Hi Georgie, what a good pup doing all that walkin to earn money for charity! I'm sure that you earned more monies because of the great looking bandana!

You really look handsome in your bandanas!

woo woos, Tessa

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We LOVE those walks and if we can help some other homeless animals, that's good. You earned loads of money. Well done.

Can't believe they wouldn't let you in a material shop, but would in a bunny shop--that's crazy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

You must be getting several reversible bandanas, George! What a lot of pretty fabrics!
We took a look at your mom's link and we love the picture of the Mallard's butts in the Aire! What a cool shot!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

houndstooth said...

Oh, I had a moment of brain erase there when I saw those bunnies at the shop! How did you manage to leave without one? What torment that must have been!

I do think your bandanna is very handsome! I'm glad you got to have a good walk!


The Daily Pip said...

Congrats on finishing the walk, George! I did a walk a few months ago, but I caught a lift half way in a red wagon. Did the best I could, but you know I have some problems with my back legs.

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: I would watch out for that big white dog. Something strange about him ...

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you are so good!!! We love the pictures!!! That is great that you finished the walk!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Bandit's Pack said...

Wow, you raised a lot of money - good for you! I think you picked out a great bandanna. Cool pictures!

Alien said...

Well, she does take good pictures. Congratulations on raising so much money. Well done!

Ruth said...

I just love that bandanna!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Bravo George, what a fun way to help others!
I love your glow in the dark bone, you make yourself visible at night.

Erin said...

Thanks for visiting and following our blog. Your photos are just beautiful and we enjoyed reading your posts. Hope to visit often and see what your up to.
Erin & Mom