Sunday 6 June 2010

Mom got her act together and done my bandannys,this is the piccy that's gone off to
 The Portuguese Water Blogg 
Mom thought I matched with the post box which is more red with a little bit of black, and me more black with a little bit of red.

  I must tell yea, we had to go in the car a long way to see dad play with his Folkie friends at a beer festival,  me dads the one on the right and theres George, yes a peeps with the same name is me and he turned up wearing a red bandanny! how cool is that, plus Frank and Bob
 (don't know who the peeps is with the long legs)

 I've got me new bandanny on as well, blow me, a peeps with a big piccy taker asked if he could have a piccy of me and mom for the local paper, well I just couldn't sit still I was so
 excited, me in the paper, Mom gave him her pee mail because he said he would get in touch if its used.
Mom say's he might not so if any of you peeps live around the stafford area of the UK look out for me.

By this time I was getting ants in me pants, this place is right by a nature reserve, so off mom and me went for a look around

This time it is dog friendly, is say's the cattle are docile and I'm OK to enter if I'm on a lead. well they must be very small cows because we didn't see any.

Of course mom always likes to include something educational for me to read

Till next time, See yea  George xxx


Duke said...

OMG, you're going to be famous, George!
Your post box is so cool in red and you look awesome sitting next to it in your red bandana!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

George The Lad said...

Thanks,mom got me up at 7.00 in the morning to take the piccy,so I didn't feel like looking at the camera.
See yea George xxx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hellooo George! Sure looks like you had a wonderful day with music and lots of good site-seeing. That would be so cool to be in the newspaper...Hope it's not the funny papers..BOL!!
We just sent some red bandana pics to the PWDogBlog too. Thanks for coming by. We hope to be good friends forever!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
I've just come over to visit from Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie's blog. Nice to meet you. So you are a Welsh terrier living in England, right? Do you have identity crises like me, I wonder. (I am an English terrier breed born and bred and living in Scotland with an Englishwoman, it can be very confusing).
I must say you look very cool in your bandana. I don't do clothes yet - not even bandanas - I am only a puppy and am awkward about many things!
Toodle pip!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...what an adorable Welshie you are dear boy...

What fur...what color...and what a wonderful tail!!!

So very nice to meet you...Baby Rocket Dog sent us over...

Come and visit us if you get a chance...

I'm Lacie, a Lakeland....and I live with Scruffy a stoopid foxy wire and Stanley, a
Dale here in Pittsburgh, PA...

Kisses to ya,

Miss Laciegirlie

Nelly said...

Hi George!
We are Nelly & Finn and have just come over from Baby Rocket Dog & Hooties Blob.
Nice to meet you!
You look like a very clever Welshie, reading all those signs.
We'll link to you ok? Then we can drop in more often.
Nibbles & Headrubs
Nelly & Finn xx

Wyatt said...

Hi George,

Boy, you are a cutie! You are a snappy dresser and you can read too! We'll be following along.


Scout and Freyja said...

We just sniffed our was over from The Portuguese Water Blog celebrating their red bandanna day. Not only do you look lovely in red, we think that you have a furry cool bloggy, too.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Bandana Day! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Dianne said...

We think you look very fetching (get it---"fetch"ing!) in your red bandanna!

Emma, Tara and Cooper