Sunday 29 July 2012

Pedigree Joint Care + Tess Reporting- week One

My package has arrived
My job for the next 6 Weeks is to Trial Pedigree Joint Care +

 "Look at this George its got my name on the bag, Wow"

"Hang on George get your nose out, I'm the one doing the trial"

Right, first up let me tell you what I've got
Six weeks worth of Joint Care+ 
Some balls and a wanger
Back pack with my name on
Plus a video camera, this has to be returned at the end of the six weeks 

Plus a letter, wait a minute while I check the small print!!
Yes its all OK I can do it  

Now you might be thinking why does a pup of 14 months need joint care supplements.
It all started second week into my first season, I found my back legs were getting stiff after a had been sleeping. A got a check up with the vets and had to have an X-Ray he say’s I have Hip dysplasia in my left hip! 
Me and Mom talked about it lots, I’m still growing, it could be other things that have contributed to my condition.
 Playing to rough with George.
Or the time I swallowed Dads anti inflammatory tablets and me and George had to spend the night at the vets, it was me that had taken them as I had to go back in the next night! 
The time my left foot got caught in the seat belt clip. (Mom thinks that’s where my problems started, even though it was months before, and I didn’t show any signs of being hurt)

Who knows but I have it and life goes on and I am going to live it to the full. Mom is careful I don’t over do things and get too tired.
Which brings me to the trial, after I had been signed off by the vet he said that swimming and taking Joint supplements could help, I had nothing to lose so I got booked into swimming lessons and  Mom got me some “yumove” joint support tablets, which I have been taking until pedigree got in touch to tell us about Joint Care+
Mom had to check that is was OK for me to have these treat sticks as they are for older dogs

Hannah from Pedigree replied

"Joint Care+ may well be a more convenient way for her to get her supplement each day in order to look after her joints. Dogs over the age of 6 will be most suitable for the Joint Care+, but this is simply because they are getting older, slowing down, and their joints need extra care and attention. As Tess' joints already need this care and attention, there will be no problem with Tess taking part in the trial.
The sticks are also low calories and low fat - and we have created sticks which suit each dogs' size - rather than a 'one stick suits all'!"

Thanks Hannah
 Great, I get to have a treat stick instead of a tablet.

Mom has done a video of me and George on one of our morning walks, she may be OK at taking photos but has a lot to learn when it coming to video’s!!

When you upload to YouTube it says this video is shaky do you want to put it right, so she pressed the button to do this and it came out a bit funny!! I’ve told her not to go pressing that button again.

"Come on George fancy a game of ball"

"Got to get it off me first"

Next Week I'll be telling you what's in them that's so good for your joints

Tess Bell reporting about Pedigree Joint Care+


meowmeowmans said...

Oh Tess, this sure sounds like it is going to be fun, fun, fun!

Millie and Walter said...

Sorry to hear you have hip dysplasia at such a young age, but since your parents found out so soon they can do everything possible to keep you happy and pain free. I think the swimming and gentle walks are a great idea and I hope those supplements help too. At least they are a treat so it is more fun to take them that way.


Ruby said...

Oh, Tess, Ma thinks you are the cutest pup EVER! (Hey Ma! I thought I was the cutest pup EVER??) Anyhu, I hope those supplements help ya out! Good Luck!



Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Tess I had NO IDEA that you have hip displasia. I am sorry to hear that..
BUTT... if this stuffs helps you then it won't be so bad.
I LOVED YOUR VIDEO. You and George take Lovely Walkies. It is very much wise to keep your mum on the walkin string...
I can't wait to hear how this goes.
PeeS... your MONOGRAMMED Back pack is grrreat.

Unknown said...

Tess enjoy your joint care treats. Happy Sunday evening.
Best wishes Molly

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Tess, we shall be watching how things go with particular interest. Someone in my household has slight 'acetabular hip dysplasia'. No, not me, but Gail! Yes really! And yes I too thought it was just a dog thing. Anyway, she started getting lots of pain in her right hip when in her early thirties, and the vet, sorry the doctor, said it was a congenital defect and the ball was the wrong shape for the socket in her hip joint, and she should stop playing squash and running. But she now does lots of hill walking and cycling and swimming, and only occasionally gets a bit of pain, despite the doctor telling her she'd need a hip replacement by the age of forty.
So Tess, it seems you can live a good, active life with hip defects.
And Gail hasn't even tried any Pedigree supplements yet. Do you think she should?
Toodle pip!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, that's very interesting! My sissy has problems with her hips, so she's started taking tablets. I bet she'd prefer a treat stick! We'll be following your progress very closely.

Rose H (UK) said...

What a posh trial kit Tess :o) Onlt the best for you and George though! Hope it helps your poor hip - sounds like it's nice to eat anyway ;o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We hope they work! We might have to start HER on it...SHE has a sore shoulder.

Saw you in the synchronized sleeping, how cute, all snuggled up together.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We loved your video but we're sure happy that you didn't give Tess a wet head, George!
We hope the joint sticks help you out.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Cranberry Morning said...

Tess! You're too young to have those problems. I hope this helps you a lot. And tell that George to take it easy and don't play so rough. Love from Bridger and Misty.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Oh Tess - I had my heart in my mouth when I watched that video and it looked like George was gonna wee on your head!! Whew....just missed!!

I've been put on Joint Function Sticks by SeaFlex... they are more for keeping my skin in tip top condition because we schnauzers are prone to "hot-spots" and stuff - so my vet put me on them. Now mum orders them over the net because they are about 1/3 of the price than at the vet!!! Don't tell her BOL! They are also good for keeping my joints in good nick! They are so yummers I am in full approval of it all. But I didn't get a flash bag and stuff....

Lucky Duck... Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Eileen H said...

We really hope the joint care helps you Tess. You look really pleased to be taking part in the trial with that great big smile on your face. We loved your video, but tell George he nearly peepeed on your head!

sprinkles said...

I'm sorry that you're having problems with your joints and that this helps.

Thaat's pretty cool that you got not just joint supplements, but other goodies too!

Maxmom said...

Oh Tess,
I am so sorry to hear about your HD and the problems with your joints. I really hope that this food makes you feel happier. Looking forward to hearing your report - our Tammy also suffers from joint problems (she's 11 now). I'm curious to hear what you say.
With love

Leigh said...

Hope those joint+ treats help Tess - they look yummy...and what a fine bag and ball game too. Look forward to hearing how the trial works out - take care - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Laurie Eno said...

Although I am a Corgi lover, I cannot help but come visit your every post since I discovered the blog.

Your legs are very long, but that's OK. Those smiles are FANTASTIC!

Love and biscuits.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

EXCELLENT REPORTING HERE! Oh Tessy, you are again, just the most adorable little girl! AND THOSE TEETH! What can I say but that you have inherited a great smile from your big brother!

Oh loves, I am so happy to see that Tess is on the mend and that these services are out there for you! I love, just LOVE seeing you on your walks! Tessy, your stride looks fabulous. Ohhhh...there you go, at it with the treat. Is it yummy? EXCELLENT! Like a good little girl, keep up with the treats and treatment and you will be in shape for a long life of FUN with GEORGE THE LAD!

I am loving watching the Olympics in your country !!! Anita

William the Lurcher said...

Hope this joint care+ helps you...and that your mum learns to work the

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Tess having joint problems is sad, I know with my front legs. I hope the supplement helps you much.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George and Tess...thank you both so much for attending our gymnastics event today. It was so good to see familiar faces in the stadium
Hugs and nose tapes

Sage said...

Very interesting, Tess. I'm so glad you got into a trial and I sure hope it helps those hips. I know it can't be fun, but you've got a great Mom & Dad to take such good care of you.