Sunday 27 June 2010

Today England play............... Germany

This post is for Unity in Diversity, you see what its about here on Maxmoms Blog spot. 

Welcome to the Borough of Telford And Wrekin

Moms telling porky's "if you look in his hat there might be a rabbit" yea right, I fall for it every time

Back to what I was doing, its named after Thomas Telford famous for 

The Iron bridge, it is only a foot bridge now, not much good if you have a tin box with wheels, this is the main road bridge, that I kinder like.

The Wrekin is a Hill, infact its the only hill in the bourgh. in local folk law the story is. 

A very long time ago a Welsh giant by the name of Gwendol bore a grudge against the people of Shrewsbury , to such an extent that he proposed to destroy the town by dumping a spadeful of good Welsh earth in the Severn, diverting its course and flooding his enemies.

So Gwendol grabbed his spade, dug up a mighty load of earth, and set out for Shrewsbury. Not being the smartest of strongmen Gwendol lost his way, and found himself near Wellington, to the east of his hoped for destination. Here he met a cobbler, returning from Shrewsbury with a sackful of shoes to mend.
Gwendol asked the cobbler the way to Shrewsbury, describing how he intended to wipe it out. The cobbler thought fast, then tipped his sack of footwear on the ground, telling the fearsome figure he had worn all those shoes out walking from the very distant Shrewsbury.

Tired and fed up, the giant emptied his spadeful of earth on the ground, where it became Shropshire's great hill the Wrekin; then he cleaned his muddy boots with the spade, creating the smaller Ercall Hill beside it, before setting out home.

Telford is a New Town

It was built around smaller towns, (the building in the front of the piccy are not houses but business units)
The smaller older towns  around the new centre,are Ketley, Wellington, Hadley, Dawley,

Is this how I got my name? I'll be doing Frankie Further's name game on the 4th July
so pop back and find out, click on the piccy about it on my side bar.

I live in Oakengates, this is the view from the top of  Snedshill, my home is just down the hill on the right, you can see The Wrekin in the distant, and on a clear day with out a heat haze The Stiperstones where Gran and Granpops live and beyond to the Welsh Mountains

England will have to pull there finger out to win, but if they pull it off, the post will be about Oakengates
Also to Mishka my bloggie friend, good luck to Germany,
See Yea Till next time George xxx

UPDATE.....   Congratulations to Germany they stormed it, I have enjoyed doing these posts and feel I know a bit more about England and my home county than I did before.
So go out and find some information about where you live, you might come up with something even you did'nt know.

Till Next Time See Yea George xxxx    


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi George, You have the most interesting post. And spectacular photos. Rabbit in the hat trick. Haven't tried that, butt I have 'em in my yard every night.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just loved learning all about these new places George!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

George...we learned so much from you post today...

And I learned what a totally adorable boy you old are ya now???

That pic of you doin' that pretty "sit" with your scruffy face is georgous...

But I am partial to black and tan pups!



the booker man said...

hihi george!
what a cool story about gwendol the giant! boy, am i glad he didn't destroy shrewsbury. that cobbler saved the day!
good luck to england tomorrow at the match!
the booker man

Wyatt said...

You are the best tour guide ever! We get a wee bit smarter, with every visit to your bloggie!
Thanks Lad,


Duke said...

We love the picture of you sitting under the St George's sign!
We sure learn a lot from you, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maxmom said...

Hey there George
I agree...we learned so much from your post today. I must really do live in a beautiful part of the world. The 'green' in the UK is the most beautiful colour in the world. Oh yes...from now on you are "St George" :)
I watched every minute of the game. It was a rivetting game and remember...there are NO losers!
Sending lotsaluv to you

Russ said...

I think you should do the piece about Oakengates anyway. I believe Dad was going to enjoy that one too ;-)

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