Wednesday 25 July 2012

Run up to The Blogville Games

Its nearly here, July 27th start of the 
 Blogville Games

This is a big event, I think I'm right there are 47 different events going on, that's way more than the peeps Olympics, and they are going to be more fun.

We are in a total of 8 of the events

 "No George your wrong, I've entered 4 by myself"

"I'm in "The Roaching and Rolling" event is with my boyfriend Colin"

I stand corrected we're in 12 events!!

Here's the list of the events we are in

Friday July 27
Opening Extravaganza, with an entertainment program of
"Sports Bloopers" "I'm in that one George :)"
Parade of Athletes

Saturday July 28th
Tess- Swimming

Sunday July 29th
G&T -Synchronized Snoozing
George- Bouncing

Tuesday July 31st
G&T-Couch Potato Peeling

Wednesday Aug 1st
G&T-Tongue Curling

Saturday Aug 4th
Tess-Tuneful Farting

Sunday Aug 5th
George-Camera Avoidance!!

Tuesday Aug 7th
G&T-Freestyle Zoomies
Tess and Colin!!-Roaching and Rolling

Friday Aug 10th
G&T-Snoopendous Sniff-A-Thon

Sunday Aug 12th
Closing Ceremony

We hold our heads up in pride that Blogville can host such a big and great event.
Thank you to all the hosts without you it wouldn't happen.
We would of like'd to be in all of them but time just ran out.

For links to all the events you can click on the badge,
 or the one on my side bar

So sit back and wait for the event of the year, here at Blogville

See you there
Love and Hugs George and Tess xxx

 "George are you yawning"

"Oh that's so embarrassing"

"Anyway George how come you are in the Camera Avoidance event? you're always posing for the camera, I should of been in it"

"If I don't get a treat there's no way I'm posing, you on the other paw are always to busy sniffing to even look most of the time!"

"Ok point taken, Come on then, lets get some sleep before the Olympics starts"  


The Black and Tans. said...

Hope you do well in all your events. We will be watching you and cheering you on.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Unknown said...

Love todays post and we too are looking forward to the event of the year. Have a cool and fun filled Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Leigh said...

We're getting excited here too - and even though I think we're in competition for some of those events we wish you both all the best :-) I think it's going to be much more fun than the peeps Olympics! woofs and licks from Magic xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OK, I am ready. I do not have another house guest coming until August 8, so I should be able to catch ALL of the important events here!

TESSY MY LITTLE GIRL....I see you are in the TUNEFUL FARTING EVENT!!!!! HHHHAAAAAAA! I would have taken GEORGE to be so bold! You are such a brave and wondrous little girl! AND GEORGIE, you are getting that tongue in shape for the tongue curling event, I can see!

I adore you all. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!!!!


Eileen H said...

Good luck in all your events George and Tess, we'll be rooting for you.

Tess....we're shocked "Roaching and rolling with your boyfriend Colin"!!!
can't wait to see that :-)

William the Lurcher said...

I'll be cheering you on!

Michelle said...

Best of luck to you both!

Asta said...

Geowge and Tess,
I'm getting so excited..I think ouw Games will be way mowe fun than the one the homans have.
I will be pawticipating in many of those events too and watching you in the othews.
I did some walking on steps last weekend and thought of you, see, even on vacashun I'm in twaining and you'we on my mind
smoochie kisses

Millie and Walter said...

What a fun post today. I love the conversation. Nina is excited for the games to begin too. See you there.


Taryn said...

We entered a couple of events as well. Swimming, synchronized sleeping, and frisbee...I think, plus the closing.

Should be fun!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

THANKS George and Tess fur the super Advertisement and Grrrreat Words fur all the HOSTS...
You two are in 12 Events??? WOW.

Guess what??? there are over 150 individual Athletes in the various events. Not EVERY One is in EVERY EVENT... butt 150 is a LOT of athletes. I am getting worried about how we are going to SEAT all of them in Blogville's Stadium fur the Opening and Closing... BE PREPARED to be seated... Collar to Collar.

verobirdie said...

You both are the cutest!

Cranberry Morning said...

Best of luck to you two cuties. And George, you be nice to that little Tess. :-)

Duke said...

We can't wait to see you participating in your events!
It's going to be so much fun!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're in loads of events, too, but our personal assistant won't itemize them....slacko.

Can't wait to see all the events.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

Sweet William The Scot said...

I'll be looking for you in all 12 events. I made 17 events myself. I see we will be competing in some of the same events.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

sprinkles said...

My boys didn't enter any events, but we're all very excited to see the posts.