Tuesday 17 July 2012

Castle Howard

See I don't always sleep on the sofa


Next place on our list to visit
 Castle Howard
The house and grounds appeared in Brideshead the TV Serial and the film Brideshead Revisited.
 Its one of England’s grandest mansions, we have photos of 
The Atlas Fountain and the Temple of the four winds. 
Climbed on the steps when there are signs saying not to!!
The Weather was not that good, misty rain on and off, but we still had a good time.
The first photo is the drive way to get to it!! 

Happy Holidays


ann @ studiohyde said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit...you were rebels climbing those steps (Good for You) :)
Love the photographs.

Duke said...

What a beautiful place and the gardens are just spectacular!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Taryn said...

Very nice! It surprises me that dogs are allowed on the grounds.

Leigh said...

Great photos of you two! My little sister Caoimhe keeps saying 'I've seen that - I've been there' because she knows I've not been yet and she has :-( BUT my peeps have got a year's pass now and said they will take us all along later this year - it's so good to have a place like that which welcomes dogs. Woofs and licks from Magic xx

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a wonderful time! I just love the shots of the lots and lots and lots of grass. I keep picturing the pawsome boxer burns I could do on that lawn! :D

Unknown said...

George they are some steps and we loved the fountain shot. What you walked around without a teddy bear tribute to Brideshead Revisited's Sebastian Flyte? Have a great Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

fromsophiesview said...

Ginormous fun for sure...the steps pic is a hoot!!!

WFT Nobby said...

Gosh George, I can see that you and Tess were most energetic and thorough in your inspection of Castle Howard. No wonder you had a little lie down at the very end.
Toodle pip!

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh George, I have been to Castle Howard! I loved that place, but it would have been even more fun if you'd been there too, at the same time. You and Tess made all the pics of Castle Howard even better. :-)

verobirdie said...

Thank you so much for all these pictures. I enjoy them very much!

Finn said...

Very cool!! A beautiful place!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh I could stay in those gardens all day and to leave pee mail on all the green grass. But I do think you need to throw a blanket over the statue.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Eileen H said...

It's nice that those beautiful grounds are dog friendly, but really how do they expect doggies to be able to read the signs :-)

sprinkles said...

Castle Howard and the landscape are so beautiful! I would love to go inside that castle and have a look around.

Did you even get/send your Doggone Dog swap?

Unknown said...

looks very nice! looks like you had fun even with the weather. funny enough i just finished watching Brideshead Revisited tonight before logging on! lol.

J_on_tour said...

How dare they tell you to keep off the steps !!
Amazing location, it's been decades since I was last here, I must rectify that after being inspired here... great stuff.

Anonymous said...

What a grand castle! and that fountain is simply amazing! Y'all got to romp in the gardens?! Nice. Very nice :)

Waggin at ya,