Wednesday 30 June 2010

A Dash Around on a Hot Day!!!!

Saturday morning yes that hot Saturday, and we're off in the car, the tin can on wheels was like an oven, not that I've been in an oven, I know it gets hot cause there's a smell of burning hair when I go take alook.
Thank goodness this place is just a couple of miles away.

Weston Park

Now you can see there are no dogs or peeps in the piccy, they have more sense than us who were silly enough to go out in it. we ended up stopping for about an hour if that. So common sense won though in the end. Its surprising what you can fit in such a short time. Are you ready!

A Game of Chess

A Game of Jenger

Quick Smell of the flowers

Trying to keep in the shade

Blow Walking up the steps when I can walk to the side

Tried to get in through the back door But they weren't having it

A Two Second Break

And a Cheerio from me, I'm Going Home

Till Next Time, See Yea George xxx


♥ Sallie said...

I always love your photos! You take the best pictures ever.

I hope you will come to our Hawaii party. Hope to see you there!

Two Pitties in the City said...

What a fun place to visit. I like the huge games.

Duke said...

Weston Park looks like a lot of fun!
We loved you as a chess piece, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for taking us along!!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

The Daily Pip said...

George - I love the giant chess game. Hope they don't come to life like in Alice in Wonderland!

Your pal, Pip

Wyatt said...

George, you aren't a pawn...more like a knight or a bishop! I like that place, those topiary bushes are cool.


Chewy said...

wow george! Those are some cool pictures! I look forward to seeing some more awesome pics!

Paws and Licks

The Thuglets said...

We loved you on the chess board George. Those pieces looked huge. Wouldn't it be good if they had a set with terrier pieces?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

p.s. Looks an ideal place to practice some singing!

the booker man said...

that park place is way cool! i like the chess and jenga games! too bad it was really hot and you couldn't spend more time there. but, hey, guess what! we just got a cool front at my's only in the 80s today, so maybe cooler weather will be coming across the pond to you soon, too!
the booker man

Road Dog Tales said...

That was quite an adventure! They should have had a nice little pool at the park for you to cool off!
The Road Dogs

Inky and Molly said...

Oh what a lovely spot. It looks ever so English. We would fit right in.
We have to get our own game of giant Jenga, that looks like fun. Did you push the whole thing over?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

George...OMD...we put that photo of you as a chess piece on our desktop are adorable!!!

Now...I'm thinking you might be cooler as a blond...Stan is ALWAYS HOT...that black on you Dales and Welshies is just so sun attractive grizzle fur isn't too bad...I have a lot of blond...Scruffy is so white...he just goes and goes like the energizer bunny...

So I think I need to just pop over and dye your furs...

And convince ya to jump in that pond...that would soooo help.

I will be glad to lifeguard ya too!!

Kisses, dear boy...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Yo George...

Scruff and Stan here...

Don't count on bein' lifeguarded by Lacie. SHE CAN'T SWIM!!!

Yep...her butt sinks cuz it's sooooo hoooooooge!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA...oh did we laugh when we found this out!!!

Snorting barks,

Scruff and Stan

Road Dog Tales said...

George - We voted you one of recent favorite blogs! Visit us here to claim your award
We just can't resist your British accent!
The Road Dogs