Wednesday 18 August 2010

International Homeless Animal Day Saturday 21st

Some of you might not know, but this Saturday 21st is
 International Homeless Animal Day.
 I found this out from Bocci's Blog Thanks Bocci
 There are a lot of US States supporting this, and other country's around the world, Mom cannot find any reference to it in the UK. So I'm asking all my followers in the UK or around the world, please try and donate something to your local Animal shelter, I know times are hard so a tin of dog food or maybe your furiend has some toys they don't like playing with, some homeless dog will be over the moon to get them.  
So me and mom have sorted out some items that we will be donating to the local dogs home.

Also the wedding of the year is on Saturday
 Frankie's getting married to Ruby and Penny. He has just put up a post on his blog saying that there are over 100 of us going that's alot of wedding guests.

Don't forget to check it out, to see me and over 100 other guests on Saturday.

I'm flying back out on Friday, there will still be a Saturday Steps its a photo that was taken the morning after the Bachelor Pawty by Wyatt. : )

See Yea Soon George xxx


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Thanks for the info about International Homeless Animal Day - we are going to have mom look through our toys and donate some that we don't play with anymore.

See you at the wedding!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

♥ Sallie said...

You are so nice, George. There are so many things going on!

See you at the wedding!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! You hads us's laughs bout me's sister's pink gasses from her bum!! Hu Hu's!

Oh what nice ting yous doing for International Homeless Animal Day!!
Ands we's can't waits to see yous at 'da weddings!! Yeah!!

IzZY, Anakin Man, and Tootie Josie

Rose H (UK) said...

Thanks for the info George - I'll happily make a donation (to a local dare I say c a t s rescue).
Love Auntie Rose xx

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We can happily donate plenty of toys and some food to our local rescue organization! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Alien said...

Smart move taking the plane to the wedding. Puddles is driving us!

3 doxies said...

Give away my toys????????????????
Haves you lost your mind?
Wait, I'll gives brudder and sissy's toys away...dat works.
Okays, seriously...I loves dis idea Bocci and Tank thunked up and we is gonna do our part...don't know what but we gonna do sumptin.


Pat Wahler said...

Donating to a shelter is always a great idea.


Asta said...

I think you'we wight. Fuwwkids in sheltews will be thwilled wif those tweats and toys and all of us have mowe than enough stuff(well, maybe not Puddles, hehehe)

have a gweat time at the wedding..I still hope somehow I can go
smoochie kisses

Two Pitties in the City said...

What a great cause. It's great they actually have a day to make people remember.

Eric said...

You're a good boy George sorting all that stuffie out for the special day. Have a wagging time at the other special day too!
Wiry love ERic xx

houndstooth said...

I hope that everyone can do something for those animals that are homeless!

I can't wait for the wedding! It should be a great time!


The Daily Pip said...

Very nice post, George! I am a formerly homeless doggie so this hits home!

Your pal, Pip

sprinkles said...

I hadn't heard about International Homeless Animal Day so thanks for getting the word out. I'm going to research to see if my state is participating/supporting this or not. I hope they are.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That is so nice of you, George. We're still thinking what we can do. Of course, we did relieve one shelter of one doggie just over a month ago. That's got to help a little, right? I hope to get a chance to blog a little about the shelter I came from. Lots of great people trying to help animals there.

lotsa licks, Lola

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Dis is so nice of you to helps spread the word 'bouts Saturday. See you at the wedding.

Woofs and LIcks,
Maggie MAe

jen said...

What a great thing to do! You have a huge heart George

Anonymous said...

We so agree with you Georgie! Mom and I are on a tight budget but Mom made sure to tuck some change aside and was able with coupons to purchase 25pounds of puppy food for the local ASPCA here. We also gathered all of the leashs and harness' from those who have crossed the rainbow bridge and we donated them too!

Keep passing the word!

woo woos, Tessa

Wyatt said...

You are a good dog, to help out the homeless pups! We are going to see what we can do too!

See you at the wedding. We best be on our good behavior!


Anonymous said...

Hi George
We can find nothing UK regarding International Homeless Animal day so like you and Tank/Bocci suggested, we are posting a donation to our local RSPCA.

See you at the wedding

Hector and Bonny too!

Duke said...

What a great post, George! Gosh, you are a busy guy these days!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning George my man! You are so generous to give some toys and stuff away...there are many homeless pups here in our country and we appreciate your loving support old man.....and I am off to see the prep for this wedding! I know you will be there. Are you part of the wedding party?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! For sure my mom will take part on this special event. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George
Mom said she'd run out to buy some foods for the pets w/o loving homes too...great effort!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

Peggy Frezon said...

Kelly saw your photo and now she wants to donate too. We'll help spread the word!

Unknown said...

George you are such a sweet pup to donate items, My local shelter emailed a list of itmes they need and I picked up a few and hope to hop on over to the shelter saturday to spend some time with the dogs to celebrate the day. Thanks for spreading the word!

Fred and Haylie

Bocci said...

Hey George,
Thanks so much for the mention and for helping to promote International Homeless Animals Day! We just dropped off supplies today-will post the pictures soon! You got a nice stash of stuff to give away-how nice!!!!

Your buddy form across the pond,