Saturday 28 July 2012

Holiday Saturday Steps









Hello, its me Tess, I asked George if we could have some fun with our holiday steps.

There are 8 Saturday Step photos, I'll give you a list of 8 places that the photos were taken on our holiday, all you have to do is match the photo with the right place.

 Easy, its only a bit of fun, there's no prizes, just put your answers in a comment. eg A-5 and so on.
 If you get all 8 right I'll let you know in next months Tess.

1 Whitby to Sandsend
2 Rievaulx Abbey
3 Castle Howard
4 York
5 Rievaulx Terrace and Temples
6 Whitby
7 Staithes
8 Treasurer's House York

 I'm busy getting my blog posts sorted, I've got myself a job for the next six weeks, George is letting me report about it on his blog.  
I'll tell you more on Monday.
 Plus The Tess will be hot off the press later in the week.

Have a good weekend, don't forget to keep up todate with the Blogville Games, they'ed started
Link on the side bar.

Hope to see you Monday
Love and hugs Tess xxx

Opps sorry, its George's blog!! Sorry George 
Love and hugs George and Tess xxx


Hoke said...

We love each and every one of your steps!!! AND we love your new header photo!!!

Michelle said...

I always love seeing you guys on the steps! Bravo!

Finn said...

Ok, we enjoyed re-visiting your vacation with you!
1- B
2 - D
3 - G
4 - C
5 - E
6 - F
7 - H
8 - A


Unknown said...

Have a happy Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teeheee.....OH GEORGE, she has grown up and taken over,like a good little lady SHOULD! Look at you two, my darling ones. Are you having fun? I have NO IDEA WHERE THESE PLACES ARE, but they are so beautiful and almost ghostly in appearance! HUGS AND MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL! Anita

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Last night I watched the PEEP's Olympic OPENING.. It was grrrrreat butt I gotta say that they SHOULD have had YOU give them some of YOUR photos to show the world.
I believe that OUR FURENDS from the UK have given us a MUCH better look at your beautiful country.
HECK... they didn't EVEN have ANY steps!!!
It was a GRAND Show though. You all have EVERY RIGHT to be TOTALLY PROUD of the entire thingy. I just LOVE your QUEEN. She is Both REGAL and HUMAN. AND BEAUTIFUL. It was wonderful to see.

Asta said...

Dawling Geowge and Tess
I am stumped, don't know those bootiful places but love all the steps
You know I take pictoowes of steps evewy chance I get cause it makes me think of you

Tess, I just saw you in Pawlympic stadium in the swimming pool and youw elongated stokes awe going to be vewy hawd to beat
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Oh no! A test and my brain is all muddled up with a pain killer med!
I love all of your step pictures!

Love ya lots,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

TINY TESSY!!!!!!!!! Dearest one, you are in the swimming event and I did not want to miss it; I went to a swimming event today but I did not see YOU....WHERE IS THE LINK! MUM IS LOOSING HER VISION HERE, and I am not good at reading links, so please direct us! I will in the interim, hunt you down! OH how I love you all....

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Tiny one,

I went to the badge, clicked on it and found the swimming event, but DIDN'T SEE YOU!!!!! AHHHH! I am bad with this techno stuff! GO MY LITTLE GIRL!!!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're not even going to try to guess, other than the sea in the background that could be Whitby, we're stumped.

Looks like all were great holiday places.

XXXoOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Patrice said...

This is the first time I've seen your header. This is the best yet! I LOVE this header- such a great photo! I miss you guys. Hugs to George and Tess.

Eileen H said...

George and Tess,
Your quiz is so difficult, but we'll have a go :

A - 8
B - 1
C - 4
D - 2
E - 5
F - 7
G - 3
H - 6

Fingers and paws crossed
Eileen and Annie x

Pup Fan said...

Whew... that's a lot of steps! I'll have to let others guess. :)

J_on_tour said...

Fantastic concept. Not sure if I'm too late for your difficult quiz but he's my shot at it. 1 and 6 is difficult as I may have got them the wrong way around
A 8
B 6
C 7
D 2
E 5
F 4
G 3
H 1