Wednesday 11 August 2010

Holiday Journal Part Five

Some of you asked in part four of me journal whats that building on the top of the quay.
This is what I've found out.

The Summit Windmill was built in 1878, in the hope of reducing pumping costs for the deepening mine shafts. The windmill was unique in Anglesey in having five sails. In later years it was connected by a system of flat rods to a steam engine at the head of the 270 foot Cairns shaft

Now this holiday journal is all just photos of me, me, me, and some more of me!! and no full on butt shots. Oh I  think theres one with dad on how did that get in there.
 This was my bestist day on holiday, Its when we went to Newborough Beach Anglesey, I had a smile on me face all day, well may be not on the header photo, that was taken here to, I was just having a think of what to do next and mom just happened to get me!
 I'm going to give me paws a break so its all just photos from now


See Yea George xxx


Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

Thank you for including us in your versatile blogger award :) Would you say the beach is your favorite place, George?

24 Paws of Love said...

Awesome shots! You are quite a handsome guy. You look great on the beach.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Beautiful pictures George!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Anonymous said...

George you look like you are having such a great time. It would be so much fun to go there. All of your pictures re great. You are so cute ♥

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You is such a handsome lad! What a wunderful place to go on vacations to.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

ONG this is way cute and right up my alley....George is kin to some of my favorite canines on the favorite being the scrappy but adorable wire haired fox terrier.....and all of the scottish type terriers! GEORGE...YOU ARE AWESOME! I came by way of my dear friend, Carol from Charli and Me...isn't Charli just a sweetie? HAVE A LOVELY ENGLISH DAY! Anita

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well no wonder you were smiling all the time! What a fantastic place. We like that windmill, too.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

What a great holiday spot, George, and so many GREAT photos of you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George my mom just drives me crazy every day, She keeps barkin' Go to George's Blog.. over and over. She just loves learning all this stuffs and seeing all these places. What am I gonna do with her?

♥ Sallie said...

Coo! I was wondering what it was. Thanks, George!

I love that header photo!

Homer said...

Hey George,

My name is Homer. I saw you at Maggie and Mitch's blog and I thought I swing over to introduce myself. You are one cute adorable lad. You definitely got my attention - I'll be back checking out your blog!

Do come over to mine when you are free. My Dad is Geordie and the Missus is from Singapore. We've been traveling around the world and we are currently living in Italy. I hope someday I'll get the chance to go to England. Paws crossed!


houndstooth said...

Oh, how I wish I was on that beach with you!


Wyatt said...

George, you are a very smiley Lad! What a great holiday, I'd be smilin' too!!


sprinkles said...

You sure were a busy boy on your vacation!

I lived in Holland for awhile and they had windmills everywhere! We even found one that someone lived in.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Beautiful photos, George. Thank you so much for sharing your holiday with us.

lotsa licks, Lola

Those Elgin Pugs said...

George!!! You continue to make us smile so!! And we love yous beauTeefuls pho-toes!!!

Pug Hugs!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Unknown said...

Hey George!
You know what? Silly silly me! The comment box didn't appear for blogs that had comments on the same page. Anyway, I forgot to say thank you so much for thinking about us for the award and of course we'll do it :) Maybe about Laura and Mika since everyone knows EVERYTHING about Eva!

The Thuglets said...

George...rhe photos of you are brillo paws!

Are the walls at home covered in you? Ours are..covered in us we mean! LOL

You had a pawsome time on your holiday.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh are a charmer! Thank you for coming to visit with me! Too bad you didn't know me a while back....I wrote a play about BALZAC, MY fox was a hoot. IF you ever have time dear George, come and peruse my blog and look for will love the pictures! It is a three act play and the last act was written by another was a contest!

Enjoy the great outdoors my man! Anita

Rose said...

Wow George! I came over here from Charli's blog, and I have to say you are one photogenic welsh terrier! You seem to have wonderful travels and good times. I hope you will stop by MaggieMae's and my blog. She is part terrier and I can sympathize with you wanting the bunny burgers. She has a desire for going after them also, which you will see if you come visit our blog. Loved looking at your blog and will stop back again!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George,
What lovely pictures of you and the peeps down by the sea. Lots of lovely sunshine too.
Did you take a swim or was the water too cold?
Mom that it was funny that several folks thought we were really opening a shop so today's post was the purrfect place to clear that up.
Madi and Mom

Rose H (UK) said...

Hello George
I've spent more hours walking along that beach than I care to admit to...looking for (and finding) hundreds of European Cowrie shells!
Looks like you had a great time too :o)
Auntie Rose xx

violett said...

I would also laugh the whole day. So a nice beach.
You look so happy and pretty in the pictures.
Lots of love

freerangegirl said...

How gorgeous is George!!! Our Airedale Arthur is suitably impressed and is eyeing up Georges bandana as we speak! Great Photos :)

Molly-Pops said...

WHOOOO Georgie boy Sorry I have not got round to your sooper bloggy sooners but I there are just tooooo many of them to reads. Your Moms sure is a good pitcher taker isn't she ? It's nice to meets anuvver Yoo-Kay bloggy-er we seem a bit few and far betweens.

Anonymous said...

OMD Sweet Georgie, what wonderful pics! You look so very handsome in each one! Thanks for sharing with us!

woo woos, Tessa

Patrice said...

Dearest George, I was so happy to see my blog listed on your sidebar. Three of my daughters have been looking over my shoulder as I read your blog today. They think you are wonderful! Once again, the pix on your blog are very good!We have had bad thunder storms today. My own four legged friends are quite scared. I'm sure you'd just find something to blog about in it. :)

Unknown said...

I can certainly see why this was your favorite day!

The beach looks sooooooo wonderful! And kudos to your photographer!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh my! We're coming back with a nice something to sip on when we can really catch up on all that we've missed in the past way too many weeks. You've got a lot of good stuff here waiting for our reading.

Thanks for sticking with us during our long hiatus. We WILL be back.

Jake and Fergi and The People

Two Pitties in the City said...

I love seeing your holiday. I wish we were on that beach also.

Pat Wahler said...

Nice to meet you George! I love your beautiful beach pictures. Thanks for stopping by Critter Alley. It'll be fun getting to know you!


AngelPups said...

Hi, George~ So glad you came by our blog or we might not have met you!! You are one handsome dog! And well-traveled!! Looking forward to more of your posts!
Kelly & Crew

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

wonderful shots on the beach, you look great out there!

Busy Buttons said...

Wow! Looks like you're having lots and lots of fun! Beautiful beach, too. Don't have any of those around here.

3 doxies said...

Dude, your pawrents takes da bestest piktures of you...well, of anything really!

I hopes you gets some Bunny Burgers at da pawty tonite...hehehe!


Koobuss said...

Hi George,

It's me, Koobuss. Thank You for visiting my bloggie. I'm pleased to meet you. It was nice hearing about your adventures on holiday.

You are very cute. And you can cook, too! Hehe...

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,