Tuesday 4 January 2011

We Went Back..........

To The Water Fall
Pistyll Rhaeadr the one that got the winning vote on My Birthday. 

No snow on the ground this time

Just a bit of snow on the tops of the hills

Me and dad hot footed it to the cafe, you can't miss us, dads wearing a yellow jacket!
Mom stopped behind to take photos
I missed out on my Birthday cus it was closed and all coved in snow!!

Its not funny dad I'm owed some Birthday cake

Is that for me?

Result, but that's all I got!!! Look how much Dad had!! a bit of a bad deal if you ask me!!

I remembered leaving some pee-mail just here last time

But I wasn't expecting the pee-mail I got when we arrived home!!!

Just look at this!!!

And This!!!!!!


Flat George was at a Waterfall the same day as me, I was shocked I can tell you.
Thousands of miles away in
St Louis Canyon, Starved Rock State Park, Oglesby IL!!!!
Weird or what! spooky if you ask me, and not only that but on some steps, I can see I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on him, he's going to be going to more interesting places than me!!

Its turns out it was Bunny, Blueberry, Lilac and Morgan from
 Tales and Trails had taken him out for a hike

There blog post all about there trip is there now, please go and take alook at what a beauliful place it is, they have also sent in a post card to Flats Georges Travel Blog
Thank You  Tales and Tails for letting me use your photos on this post.

If you didn't see the post of when I was here on my Birthday, and would like to see it covered in snow here's the Link

See Yea George xxx


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We DID vote for the best one, George. Glad you could go back when there's no snow.

FG being at a frozen waterfall at the same time, is just creepy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You two are brilliant. This is the perfect way for me to start my day with a huge smile, an ever-present chuckle in my belly, and a tender spot in my heart. Oh George, what a bummer that you only got a smidge of that lovely looking cake! These peeps of ours....what do they take us for? WE NEED TO EAT TOO! Mum always doles out PORTIONS for me while she takes no care as to how much she packs away! Just doesn't seem fair does it son?

HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU! And Flat George will be coming soon to a post near you in Minneaspolis!!!! Balzac and Anita

Duke said...

That is one spectacular waterfall, George!
We don't think it's fAire about the teeney piece of birthday cake. You definitely deserved the whole piece!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

LOL! I love the two different scenes of the waterfalls of two different places.
What a wonderful world, the world looks so big and yet so small!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Those are beautiful pictures - both sets. What an amazing coincidence - both 3D and Flat Georges being at waterfalls on the same day - and in the winter, too. Not a busy time at the falls, I'll bet.

You should have gotten more cake. No question about that.

lotsa licks, Lola

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning George,
What gorgeous pictures and TALL trees!! You live in a beautiful area!!! Whoa!!!
BUTT the cake looked absolutely scrumptious!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

The Daily Pip said...

Now, I was just reading Tales and Tails and saw their pictures of Starved Rock and then I popped over here - boy was I confused!!! You sure do travel well, George!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Wow great pictures, your mom and dad are so talented behind the camera, I have total camera envy! I love the green moss on the rocks and trees - we dont see much of that here in Texas :)Thank you for sharing the great pics -its a great way to start the day.

Patrice said...

It would be so much fun to see that waterfall! BTW- I would gladly come over and make a meal for Jan, but I think the drive might be a bit difficult because of that old pond!

Amber DaWeenie said...

B-U-T-Ful pictures George. I is speechless (quite a feat for me) at all da beauty. Wishes I could have been there's too. Maybes I should flatten myself too! (hehehe) And dat cake....I could almost tastes it.....yum! {licking lips here}....


3 doxies said...

Dats all da cake you gots from your dad? What's wrong with him? And they teach us to share?
George, you goes on da bestest walks...so full of beauty!
I knews them was Bunny's piktures when I furst saw 'em...hehehe!


K9 Katastrophie said...

What beautiful pictures!


WFT Nobby said...

George, I can't believe they made you walk all that way, and then just gave you such a teeny weeny little bit of cake, scarcely more than a crumb really. Shame on you, George's Dad!
Toodle pip!

jen said...

Glad you got to go back George!

Wonderful pictures!

houndstooth said...

Oh George! Your waterfall looks absolutely beautiful! It's like something from a fairy tale, with all the moss and greenery around the waterfall. We wish we could visit yours!

We were thrilled to be able to show Flat George around our waterfall. He was a very cheerful, but quiet guy. We're going to try to remember to take him along on all our weekend adventures if we can. It's funny that he went to a waterfall the same day you did!


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Such beautiful pics George!! We think you should have gotten a whole piece of cake for yourself :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Anonymous said...

That is too funny that you both visited a waterfall on the same day! It sure is beautiful, thanks for sharing the photos.

rottrover said...

HA HA George! We had the same experience as Mr. Pip!! We were just reading Bunny's post and then came over here. We were admiring your beautiful falls and then Mom said, "WTF?? Those look just like Bunny's falls..." It's easy to confuse an old woman! We of course knew immediately that it was YOU, Flat George, in Bunny's photos! We're planning some fun outings with you here in L.A. So far we've decided on Flat George sleeping on the big bed with all of us...We'll keep working on the creativity stuff...

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh George.. I am soooo very much glad that you went BACK. I actually think it was even more beautiful THIS Time...
Now about that Cake... I'm thinking you could use a SIGN... One that says you are being NEGLECTED and that you have a stingy dad.
Holy Cat Crap... You and Flat Geo. BOTH at a waterfall on the SAME DAY??? How grrrreat is that?

Anonymous said...

George, we're glad you got to go back to that beautiful waterfall! That was nice of your dad to give you some cake even if it was just a little bit!

Elyse and Riley

Tweedles -- that's me said...

that has got to be the most magnificent waterfall on the whole earth. You are such a nauture buff,, that is what I love about you.
What cool, cool photos.
I think something was wrong with the photo of you only gettting a bite of cake.. no fair I say.Lets retun, that eppisode and get a proper piece of cake

sprinkles said...

Wow, that waterfall is just stunning!

I can't believe your dad only gave you just a bite of that peice of cake. You should've rightfully gotten to enjoy the entire thing! Sorry, George!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

That is the most beautiful waterfall!! We love waterfalls very much!! Glad you got to go and have fun! Lots of love, Holly and mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How pawesome woo and your flat self had a similar experience!

Thanks fur sharing your great adventure!


Maggie Mae and Max said...


I was at Bunny's at her pictures were beootiful too! You is a lucky guy to gets to go so many wunderful places.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so glad you were able to go back again, George. And how super that Flat George went to a waterfall too. And we totally support you - Dad should have given you a much bigger piece of that delicious cake. Tell him you need to go back again and have more cake.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Michelle said...

George, you take some of the best trips. Beautiful waterfall. I think you deserved a bigger slice of cake!

Zona said...

What beautiful pictures! And I bet Flat George is having a great time with Bunny's family! Maybe he'd like to visit Virginia while he's on this side of the pond??

Thanks for sharing the pics!


animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh George, you are the Lad!!!!!! I wish I could pet you and give you a hug!!
Mom you take such great pictures!!! Just beautiful!!!
You should have gotten more cake!!!
I have always had cats and dogs together and never had a problem with the two not getting along. Usually they end up loving each other a lot!!
XX, Bambi & Fern

Pup Fan said...

Awesome photos!

Wyatt said...

I can see why you want to go back to that place...it's beautiful. And there is cake!!
We are still trying to figure out where to take flat George....so many choices :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Candylei said...

Too cute. The trails look wonderful with the soft moss all about. I should send you your very own mini cake for you to enjoy. Happy birthday!

Candylei and Sir Salty

Anonymous said...

Wow! Both waterfalls are impressive! Very cool to juxtapose the flowin with the frozen :)

Glad you finally got to eat some cake :)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Your flat self has to wait until spring in Florida. Mom says what she wants you to see is buried in mud right now ;)

Christmas-etc... said...

What a great day! Even if you only had a small piece of cake (but you know that's for your good...right, George?!)
Thanks so much for your kind comments on Edward! He might just be doing better!

Pat said...

Wonderful photos - the waterfall looks almost as spectacular as you, George!
How kind of daddy to ensure you keep that wonderful figure by not giving you too much cake ;)

Your mum x said...

Hi handsomeness. You certainly look extra rugged against all that rugged terrain George.
MY mummer has 'Flat Hattie' that gets about a lot..... gets to places I can only imagine!

I think cake should be shared equally!!!!

Peggy Frezon said...

So pretty! What kind of cake is it? yum! Fun to see Flat George, I hope he comes to visit us!

How Sam Sees It said...

I thought those falls looked familiar! I had seen them on Bunny's site! Great pictures, George, we wish we could hike with you!


J_on_tour said...

Poor you.... Looks like Dad was celebrating his Birthday rather than yours by the portions of the cake involved. Hope this day out made up for the weather on your earlier trip here.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Did somedog say CAKE??? Oh,I adore cake...and that was a measly little chunk ya got, dear Boy...it shoulda been the other way 'round, or else just the rest of the cake...

What a georgous place that waterfall is...what part of the UK is it??? Oh my...and flattie George is getting 'round too...we need to take him on one of our adventures...


Lacie Teacakes

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Blogger ate my long and oh so witty comment??? Where did it go???? I was just sayin' you got the short end of the stick with that cake, dear boy...and Mumsie wants to know where in the UK those falls are??? Simply bootiful...

Kisses, George...and we need to get Flat George and have him visit...I have plenty of room in my crate...


Lacie Teacakes and this one better not get eaten....

The Thuglets said...

Wow..some crackin pictures of the waterfall George.

That cakie looked pretty terrierlicious....shame you only got a small piece. Maybe a bigger bi next year!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh we's know where tales and tails were!!
We's been 'deres!! And 'dey took yous too :)

It's so different to see yous place sans snow! Last time we's dere wits yous on yous birfdays we's had cold wet paws ;)

We's have no snow here either in Elgin.
We were suppose to get some today butt still none.

Daddy not mind 'cuz him not like to shovel.. hee hee
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Golden Samantha said...

Hi George! It's definitely more recognizeable without snow, but when we were there, the trees were still in their green phase! But so beautiful - Mum's smiling right now remembering Wales! But! No fair your not getting some of that cake - and it looks so yumzers too! And we did see the Hounds' frozen waterfall "Ice Princess" post! Wonderful and eerie - and we giggled at flat George's adventure! You and your flat compatriot certainly get around!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Anonymous said...

Great Pics George!

Such a tiny piece of Barkday cake, how rude! You were so close to the cake, I would have lunged for it! BOL

woo woos, Tessa

Ryker said...

Your Birthday waterfall return pictures are wonderful. I love green moss and I see a lot of it there. bummed that you just got cake crumbs... what was dad thinking??
We got to get a flat George so he can visit here in Alaska!

Tooki said...

George, you are a lucky fellow to be living in such a beautiful place. Coco and Wawa will go green with envy if they see the kind of walks you take. And the delicious-looking cake you sampled.

Anonymous said...

Boy does that cake look delicious! I just popped over to thank you for being such a great bloggy friend and leaving such lovely comments on my blog. I wish you all the best.
Love, Carol and Charli

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy New Year George!
We wish you a lovely good year filled with good health and good laugh.
I love your header, your teeth are sparkling white!

julee said...

George, you look like you live in a wonderful beautiful world. Just lovely pictures, thanks for sharing.

We have to get on it and get that Flat George ready to go!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We remember seeing this post ... may have even commented. AMAZING pictures. All of them. If we come visit you someday, this is a MUST SEE!

And we wouldn't mind a nibble of that cake, either.

(This is fun!)
Jake and Fergi