Saturday 15 January 2011

Saturday Steps

I'm going back to the summer with this one, it was taken when we went to the scarecrow festival at Sheriffhales, Shropshire.
On the steps up to the church.
I'm all Scarecrowed Out !!!  is the link to the post.

Now in the week I had an email from Samantha and Avalon, they had sent me two photos of some steps they had taken, at a place called
The Dipsea Trail,  Mill Valley, California. 
Take a close look at the second one, not very offen would you see them! 

Looking at the web site there are three flights of steps as tall as a fifly story building!!Wow
I think that would be hard going for me!!
To see more about them and the races they have there, please take a look at the web site

If any of you come across or know of any interesting steps, I would love to hear from you, be it a web page about them or a photo, I will add it to Saturday Steps.

See Yea George xxx

Opps, forgot!!!

 Update on FG'S Travel Blogg well it seams he's all over the place!!!
 to many to put on here!!
 even giving advice about roads!!
His Air Miles are now on the blog 41,739 miles!!! 
If you are interested in what he is getting up to, or would like to join in, just go via the link on my side bar.
I think he has earned his wings. 
So I will not be updating about him on my blog,
 he will be joining me sometimes on my posts.
 Thanks to all the folks that have so far taken part, and made it a very enjoyable and funny Travel Blog : )
Without your input his blog would not work. 
Thanks George xxx


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE MI MAN! MI FRIEND! MI MATE!!!! Oh...I have to go tomorrow to get you scanned and printed so I can take you to school, son! The children are waiting for you to come and charm them with that special smile of yours They already know Balzac, but I think they would get a real boot of of you! Balzac is too scrappy for them!

THANK YOU DEAREST JAN for your sweet comments! I do hope you are on the mend; too many dears are sick right is SOOOOOOO cold out here, but the snow is fabulous. ENJOY YOURSELVES THIS WEEKEND!!!

Anita and Balzac

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow....dat is a lot of steps. After my experiences wit my "Steps of Doom" I tries to avoid all steps where possible.

Have a nice weekend, George (and Mom)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

PeeEss....Just remembered someting....FG got to sit on my "Steps of Doom" wit me and da brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) when he came to Florida.

Ryker said...

Wozers, looks like Flat George took on a BIG life of his own! You go little Flat George. Maybe we will take you to the dog park with us tomorrow.

Jon Terry said...

George, I miss you soo much!!! Thanks for showing us another great pic on those steps.

Love ya,
Jon Terry

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Those church steps have seen some serious people treadin' over time. Look how worn they are.

Don't think any of us will try those huge steps.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Wyatt said...


That is a funny little smile you are making! Stanzie sends her love!


The Daily Pip said...

Those steps look fierce! That deer is sure pretty. I love deer, especially barking at them, but for some reason they don't seem very afraid of me.

Your pal, Pip

Sam said...

Blogging about steps - what an interesting and unique idea. I'll have to look around this island of mine and see if we have any cool steps for you. I can think of one off of the top of my head ("steps" that the roots of trees make in one section of the woods), but we can't get there right now with all of the snow!

sprinkles said...

My hip hurts just thinking about having to walk up those steps. Those are fierce!!!

Golden Samantha said...

Wow - you did us some justice with this post, George! And really, we has never done these steps, but a few years ago, Mom did fur training heart/lung purposes!!! She don't know if she can do that again, but it would be worth it!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

Asta said...

That photogwaph is amazing those ziggy zaggy shadows awe wondewful. as awe those steps youw fwiends sent have cewtainly made us notice steps wif new eyes. I'm so happy that Flat Geowge has been having such an amazing jouwney and that I could be pawt of it
smoochie kisses

houndstooth said...

Okay, I like hiking quite a bit, but that looks like A LOT of steps! Even Morgan would be tired after that!

We are so glad to hear that Flat George is having so much fun! He's become a very seasoned traveler!


violett said...

Hello George,
also to me you will come for visit. Mummy will print out you. But this will still last. I think in the summer. Now mummy completely has little time.
Lots of love

georgia little pea said...

What a very original concept flat George is! Love it. And the real George isn't too bad either. What a smile!

Duke said...

Whoa! Those are some serious steps!
We love your sweet smile, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

cherie said...

Just found your site on the Saturday Pet Blog Hop. I am your newest follower and will be visiting often. George is very handsome and the pictures are spectacular!

Anonymous said...

The crooked shadow on the scarecrow stairs are spooky George! Could be fun though to follow it down. Would make for some interestin paw moves :)
Now that Mill Valley staircase? Holey Canned Mackerel! Makes my paws hurt just lookin at it ;)

Waggin at ya,

The Thuglets said...

Wow..what a lot of steps Samantha and Avalon sent you!

Love the grin in your last photo! Very cheecky indeed!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! George. My mom would have LOVE to join you going up those steps.Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Helen Pigott said...

Just hopping on by via SPBH. You have a great blog, some funny photos too. I am a new follower so if you have some spare time please come and say hello to me too.
Helen x

Michelle said...

Love seeing you on those summertime steps. Glad flat George is so successful.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a lot of steps! I thinks they would wear me out too!! ah, summer.
~lickies, Ludo

Unknown said...

Whenever I see steps, I think of you, George! There are a lot of steps and I don't think I am as fit as you.
I'm so glad that FG is touring around the world, what a wonderful life he has! Lucky guy!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

love that picture of you smiling! That place sure has a lot of steps!! Love the deer next to the steps!! If we ever come across any steps, we'll send them to you. Around here, all we seem to have are lots of big rocks! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MI MAN GEORGE! Oh, do I EVER know you scrappy, CHEEKY FELLOWS! But I LOVE you all with all my heart. I wouldn't have it any other way. A dog that doesn't get into a little mischief is NOT for me...and a pooch with your SMILE and Balzac's antics is up my alley!!!!!!

No need to speak French son, all languages are welcome!

BISOUS! Anita and BALZAC!!

Chicco said...

Hello George, I'm Chicco a small dog. I very like your blog.
Come to visit me in my blog:

Woof,woof, Chicco

*❀* said...

Gorge, i am so enchanted to meet you!
and what i fabulous place you have here!
i will most certainly visit again as i think you are a much better writer better than a lot of humans and i have to return because Lily the labrador insisted we follow your blog (i was going to anyway).
btw if you want to get to know Lily, you can find her story and some pics of the blonde bombshell a couple of posts down on my blog.

wishing you a wonderful weekend full of blissful walkies xxx

millie & Lily

Chicco said...

Hi George thanks for your visit now i follow you. If you like to become my follower, i would be so happy.
Woof, woof Chicco.

Oskar said...

Where you live is so beautiful!

We have flat George printed out & if my people ever do something exciting he will totally be going along!

Nubbin wiggles,

Sage said...

My Mom climbed down (and then had to come back up) 312 steps to a lighthouse. She said those were the steepest steps she's seen!

We checked out Flat Georges and downloaded him! He'll be fun to take along.

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Saturday George...well it is probably going to be Sunday when you read this. MOL
Mom has been messing with her new camera all day trying to download the software and it just will not LOAD!!! She is very frustrated.

Those are some fiercely high and exhausting steps in CA...but we love the deer.

Hugs Madi

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hello George... I don't know, that looks like ALOT of steps to me but I know you would love to give it a go yes?
I hope mum is on her way to recovery.. Looks as if we were bit by the same nasty bug.. I am on the mend.
Enjoy your Sunday

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You are so beautiful on those steps. I have been hearing about all the many visits you are making around the world. Your such a traveling guy!

3 doxies said...

I am so not going up them would take me a week with my short legs.
But I loves dat foto of you in da furst da lighting.

Hehehehe...Stanzie's post had me rollin' on da floor.


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, I have to make a point of visiting FG's blog and see what he's gotten up to. Meantime you look great on your steps, as always, George. You are just soooo cute. I know I always say that, but isn't it true?

Anonymous said...

Great pics on your steps. Wow was a tall trail of stairs and a deer too. Double the fun

the teacher's pets said...

Those steps in California look a bit steep and a bit hard to manage climbing up so I think I'll stay away from them! I prefer the steps you are standing on instead!
We have made a copy of George and we will be pawticipating in the World Tour soon and will write all about "his" adventures! Pawmise!
Also, thank you for mentioning that George might need some counseling regarding his need to bark at the sound of the accordion so if he would like to receive immediate attention I'd be happy to send a questionnaire about his addictions asap. Now, I think barking along while his dad sings is too adorable for counseling and I think George should keep up the good work in that "department".

Peggy Frezon said...

I always love seeing you on the steps. I'll keep an eye out for some interesting steps to send you. Fun keeping track of FG too!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi George, how handsome you are. You remind me of my friend Hattie, an Airedale terrier. I got to know you through Santas blog, and are now following as a friend! I'm also going to talk mum into letting me host FG in Adelaide, Australia soon! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Road Dog Tales said...

Cool steps! Mom & Dad have been to Mill Valley and Stinson Beach! But, we don't think they climbed those steps! They're super TALL!

The Road Dogs

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Stopping in to make sure that you all made it home safely from my birthday party. Thank you so much for coming it was so nice to spend the day with you. I hope you had a good time.
That is the only way to have the good weather I am afraid to say is look back at the summer photos. Good idea. All that is here is cold and snow. How about at your place?

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you have the coolest steps...always. Love the one with that huuuuge big deer! Great pix.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Dolce said...

Woof ,... George.. how are you .. Mommy is finally getting to the computer for me after her, which I did not get to go that she is back I will be able to keep up with your posts..I'll see if there are any interesting steps I can share next time... Paws and Licks .. your Canadian Pal Dolce...

Dewey Dewster said...

Well George..... I tell ya there's lots of interestin' steps in Pittsburgh 'n if I can find some pictures of 'em, I'll pass that right along.

But we would surely pass up tryin ' ta climb those steps ya have pictured.....they would leave even a healthy dog gaspin' fer breath...

Dewey Dewster here....

Pup Fan said...

Cool! I love the way the shadows play in that first photo.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

George, I love love love that last picture of you!!! You look like you are laughing........
Thanks so much for your visit!!!
XX, Bambi & Fern

Agatha and Archie said...

Archie said he would get too tired walking down all those steps and would get a parachute and go down.... We haven't forgotten to show you Boston but you have been sleeping since you got here so we wil show you around once you wake up! Love A+A

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Holy cow, George, you've become quite the celebrity. We had to get behind 48 others just to talk to you!! Those steps are amazing. BabyRocketDog is out of breath from just looking at them.Bol! Hope you're having a great week.
Hootie & BRD
ps-Come enter our side event to MangoMinster2011. It's a costume contest.

Bella and Ollie said...

We've really enjoyed hosting Flat George !

TwoSpecialWires said...

George. You make us laugh. That smile is great. Just like that Scarecrow post was ... we'll always remember it.

Cool steps. Lots of 'em.
Jake and Fergi