Sunday 27 June 2010

To Dam Hot

Blimmy has it been a hot weekend, we went out on Saturday, (more about that later in the week)  not for long I was bushed.
Sunday, didn't think it would get any hotter but it did, had a short walk in the morning, and I decided to have a day at home

Now I don't think any other WT would be happy to show themselves with a tail like this, but I just  hadn't got the energy to keep it up  

Mom put the Jacuzzi on in the pond

I know you're all saying go in and cool down, well I had only been here a week and I fell in, so I'm not to keen on the idea, don't mind cooling me pads off in it.

This is mom bestist plant its a Peony called "Bowl of Beauty"

Ain't it pretty, well its not like that any more, I told her to water it yesterday, no she didn't take a bind bit of notice.

Look at it today in all this heat!

I think its a goner, I'll water it and see how it goes. I've been off my food today because of the heat, mom had to go shopping, and to try to get me to eat something, had brought a pork crackle roll which I ate.

The surprise of the day was baby peeps Simon, who we don't see that much, came down and washed his car, with the front and back doors open. Its the coolest I've been all day

Thanks to Maggie and Mitch's blog Silent Sunday  Mom brought me back a water melon.

Well I'm wacked so till next time

See Yea George xxx


How Sam Sees It said...

Keep cool, Sir George! Tell you Mom to keep watering those flowers - they are really pretty and maybe they will survive the heat!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Geoooooooorge... you got wallymelon!!
It is hot here too. I love your "pool" I would just dip my feet in too. That is enough to cool down. Your Pee On Me plant looks really wilty. Poor thing. Well, at least this hot
sh_ _ doesn't have to be shoveled and we don't have to wear heavy coats. Beautiful yard.

the teacher's pets said...

Hello...I love your jacuzzi very much, Mr. George, and I thought it was nice of you to let the koi swim in peace this time! BOL! I do love your big 'ol smile when you showed us that bee-utifual plant! Unfortunately, my pawrents HATE watermelon which means they won't buy any furr me but maybe I can convince them to do some shopping now that I know 2 of my dog furriends like watermelon!

Agatha and Archie said...

Wellllll we can TOTALLY understand about the hot weather becaus it is bitstifling here as well....WE GOT OUR POOTER back(as you can see) We are all caught up on your posts and think we have it all down...Archie says he likesthe idea of a sweet pea festival( I am not really sure why but just humor him) We wish we could come and eat wallymelon with you..Love and kisses A+A

The Daily Pip said...

It is HOT here too! I spent most of the day in the basement, which is the coolest part of our house! That's a pretty cool jacuzzi - is the water cold or warm?

Your pal, Pip

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day George
Good to meet ya matie. You should come visit us down under. It's freezing cold here at the moment especially where we live up in the Blue Mts.
Your right about your mum's plant. It looks rather sad. Hopefully it'll make a come back.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Dales downunder

Life With Dogs said...

That weather is for the birds. We just escaped it and the dogs look like they could dance!

TwoSpecialWires said...

George. We're not sure who looks more droopy. You or the peonies. But we are sure that that cool water and fresh watermelon look like good remedies. Did they perk you up?

Hoping everyfurry and everything made a good recovery
Jake and Fergs (hot in Florida)

Wyatt said...

Hi George-

It's nice that you are looking after your mom's flowers. Doggies and flowers don't do so good in the heat. I have a fish pond too and I swim about every 15 minutes. Our fish and frogs are familiar with me!
Stay cool!

Asta said...


I know just how you feel, but i think I would have bwaved that jack oozi

when it's this bwavewy about watew goes up. I must say , Geowge, you look awfully good even sopping wet..unlike me. Poow Peony it suwe was bootiful, but i think it suffocated.
Go find a nice cool spot and ask fow mowe wallymelon
smoochie kisses

Nelly said...

Hi George,
It's soooo hot here too. Mummy cut off all of Finny's furs so he is nice and cool now, but I still have my fuzzies.
You look so cute pawing at the water. Watermelon looks nice ... I'll get Mummy to get us some.
Nelly x

Duke said...

We bet that watermelon cooled you off, George! Isn't it so yummy?!
Your mom's peony is just beautiful! We hope she finally watered it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Chewy said...

Hi George,

It has been really hot here too! I refuse to go outside it is soo hot. The watermelon treat looks good. yum!


Inky and Molly said...

Hey Mini. I would have jumped in that jacuzzi pond no matter what. See body of water - must jump in! I have fallen into various rivers, oceans, puddles... even diving down and staying under water for a few seconds, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoy it every time. I cannot get enough of that wet stuff. I am soooooo hanging out to go down the beach and live it up again...

the booker man said...

awww, george, i totally feel your pain. it's way too hot everywheres!!! i'm glad you got some of that super delicious watermelon to help you cool down. mmmmmm!
the booker man

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey George!

I would have done the same - just putting the paws in rather than romping in the water. I've gotta try some watermelon, I see so many doggies enjoying some!


Princess Patches said...

Woohoo, you had wallymelon! It's very hot here, too, George! I'm afraid we'd have to take a dip if we had a Koi pond like yours! We hope it cools off for you soon!

Penny & Patches

Sue said...

Poor George! It's way too hot for dogs these days. We would all jump in your Mom's pool. There wouldn't be room for her in there.

She should have listened to you about her pretty flowers. We dogs know about those things.

We love watermelon on hot days. Our Mom has promised to get us some this weekend. Mom thinks your idea of a Puddle of Porties is good. That's what we leave behind when we get out of the pool.