Sunday 15 August 2010

Holiday Journal Part Six

Mom, Dad I'm home, there was no water on the plane so had to drink your duty free I got yea, there's a bit left in the bottle. But my head, don't know if its the booze or the jet lag. We all had a great time and thanks for looking after me, there was some hairy moments, but a weekend to remember, and I'm back on Friday for the Wedding of the year.
 Don't forget you can pop in anytime and see whats happening

Right on to me Holiday Journal, good job I only have to press publish post, me pads won't take the pressure of the key pad. OK here we go. presssssssssssssssss

Well this is the last of the Holiday Journals, hope you have enjoyed reading and looking at them as mush as me, cus I was there. in this one I thought I'd finish with some Welsh language, a trip to a windmill and a Recipe for my liver Cake.

The Welsh if you didn't know have there own language and to say its tongue twisting is an under statement,  they also have to have bigger signs because  most of the signs have Welsh and English.  
Just like this one!!!  taken at the village train station.

In English it means this "The Church of Mary in the Hollow of the White Hazel Near the Fierce Whirlpool and the Church of Tysilio by the Red Cave."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom and Dad just say Llanfairgogogoch, and this sign again in Welsh and English 

Me and dad went over the other side of the station to get me photo taken by mom, she'd have never got the hole sign in if she had come with us, anyways after I did me poseing, look what I saw though the fence. One of Lola relations a Shar Pei, silly me didn't get her name but she was very friendly. 


Back in the tin can to see a working Windmill, Melin Llynnon Mill
But when we got there, "no surprise".

I had to wait in the car, while they went in to get my my wholemeal flour for my liver cake,  but dad said I could stand on the wall to have my photo taken with the windmill.


Well the holidays over and I'm back home, so lets do some baking

First get all your ingredients together.

You will need

 12 ozs of Liver
8ozs Wholemeal Flour, if you can find it the S.R. one
2 Eggs

First liquidise or finely chop the liver

Next have a bowel ready, and put the liver with the flour and eggs, mix up


I have to say at this point the quality we are doing is double the amount, mom hates the liquidizing bit, to much like a blood bath she says!, I think it smells delicious.

Next, line a low sided tin with greaseproof paper and spread in the mixture.

For health and safety get a peeps to put it in the oven at 200c or gas mark 6 for 20 minutes.

Just checking the quality, should be lighty brown and soft to the touch.

When cool cut into cubes,

Mom freezes it, and takes out a bit at a time.
Hopefully you'll get to try some when its still warm

Thanks for sticking with me on my Holiday Journal, I can't believe you are interested in what I'm up to.
But stick around, there plenty to see from my neck of the woods.  

Till next time See Yea George xxx

PS listen up, next Saturday steps is me on some steps in Chicago after the lads night out, thanks to Wyatt for taking the photo : ) cheers bud I owe you one.  Heck I'm picking up an America twang !!


Patrice said...

I had no idea I was following the blog of a doggie chef. Next thing you know, you'll be making the wedding cake for the daschund wedding reception! Keep cooking George! The Food Channel(Do you have that in the UK?) should have you as their new discovery.

sprinkles said...

I've really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of your trip and am a bit disappointed that this is the end. But at least I have your Saturday steps to look forward to!

Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

What dexterity you have in your paws George! I think I know some other pups around here that would go crazy for your liver snacks - Really enjoyed your holiday journal - have fun at the wedding :)

Rose H (UK) said...

Great to read about your holiday adventures - especially as you've put your own special paw print on Anglesey!
That liver cake looks quite appetising when it's cooked George;O)
Auntie Rose xx

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

George, it's been a wonderful travel adventure, following along on your holiday. Thank you so much for posting it all. We are most impressed about the baking. Wow. You are so talented.

Hey, do you think that Shar Pei you saw could have been my long lost 5th cousin, 6 times removed, Ceinwen?

lotsa licks, Lola

houndstooth said...

I love all your travel photos, but that one of you by the windmill is really, really good! I am hoping I can get Mom to get us some liver so we can try that. She's not fond of liver at all, though. This will take some convincing!


Unknown said...

Glad you made it home safely George! I hope the jetlag wasn't too bad on you.

Now about those signs......"Holey Moley" da Welsh have them some Looooooooooooong Words don't they?!?!

I may have to get my Momma to try out your Liver Cake recipe.....looks yummy to me, but she is kinda wrinkling her nose at da idea.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bella's off looking for a pen so we can get that recipe down!

Too bad the 'no dogs' sign was translated into English, you could have pretended you didn't understand it.

We've enjoyed your holiday pictures.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Bocci said...

Oh no, not an American twang!
We love hearing about your travels and excellent recipe :-)

Your buddy,

Anonymous said...

George you make us giggle! Your so cute ♥ What a wonderful vacation you had... Thank you so much for the recipe. See you at the wedding...

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GEORGE.... I am sooooo very much glad that you made it home safe and sound.. just a tiny bit thirsty. Soooo sorry about all the "arrest"thing and making you worry about your passport and all. I hope you had a good time in spite of the mess up.
I was soooo glad to get to know you better. We hit it off right away.
OHHHHHHHH I gotta give that liver recipe to the girrrls.. I know we would all three love it. Thanks for sharing it with us. Did the flour REALLY get ground in that beautiful windmill??? My mom has a real thingy for those. I made sure to show it to here. She went all squeeeely over it.. Or.. maybe it was YOU she was lookin at. hehehe
You surely had a wonderful holiday!!! I have loved seeing all of the neat places you went.

Zona said...

"In English it means this "The Church of Mary in the Hollow of the White Hazel Near the Fierce Whirlpool and the Church of Tysilio by the Red Cave."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oh my dogness... BOL!!!

That recipe sounds fantastical. You are quite a handsome sous chef!


jen said...

Boy George I had no idea you were so good in the kitchen!
We enjoyed reading about your travels!

Wyatt said...

George, Dude...I can hardly get out of bed this morning, and you are up early baking liver cakes! OMD!, they look really good. Just the thing for a hangover!


Alien said...

Glad you made it back safely.

Unknown said...

What a pity this will be your last holiday post. We really enjoyed seeing you travel everywhere!!!
Well, I gotta say, those liver cakes look reallly really yummy!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweet Georgie! Looks like you had a wonderful Holiday! Such great pics! Such long words!

The recipe looks Grrreat! I need to get my Mom to try to make it! It looks so very good!

We so very much enjoy your blog! Keep the posts comming!

woo woos, Tessa

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello's 'deres George!!!! Oh's me did enjoys hanging out wits yous!! You is a cool dude!! Can't wait to hang out again at 'da Wedding!!

Me sisters are droolin' as well as me's over 'da food you is making!! WoW!! 'dat looks so good!!
Gots to give 'dat ones to Daddy for hu's.. 'cuz me Mommy (oooo..she's gonna be mads)..
can't cook worth a lick..snorts!!
Great pho-toes too.
'dis will 'prolly makes yous blush under yous fur..butt Mommy just tinks yous adorable!!

Okay den..
See yous soon!!
Yous furriend
Anakin Man

Duke said...

What a pretty windmill! Your liver treats look so yummy, George! Thank you for the recipe!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

WFT Nobby said...

Now that's what I call baking!
Toodle pip!

The Black and Tans. said...

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading your holiday journals George. The liver cake looks absolutely divine, you are quite obviously a Master Chef.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George dearest, you are a baker too? YIKES, I think I love you......I am so grateful that Carol and Charli featured you, because you are the best discovery in blogland in a while! I love your adventures dear friend, and THAT WELSH is unbelievable! How can you understand it??? What a world traveler you you know French? My Balzac knows French very well!

Well, you can count on me for following are really a hoot dear fellow! GROSSES BISES, Anita and Balzac

The Thuglets said...

OMD! The liver cake receipe is to die for! Thanks for sharing it.....we will defo have to give it a whirl!

Your holiday journal has been brillo paws to read.

Have a good week.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Taryn said...

George, you are such a wonderful model! You pose so nicely for all your photos!

Were you really in Chicago, or was it just your peeps?

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY CATS George that is one looooooooooooog string of words. On this side of the pond if we say that we would say 'my tongue got wrapped around my eye teeth and I couldn't see what I was saying"!!!

You fellas had a great time in Chicago. My body required a serious grooming after the weekend...once that is done I plan to sleep.

You liver dish looks very very tasty. I, Madi,
am 100% a meat eater. Very nice of your mom and dad to let you use their blender and oven to make it.

Peggy Frezon said...

Loved following your adventures! I'm glad you got home for a nice bit of cake when you were done.

♥ Sallie said...

I have LOVED your journal, George. The pictures were amazing and I learned some neat things.


♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are glad you made it home safely George! The liver treats look very good! Thanks for the recipe. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Agatha and Archie said...

We are sorry they are over,,It looked like you had a blast.. Listen about that recipe.. You know Archie LOVES watching cooking shows and he was wondering if you would like to do a cooking show with him?( really don't ask,,) He says just think about it.. Love A+A

Chewy said...


You have beatiful pictures on your blog. I enjoy them very much. And thanks for the recipe for the treats. I am gonna have try some now!


Anonymous said...

What a fun holiday you've been having George! Bummer I missed the rest of it :(

Eyeballin your liver cake. Looks too good to drool on. And that's REAL GOOD!

Waggin from the other side of the pond,

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

First thing- Hello there! Second thing- Thanks for the recipe. Gonna try ut when the other mum's not home. She will think it's stinky but we know it's gonna be fantastic!