Saturday 21 August 2010

Saturday Steps..................... Chicago

Ok anybody that's not been following, the links to the hen and stags  party's and the Wedding of the year, go have alook now.
 you've been missing a whole lota fun.

Anyways thanks to Wyatt for snapping me on these steps in Chicago. Me and the lads got a bit over excited running up and down trying to catch one of them bunnys,  and the step just broke, dam nearly broke a nail, lucky no one saw us, or it would have been me in Jail!!!!
I'm back over here at the wedding, I tell yea its hard work all this coming and going over the pond.
 But I won't be going down them steps again.

See Yea George xxx


jen said...

You look mighty handsome there George!
Hope you have a great time at the wedding:)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Just thinks of all the frequent flyer miles youz is getting George! See you at da wedding...woohoo!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Wyatt said...

My mom suggested that we act a bit more dignified at the wedding...maybe just one glass of champagne...Doggone it!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You guys sure had a great time. What do you have plans for DW event. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

What a great picture of you George - see you at the wedding!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

sprinkles said...

What a great photo, George! Looks like you and Wyatt had a great time. I love that you were drinking Madog Ale!

My boys say they'll see you at the wedding.

the teacher's pets said...

I love your photo too, George, and we are just as excited as you are to get to that wedding! I think the reception will be much more fun than the wedding beclaws there's not telling what Frankie and Puddles and the gang are going to do fur laughs!
Thank you sooooo much fur all of your sorry it took so long to tell you that but my mom and I are STILL recuperating from the bachelor pawty!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Did you get the bunnies after all that racing up and down the steps? We'll see you at the wedding!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Daily Pip said...

This picture must have been taken when Frankie and I were in the slammer. Great picture! I am heading out soon as well! See you at the wedding!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

I am sooooo glad you have made the trip for da Wedding. Boy, you must have a zillion frequent flyer miles by now!!

See you soon!!

Unknown said...

Have fun at the wedding!

Chewy said...

Hope you have fun at the wedding!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Hi George!! I'm still waiting for the spaceship to pick me up in my backyard for the wedding! It's going to be so much fun. I can't promise that I won't drink too much though! Lots of love and will see you there!! Holly

Bocci said...

Excellent photo-glad you weren't injured on those stairs! Have fun at the wedding!

Your buddy,

houndstooth said...

You must be on the verge of the worst case of jet lag ever! We'll see you tomorrow at the wedding!


The Thuglets said...

George excellent photo..glad you maanaged to keep yer paws on the stairs!

Lvoe the T shirt look! Cool Dude!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George dearest, you must practice prudence especially when in another land!!! YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HAD YOURSELF A GRAND TIME! Did you have a slice of Chicago deep-dish pizza with your brewsky? Hmmmmmm, get yourself a slice old is the best! NOw, off to the wedding! ANita and Balzac

Patrice said...

So glad you weren't hurt, George. Remember, rest is the best thing to combat jet lag!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi are looking like a real Stud this morning!!! Can't wait to see you at the Royal Wedding...if per chance, the crowd is to large may I stand on your shoulders?

3 doxies said...

Whew, good thing you didn't breaks a nail or a tail on them steps. Did you catch a bunny and makes a burger?
I sure hopes you gots furst class on your flight cuz they gots free beverages. Can you stash some beers and peanuts fur me?

See ya soon.

Preacher Puddles

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hellos George!! Oh we's glad yous didn't gets in troubles for 'da broken steps!! We's can't wait to see yous at 'da Weddings!! Oh's is dis gonna be's such great funs!!

Pips kitty kat Rosie 'da Kat boss be getting us drinks all nites!! Hee hees...

See yous!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

You must be getting jet lag by now, George! Oh, it's almost time! See at the ceremony in just a few minutes!

lotsa licks, Lola

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

great shot, love your smile :) good thing you didn't get hurt on those stairs!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George ma are so cute and sweet to come to see my post! And yes, my husband is a dear soul...he loves DOGS!!!!!! Have fun at the wedding! Anita

John Going Gently said...

priceless picture

Alien said...

Puddles only took out a few houses. Not bad for her first try.

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Love the Picture! Have a Grand time at the Wedding.

TwoSpecialWires said...

All this talk about weddings is getting us a bit nervous. OurGirl just told her two of her new roommates are engaged. What does that mean? Do we need to start looking for some fancy clothes?

A little new at this subject. Counting on learning a lot from you.
Jake and Fergs

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! i told PIP you should have pick me up. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Duke said...

It looks like you're getting the pawty started early, George! Be careful with drinking too much on those stone steps! Have a great time at the wedding!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear George and Mom....Madi and I thank you very much for your kind comments and are very happy you enjoyed reviewing the past posts. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Steeple Chase Madi's Dad coined the name for us. One Saturday, as we were getting in the car he looked at me holding my camera and asked are we going on a Steeple Chase? He has such a dry wit about him he keeps me laughing. I said yes indeed we are going on a Steeple Chase.
We look forward to your theme day.
Madi and Mom

Road Dog Tales said...

You're looking mighty handsome on those steps, George! Good think you didn't take a tumble. We see you don't fancy American beer, eh? ;)
The Road Dogs

the booker man said...

george, dude, you were worried about breaking your nail?! don't you remember that crazy hooge piece of stair almost walloped me in the noggin? i thought it was curtains for the free world for a second. we did have bunches 'n tons of funsies, though, didn't we? heeheehee.
you are a good friend to keep comin' over the pond!
the booker man

3 doxies said...

Hey George, It's me Puddles...just thought you'd likes to know dat I WAS wearing heels...hehehe. I knew I should've brought my step stool.


Bandit's Pack said...

Glad you're having such a fun time during the wedding festivities!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I am glad your having a grand time over here. Mommy says we might be visiting your part of the world. Could I come to visit you?
Sally Ann

Alien said...

You sure are popular with the ladies, George. Can you teach me some of those fancy dance moves? I like that Fox Trot thing you were doing.