Saturday 7 July 2012

Saturday Steps... With Barnie

Our blogging friend Barnie is joining us this Saturday

"Ok Barnie over to you"

GruffHello there to you! 
My name is BordoggyTerrier
 (AKA Barnie to my Buddies!). 

I am a very Large, Handsome, Fabulous 4Leg Hunter Extraordinaire disguised in a little hairy, yet huggable, hunter-wannabe body. 
You can see I am also a wisher ey - ha ha!  I am most honored to come along today and introduce myself. 
I am 2 now, I know, I don't look my wise years, I wonder sometimes where the time goes, do you? 
I live with Mummy/Daddy2Legs and Little2Legs Boy/Girl, Daphne the Cat and Sheila the Finch.  I have only taken up residence in Blogland for 3 months or so, (it's great here as Daphne the cat has not found me yet! - this is my own little place of tranquility), therefore you have to excuse my 'home' as it's not finished yet.  It is, I am afraid, still a bit of a 'work in progress'.  Mummy2Legs has been trying to decorate it after seeing some of your fabulous places - it is not going well it has to be said - oooh my nerves with it all, even one of my Bordoggy Biscuits can't help, any hints/tips would be glady received!
I came here as I wanted to share with everybody a few 'tails' and pictures about my adventures, about my walking and playing with my family, (well you should see me on the trampoline), and just to try to get to know some other Fabulous 4Legs, People and 'Other' out there!  Mummy and Daddy2Legs go walking a lot -  (Mummy2Legs has made some very basic attempts to put a couple of our walks onto YouTube, lets just say everyone has to start somewhere - she is not too good with all this technology you know, bless her she is trying her best, ha ha!). 
We have really enjoyed paw plodding about in Blogland and having a good sniff about everbody's 'pawticulars' with our schnozzle.
 We have made some good friends, I even have a girlfriend - my Posie Princess!  I have been very lucky to have been made to feel so welcome.  Please do come by and see me when you can, to say 'GruffHello', have one of my 'Bordoggy Biscuits', lets have a sniff about with our schnozzles and exchange a bit of pee-mail.  My door is always open............Love Barnie x

"Thanks Barnie, I must see you on the trampoline! sounds fun and if I can have one of your "Bordoggy Biscuit's even better, you didn't waste time getting yourself a girlfriend, I know Posie, cute girl she was here with me  on 19th May"

Pop along and give Barnie a big Welcome to blog Land

If you have a blog and and would like to do your own Saturday Steps drop me an email I'll link it to your blog.
Or you can be a guest on my blog, just send in a little about yourself and a photo of you on some Steps
I will send an email back to let you know what Saturday you will be here with me.
Remember you don't have to have a blog or be a dog to join me
 I welcome all friends

July is our holiday month.
So we won't be on the laptop much regards visiting.
Got to get in training for the Blogville Olympics
We will still be here each Saturday and sending out Holiday E-cards.

Love and Hugs George and Tess xxx


meowmeowmans said...

Hi George and Tess! We very much enjoyed meeting Barnie today, and will go visit to say hello now. :)

Have a great weekend!



Finn said...

We know your new friend!! An excellent edition of Saturday steps if I do say so myself! Have a great weekend!

Cranberry Morning said...

Hey Barnie and George, it sounds like Posie gets around. Might be a good idea to look elsewhere for a girlfriend. lol So nice of you, George, to share your air space with Barnie today. Enjoyed meeting the mighty [wee] hunter.

Have a great weekend!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey Barnie it's ME (Frankie Furter) I didn't know that you knew my beloved furends George and Tess. AND of Course I know Posie..Eeeeeetz TRooo.
You did a super job here buddy.
George and Tess... see you at the Olympics!!!! Train HARD.. It is gonna be Tuffer than an OLD Squirrel.

Finn said...

I am wondering if your Momma would mind if I took one of these photos for the closing ceremonies? All in good taste, of course!

houndstooth said...

It's great to meet your new friend! It looks like you guys had great fun together, too!


Eileen H said...

Hi George and Tess,
A great edition of Saturday Steps. Annie has already become acquainted with Barnie in Blogville. He's another big dog in a little body :-)
I'll pop over and say GruffHello again.
Enjoy your holiday month.
Love Eileen and Annie xx

Duke said...

Barnie is a very handsome boy!
Great to see you, George and Tess!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Hi George we just met Barnie and he will be guest blogger tomorrow sharing his hunting skills with us. Have a lovely Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

BordoggyTerrier said...

GruffHelloooo!!! - (annoying sometimes I know but I never tire of barking that - I mean well!) - my little heart is all of a beating fast and I am spinning around in circles after my tail as we bark with delight at a few of you saying taking the time to say Hi to me - spreading the love on a sunny Saturday - I could get used to this (but likely won't get chance - has ha!) love Barnie x

Finn said...

Thanks for letting me take a pic! Still send me one for the closing ceremonies (in the sitting position). The one I am grabbing from your blog will be a little something extra!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WELL DONE MY FABULOUS FRIENDS! YOu are ever so kind to host newbies to Blog/dogland and you are the most gracious hosts. I WILL MISS YOUR ROMPING ABOUT but everyone needs a holiday!


Bocci said...

Yes, Barney is adorable and we're pleased to meet him! (You know that we're partial to pups with beards)
We'll stop by his blog and say hello.

William the Lurcher said...

I know Barnie...he has shown us some great walks with great mum loves views. Wonderful article for Saturday Steps George (does this make you an Editor)lol.

Patrice said...

George and Tess- I miss your visits to my blog. Tell your mom hello.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, we know Barnie too. He's a top fella. Hope your weekend is a good one mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh such a cutie that Barnie is!! Sorry we've been so scarce lately.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie

Ryker said...

Hi you two. You are both looking good! Thanks for introducing us to Barnie, he is very cute too. Mama is a big Border Terrier fan.

J_on_tour said...

Teaching Barnie how to pose on those steps. Another few sessions and he'll be taking over your role ... watch out :-)