Saturday 21 July 2012

Saturday Steps The Hole of Horcum

The Hole of Horcum and a change of header photo, kind of gives the view away.

Anyway you go along the A169 from Pickering passing
 The Fox and Rabbit on the right hand side.
 (at the back of the pub is the holiday let we stopped in, Fox Cub Cottage) 
The pub serves lovely meals, real ale and is dog friendly.
 About 4 miles on there’s a parking pull in, make sure you stop as you need to get out of the car to see the view of the
 Hole of Horcum
You can’t see on the photos just how big the hole is, its not a hole as in HOLE more of a big dip!! Mom did take a video but you might get a little sick watching it as she moved the camera too fast!!
 But there is a link at the bottom of this post to
 Walking with "The Taxi Driver"
 he has a very good video that takes you on a walk around it. 
Plus loads of other walks around the country.
If you are in the area and can pick up BBC Radio York there will be a little talk about their website on Sunday 22nd July between 10am &1pm.   

There’s also a top secret building in the area, we’re not even going to put the name of it on our blog in case the internet police catch us. If you want to find out you’ll have to try and find it on Google.
Or watch The Taxi Drivers video :)

Tess rolled in some stinky poo, OMG the flies, all the way back to the car, dirty madam. I’m pleased mom has wet wipes in the car!
We had a near miss as a Sheep thought it would be fun to make a charge at us!. I think Moms shouting at Dad helped
"don’t get them too close, it will charge, “HOWARD” wait and let them get away”
I bet they could hear her as far as the secret building!!
The Day finished off with a beautiful Sunset

The Saturday Steps that Tess is on are the ones back to the parking, it’s a busy road she was on a lead
 (I think by now you know mom photoshops them off) 
last weeks Saturday Steps were also taken on our walk here.


Happy Holidays


Eileen H said...

Your holiday cottage looks lovely, can see why your mom and dad chose it. A fascinating post and intriguing stuff about the top secret building.
Tess probably rolled in fox poo to take back to your cottage...and we heard your mom shouting at Dad, and we're in Wales :-)

Unknown said...

Stunning views and puddle water to drink , yummy. Have a great Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Taryn said...

LOL. The Hole of Horcum sounds like something out of Harry Potter. As always, wonderful pictures. Love the new header!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Your new Header pic is GORGEOUS. I Love your new collars TOO.
What an amazing area this was. THANK you for taking us with you.
That sunset was a perfect picture to end this post with.

Declan said...

Great photos mate! You know, we've never heard of the Hole of Horcum! Another one for the list! Deccy x

Declan said...

Great photos mate! You know, we've never heard of the Hole of Horcum! Another one for the list! Deccy x

Michelle said...

Such beautiful views! I always enjoy a walk with you both!

Rose H (UK) said...

What a fabulous place! You've made me quite jealous. The cottage looks really comfy too. Glad you all had such a spiffing time, you deserve it :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx
P.s. Early warning eh?!

Millie and Walter said...

Your header picture is awesome! Thanks for the walk around the Hole of Horcum. I also watched the Taxi Driver video and found out what the secret building was. Thanks for sharing another great adventure.


meowmeowmans said...

Wow, the Hole of Horcum looks like a wonderful place to explore! And what a great picture that is for your new header. :)

Hugs to you both, George and Tess!

Leigh said...

We really love your new header picture. Tess you are so cute - even after rolling in stinky poo!
The sheep looks pretty scary - we would probably have barked our heads off if we'd seen it charging. Glad you had such a good time in Yorkshire - hope you come back again one day. Woofs and licks from Magic xx

the teacher's pets said...

I love your header picture too! The head tilt adds to the charm as well! What lovely photos and what a wonderful spot for a vacation!

Don't forget to come by to add your silly caption to my Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest, okay?

Ryker said...

What a wonderful place! We love everything about it (except maybe the poo!) The photos are spectacular! The landscape in the background and you two pups in the foreground made the perfect header!

Duke said...

You chose our favorite photo as your new header, George and Tess! What an adventure and so very, very beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

K, I just spent the last half hour searching for what the secret building is and watching the video you suggested. No luck :( Dang I go nuts when I can't satisfy my curiosity! BOL!

I got a good laugh out of Tess's fly gatherin stinky self BOL! Yikes! Hardy Har Har :D

Beautiful long walk - over 8 miles Wow! Neat hole y'all :D

Waggin at ya,