Monday 23 July 2012

Whitby, Sandsend, Staithes and Grosmont

Poor Tess had to wait all week before getting a taste of the sea, no I didn’t put her head in the water, as the e-card looks like I’m doing!


 We started the walk at Whitby Beach Huts only to find a sign, No dogs on the beach!
We carried on walking all the way to Sandsends dog friendly beach, where Dad did a Neil Kinnock, somehow he didn’t get wet!!! Mom got a photo “Well done Mom”
After our dip it the sea we hot footed to Staithes. It’s very much like Robin Hoods Bay as you have to park at the top and walk down to the sea front. 
Watch out for seagull plop, check out the car!!
After that, a stop off at Grosmont to see the steam trains. Dad took a video. We were very pleased that at this point me and Tess were back in the car. If you look at the far left you will see a rare bit of footage of mom taking photos and putting her hands to her ears. The noise level didn’t pick up on the video but it was ear piercings. We don’t like things like that.
On to the last set of photos from our Holiday





Happy Holidays

So ends our holiday at The Yorkshire Moors, Thanks for coming back to see our photos we sure enjoyed looking back at them.
The whole area gets the 4 paws up from us, put it on your places to go on holiday. You won’t be disappointed.

Now where to go next year “Tess get the map out”

The Holiday posts have been a bit of an Olympic Marathon for us, from the 9th July when we sent you the first E-Card to 23th July that's 18 posts in 15 days!!! 

We're going to take a break from the laptop for a couple of days, but will be back with a Blogville Olympic Special before the games start.
Thanks for all your comments, we love hearing from you, after our rest we will be coming to visit you all.

Signing off for now.
Love and Hugs George and Tess 


Eileen H said...

You both had a great time on the beach and in the sea :-) Glad you found the dog friendly beach...those bylaws are a pain for doggies!

Annie and I have really enjoyed your holiday photos, you certainly had a holiday to remember. 15 days of joy for us :-) Looking forward to your Olympic Special.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Wonderful photographs...especially the 'falling over' one - at least he was laughing....but which doggie tripped him up!

Unknown said...

Stunning pix. Happy Monday to you all.
Best wishes Molly

Rose H (UK) said...

What fabulous photos - love the beach huts! I can here your dad chuckling as he lay on the sand from here..not due to 'falling down' water - I hope!
Glad you've all had such a great holiday, I feel like I've shared it with you :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed my visit with your my beloved furry friends....that choo-choo train was AWESOME YOU GUYS!!! Oh Tessy, I see that George loves to "ROUGH HOUSE" with you in the water, but little girl, you can stand up to his rough play!!! And the cliffs, the little pub with GEORGE'S name on it, oh, it is all enchanting! OH DEAR, the sea gull droppings!!! WOW! You must watch you curly little head!!!

My dears, you are the best. Waiting to see what the OLYMPIC GAMES brings for you! MUCH LOVE, Anita and BALZAC

Finn said...

Those houses on the beach are just the neatest! What a great trip!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely holiday with your readers. The photos are great.

Leigh said...

That was an amazing set of photos - we all loved the ones of you and Tess in the sea :-) and you have a pub named after you George! Looking forward to your Olympics special - enjoy your rest - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


I am super crazy over your seaside pictures. THEY are all just fabulous.
I have adored EVERY single PostCard and Post about your vacation. You are soooooo good to US. THANK YOU EVER so MUCH fur taking us along on your journey.

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks again for taking us along. I agree with Frankie. I loved all the sea side pictures especially the panoramic one.


Duke said...

We love the pictures of the two of you playing in the water! What a fun holiday!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lovable Lily said...

What barkin' cool pictures! I personally would have tinkled on the sign that said "no dogs allowed."

Can't wait for the Olympics to start.

Lily Belle

Ryker said...

This was certainly one for the memory books. The villages are so very picturesque, just loved them. The trains were amazing, and I am not even a big train fan but you've turned me.
Nothing can beat the beach. (what are all those brightly painted little house like things?)
George and Tess sure had a ball, they are adorable together and the last photo says it all!

CherryPie said...

Your holiday photos have brought back memories. I love that part of the country and it is a while since I have visited.

julee said...

OH your travels are just so darn pretty, and moody looking...the skies are moody...not you! haha
The Uk seems very dog friendly to us. Maybe some day Mom and Dad will get there.

Beautiful pictures
Violet and Julie

Unknown said...

Hi George and Tess!
Our fellow beardbuddy Sweet William the Scot sent us over and we wanted to wish you pups Congratulations on your award!
Wow, your blog is pawesome and your mama's photos are just incredible. We'll be seeing you around soon!
Your fellow beards,
Joules & Prescott

Sweet William The Scot said...

Helloooo George & Tess I have followed along on all your holiday and what a delight. Taking me along on the adventure to the sights and sounds you see. Loved the poppies and window boxes, you being tied to the purple man, singing with the sax musician. The dog welcome sign at the eatery you romping on the dog allowed beach. The narrow streets, shop windows and the ruins. Loved it all.
Sweet William The Scot

meowmeowmans said...

What a wonderful holiday you and, George and Tess! The pictures are al so lovely, except for the one of the car covered with bird droppings, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha oh that car was BOMBED by those seagulls! Guess they found food somewhere BOL!

Luv all the colorful cottages in a row at the beach. Such a smile maker! And George I do think, no matter what you say, that you dunked Tess ;)

Just wanted to jump right into those happy boats! What fun!

And that steam engine Wow! What a fog maker eh? :D Way cool :D

Super holiday y'all went on! Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed it ALL! :D

Waggin at ya,