Friday 20 July 2012

Robin Hoods Bay

On the same day as meeting Magic we took a trip to
Robin Hoods Bay

It’s a very steep walk to get down to the town and beach. The tide was out and I was hoping to get Tess in the sea for the first time. We settled for paddling in the rock pools. Later on, we had a rest at The Bay Hotel while Mom got the ok from Dad to go off and take photos. The photos of us on the beach playing, yes we are playing, didn’t come out that well as mom didn’t change the camera setting, but we thought we'd put them on the set anyway.
We follow "J on Tour", and last year he did a post about Robin Hoods Bay. There's a link at the bottom of this post.

Happy Holidays


Declan said...

Robin Hood Bay is lovely isn't it? Mum says the walk to the beach plays havoc with her knees though! Deccy x

Eileen H said...

It is a long, steep walk to the beach. You both had fun playing in the rock pools. Is that you George playing hide and seek behind the's getting hard to tell you apart now:-)

WFT Nobby said...

Wonderful photos of the town. What a great eye your Mom has George.
Toodle pip!
PS Was it bath time when you got home?

Unknown said...

Getting dirty down at the beach. Can't beat it. Have a happy Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Posie said...

Hey G & T!!! Wowsies, I dunno whot yoo idd therr butt yoo mayde mummer neerly cry! Ees troo! shes mumblin sumthin abowt happiee memorieys n nutt been to Robin Hoods Bay fur a longg tiyme n eet still loos da sayme!! heehee! I fink she has beed befurr or sumthin!! I fink she shud tayke me noww kus yoos twoo look liyke yoo hazzin funn! Mummer says dat a man in a shop (halff way down da hill) mayde her a bookmarkk out owf a lolly stik and a littel pebble wivv googely eyes own itt, andd wrotted her nayme own it,.. yeeeeeeers ago! I fink she liykes yoor post! heehee! love n likkers, pdorg xoxox

Leigh said...

Love those photos! We'll have to go there one day I think - looks like you had great fun in the rock pools :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Beautiful pics George..... that beach looks much different to what I'm used to! But I reckon it would be some good smells to sniff there!

Lovely place.....

Rubie and her mum xxx

J_on_tour said...

Hey what great fun you had on the beach and the weather stayed dry for you too. You'd need the rest before walking back up that hill again

Thanks for giving me a mention, It was interesting to see what you captured and what I missed. There is so much photographic potential in RHB

Taryn said...

Thanks for the tour! What a scenic town. Your photographs are wonderful!

Matilda the Boxer said...

That looks like fun! That's just the way I like water -- just enough to splash in. :)

BordoggyTerrier said...

Yip - just how Mummy2Legs remembered it (though I have never felt sand between my toes you know, it is not on!...though she says there is barely any there, still, I am not happy!) - this took her back too, just like we were there, well it might be the closest I get! Love B x

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for the tour of this lovely scenic town.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Beautiful. Are the streets and sidewalks always so Clean and LITTER FREE?

Ruby said...

Wow, that looks like my kind of place!! Ma said she wants to move there. Not with out me you don't!!
Anyway, I hope you had lots, and lots of fun and foodables!



Duke said...

BiteyFace on the beach! We love it!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

sprinkles said...

I just can't get over how beautiful it is there! You're so lucky to be able to enjoy that whenever you want to.

Did you ever get your dog swap package? Your swap partner got theirs.

Lovable Lily said...

Such beautiful pictures. My Mommy loves all the architecture. We like the pictures of you in the water. What a great day!!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

What a charming old town by the bay! Luv the rocky shore y'all explored and played on :) I thought the play photos came out well! :D Were those lobster traps in that one photo? Crossin paws they were and y'all got to nom on some :)

Waggin at ya,