Sunday 20 June 2010

Lazy Saturday

Out and about again, to a town not far from where I live, I don't want to give to much away because of the "Unity in Diversity"  next time England play which is Thurday its about my home county, if they win!and go though to the next round it will be about my home town.
Dad was playing again so we went to watch, I ended up sitting with them while they played that's me under the chair

It didn't help the smell from the stall next to me, wafted over

All those cakes, not one pasted my lips, not half, not a quarter, not a crumb, a speck.  
I'm glad, later me and mom went for a look see around the shops, and came to this sign  

I am so lucky to have a warm home, a nice bed and get feed, so mom went in and gave the lady some money to buy some dog dinners.
 All the doggie photo's were on the door, so hope they get a good meal tonight.

Just one last thing

See Yea Till Next Time George xxx


Unknown said...

Thanks George.
We had fun today and thanks for you're help

Wyatt said...

That was a really nice thing you and your mom did for the homeless doggies. Happy Fathers Day to your Dad too!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Do you keep time with your Tail???
Happy PAWther's Day!!

Duke said...

We didn't get an goodies this weekend either, George, so don't feel bad!
That was very nice of your mom to help out those rescue doggies! Bless her!
Happy father's day to your dad!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

How Sam Sees It said...

You are very lucky indeed! Happy Father's Day!


♥ Sallie said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad!

Those cakes look yummy!

Sue said...

That was a very tempting table you were sitting by. I don't know if we could have resisted . It was good of you to help the homeless dogs have a tasty dinner. You are a very good boy.

Morgan, Tsar and The Porties

TwoSpecialWires said...

Hey George! Just dropped by. Pleased to meetcha! We just dropped by to introduce ourselves, and to let ya know we're adding you to our sidebar so we won't lose track of you! (We're on holiday. And it's hot. And some of our brain cells are melting. Plus Moma is trying like crazy to catch up.) But we WILL be back! (You can nudge us a little if we furget ... or if Moma gets distracted, as she sometimes does. Just don't tell her we said so.)

Your new pals
Jake and Fergi xxoo

TwoSpecialWires said...

We like ya, George. And we like your dad's music and your moma's generosity. You come from a good family. You do.

We'll be back
J and F

violett said...

Du bist ein hübscher Junge !
Ich konnte nicht der Versuchung widerstanden haben . Nizza Essen auf den Tisch ! Gut gemacht!
Es war sehr nett von Ihnen und Ihren Mumie für obdachlose Hunde etwas getan werden.

Eric said...

Hiya George. How exciting your Daddy in a band, what he's playing? You did well to sit so still by that tempting table you earned yourself extra housepoints this week, Mom too for giving to the poor homeless dogs. Have you met our pal Bobby yet? If you haven't you might want to wag over - his John fosters all sorts of doggies. (There's a link in my sidebar on my blog)

Wiry wags Eric xx

Inky and Molly said...

The tinggy ate our comment! Damn!
Anyway, we said you've done remarkably well to resist all those treats and do a good thing to a dog in need!
I & M