Monday 29 November 2010

My Birthday Outting

7.00 on the morning of my birthday, opened the front door to this

Snow, the first of the year, well for us anyway, mom says she ordered it for my birthday, yea right pull the other one.

The Winning Vote was for us to go to the Water fall.

Dad had come home from work on Thursday and said he had got to work all day Saturday!!! yes working on my Birthday, so mom phoned up her mate Bridget you know the one that took the photos for the interview, to see if she would like to go. Good job she said yes she's very good at shoveling snow and gritting the road!!

So we set off at 8.00 we got within about a mile of it when the road was just to bad to take the car any further, we got out and walked the last mile

Can you see it

Getting closer

You'll have to come up here

Wow, look at that

I'll shut up now and leave you with the photos

Bridget is on this photo just to give it some scale

Niagara Falls are 180 feet high, Pistyll Rhaeadr is 240 feet, I'm going to let mom fill you in with some of the details.

Thanks George, it is such a beautiful place, we did have problems getting there, the snow was not deep but solid ice underneath, it took us over half hour to get up a very small incline, by shoveling the snow and putting grit down which the farmers leave by the side of the lane. We decided it would be safer to park the car and walk.
What you don't get with the photos is the noise of the water, the photo of George looking to the right was him mesmerised by it. It was not safe to start moving around to get the best photos, plus it was so cold. But as soon as the snow goes we will be going back.
A big thank must go to Bridget as without her there we would not have made it.

Well I had a great time, and like mom says we will be coming back, with Dad next time and Bridget cus she would like to see it again. 
It all added up to a very memorable birthday, and that's not the end of it, on the way back mom stopped and got me a Porkie Pie and some Wrekin white cheese to take down the pub in the evening but that's another post.   
See Yea George xxx


Patrice said...

Breathtaking! You need a warmer scarf, dear. I bet your feet were cold too.

Taryn said...

George, I think the snow made your birthday trip extra special (well, except for making travel by car a lot more difficult, this is). What a beautiful place made all the more lovely with white frosting. You are one lucky lad!

Duke said...

Wow! The waterfall is just beautiful with the icycles. brrrrrrrrrrrr - it does look mighty cold there, George!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sage said...

That was a most amazing birthday hike, George! Your pictures are beautiful and just that little bit of snow set it off perfectly. And I bet that bandanna kept you nice and warm!

Mom said we were going to start my birthday when she gets home! And she's on her way!!!!

Jake of Florida said...

What a cool (literally) birthday. The waterfall is spectacular. How brave of you all to not let a bit of cold and snow keep you from your mission!!!

Happy Birthday again, dear George!!!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

K9 Katastrophie said...

What glorious views!! When I pulled up your blog the other day my Grandmama said you are very very handsome!!!


Wyatt said...

Wow, that is going the extra mile (so they say).
Good job on getting to the waterfall in those conditions. It looks really pretty with snow.
And now you are off to celebrate with your pub pals...what a great birthday!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Golden Samantha said...

WOW - it looks amazing with snow - WOW again - woofs for your bravery in actually going there on YOUR day - impressive! And the photos are super - they are higher and louder than one would think; it's so good to see you, George, with the falls - you look very happy to be there! Thanks for taking us along!
Big Birthday Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

♥I am Holly♥ said...

The waterfall is so beautiful! We have a small one around here...very small compared to yours! It looks cold there's cold here but hasn't snowed yet. We are glad you had a wonderful birthday George! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Diana Chiew said...

Oh...what a beautiful place that is! Thanks for taking us there, George. It sure looks cold up there.

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, that's just beautiful. Mom has been to Niagara Falls and says it is incredible. These falls must be even more AMAZING!!

Your pal, Pip

TwoSpecialWires said...

George! This was the BEST Birthday Adventure ever! You had a brilliant idea ... and look how the BloggersVotes and MotherNature made it SoVerySpecial! We LOVED seeing your hike up to the falls (but wish you didn't have icy roads to drive upon ... we know how miserable, and scary that is). And the snow and icycles made it even more magical. Everything, in our opinion, is even better in the snow. Or after the snow. As in The Porkie Pie and Wreckin white cheese. Yummers.

Now. We don't want you getting too old too fast, but we have to admit, we're already looking forward to next year's birthday.

Keep on celebrating. Life is so good!

Love and wirey tail wigwags,
jake and Fergi

Ryker said...

Wow, that is quite a waterfall. Had I know how difficult and cold it was I would have voted for something warmer, but it looks like you had a good time. Can't wait to hear more about the Pub, that's my kind of Birthday Party!

Scooter said...

Hey George!
I'm new to following you and I gotta say a great big WOW! My cousin Frankie Furter said your blog was great and he was right. The vote was perfect 'cause this waterfall is fabo! I'm sure it was too cold to go swimmie, but that's what I would want to do there. Thanks for sharing these great pix and I bet you had a really fun day! Happy birthday!
Grr and Woof,

Michelle said...

George, you are a brave one to trek through the snow. But, I can see it was worth it. Happy Birthday!

Boo21's Mom said...

The photos are beautiful, George. What a wonderful birthday walk you got. Thank you for letting us help choose your outing. Your humans seem like they are a lot of fun!

Darby's and Pumpkin's human, Melissa

houndstooth said...

Those pictures are spectacular! George, I think it was definitely worth the hike. I am really hoping we get to go see the waterfall near here this winter even more now!


Agatha and Archie said...

Wow is that pretty!! and how great she ordered up snow for your birthday!! I saw a waterfall in New Hampshire and was so mesmerized PL2 said I was having a Zen moment!! best of all YOU GOT A PORKIE PIE!!! WOOOTTT love and kisses A+a

Bocci said...

What beautiful pics, George! Happy Birthday!!!!
I tried to comment on your steps post once, but saw no comment area...?

Your buddy,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh George mi man, you are one lucky dog...going to the falls and such with two lovely ladies! Heck if I can even walk down the street! And our winters are BONE CHILLING dogs out here in Minnesota have to wear coats and even booties for our paws...this waterfall is so mesmerizing indeed mi man...I wish you another 20 years of good life son, you give us so much joy!!

LOVE TO YOU BOTH, Balzac and Anita

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was just pawesome AND inkhredible too!

Thanks fur sharing it



PeeEssWoo: SNOW!!!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy and cold Birthday, George! We can't believe you hiked all that distance for your readers. The waterfall was just beautiful. Hope you can go back with some better weather:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tweedles -- that's me said...

jeepers, blogger just ate my comment
here i am again

what i was trying to say was how awsome that water fall was. it looked more powerful than anything i have ever seen.
thank you George for sharing with us,
i hope blogger does not eat this,
love tweedles

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Amazing hike and full marks for going! Some dogs might have said that it was too cold or icy or something and picked a warmer alternative!

We enjoyed it with you.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Pat said...

Stunning photos.. and you look amazing in that bandanna, George xx

Joyce said...

George you are my kind of pup, you love your birthday as much as I do! xo

Neeko said...

Wow George! Just Pawsome my friend!!!
Happy Birthday to you ♫♫♫
Happy Birthday to you ♫♫♫
Haaaappy Biiiiirthday Dear George ♫♫♫
Haaaappy Biiiiirthday to You!!!!♫♫♫

Hope you had a BLAST!

Neeko :o)
P.S. I'm still in Florida with 80 degree weather... :o)

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George, the waterfall is so beautiful, and you looking so handsome with your lovely russet fur looking lovely against the snow. But tell you what mate, you're lucky you went anywhere at all in the car just now, we haven't been able to get ours up the little hill from our house for the past five days, so all my walks have started from home, which is OK (we do have a nice park and a disused railway line very close) but not as exciting as a trip to a waterfall or something.
Toodle pip!

The Thuglets said...

George we think you mum has magic powers to have got the snow for your birthday!

You had a terrific walk and the waterfall looks brillo. Great pictures.

So how does it feel being One year old?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglesx

Suffering from Snow Madness!

The Black and Tans. said...

Fabulous photos George. What an amazing walk for your birthday.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Anonymous said...

Very cool (no pun intended) Birthday walk George! Thanks for goin the extra mile (no pun intended) to get to the Waterfall :)

Such a gorgeous place! I bet the roar of the water was deafening!

Happy Birthday again George. You are one lucky dog :)

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

What a cool place for a birthday lad like you! Those pictures tell how beautiful the place is! It must be pretty cold there and your mom was so thoughtful that she gave you a bandana! You look good!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

George thank you for the tour of your Water Fall.
OMC you live in a most beautiful area. Mom has always wanted to live near hills...she always says she'd like to have a mountain outside her kitchen window...but instead she has the neighbor children's bikes. MOL

Just a lovely post,
Madi and Mom

Kristine said...

Yay for snow! Looks like it didn't stop you from having a great birthday!

What a gorgeous waterfall. I'm so glad that is where you chose to go. Thanks for sharing!

Ruby and Penny said...

What a beautiful place. Thanks for taking us along on your adventure.
Happy Birthday George!
Love Ruby & Penny

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wonderful, wonderful!! Love the pictures and your mom is so cool to have followed through on her promise to take you where us pooches voted. It seems like it was quite a trip too. Glad you have such a good friend to take your daddy's place and help out on the trip. Again, glad you had a fab birthday GeorgieLad!!
Smooches from pooches,
Hootie & BabyRocketDog

J_on_tour said...

Hi George, You wanted to do something a bit different on your birthday and you got more than you expected with the snow, hope you enjoyed yourself. You're a lucky birthday boy putting your mum through all that trauma of getting there and taking some nice photos of you all dressed up. Look forward to more of your adventures, J

sprinkles said...

Oh George, that waterfall is just gorgeous!

I'm glad you didn't let the snow stop you from going. I would've because I don't enjoy driving in the snow. And then I would've missed out on all that beauty.

Happy Belated Birthday. And thank you again for including all of us in your celebrations.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, George, I kept trying to leave a comment and I don't think I ever made it. It wasn't blogger. It's just that we have been interrupted every time we started visiting for the last few days. We are so impressed with your intrepid crew, going to that waterfall no matter what the weather and the photos you brought back were so beautiful, too. I'm glad you had a good time and didn't freeze your ears off.

lotsa licks, Lola

Swimtaxi said...

Happy Birthday!

Stunning photos, thanks for sharing them.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! What a fun birfday walkie! Tanks for taking us's.. we had fun celebrating wits yous!!!!

The pho-toes are super magical and 'da snow makes it soooo pretty's!!

Birfday Hugs!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

'da Mommy loves yous last pho-toes of you wits yous little furs blowing~~

doyle and mollie said...

woofing wonderland... beaut way to spend your special day!

Pup Fan said...

Wow... gorgeous!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Wow, what a cool waterfall. We are glad you had a good birthday George!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

violett said...

Wow, I am impressed! So a nice waterfall! (nice photos) I hear him rushing!
George, you need a warm coat for your wide walks and maybe also snowy shoes. A cold long winter should come.
Lots of love

Amber DaWeenie said...

Sorry I's a wee bit late but you know what they say....better late than never! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!!! The waterfall pics are beeeeee-u-t-ful. Pretty soon dat water will turn to ICE. It's always warm where I and my brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) live in Florida. We never see da snow here.

Pat Wahler said...

Absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful place to walk! A belated happy birthday to you!


The KGs said...

Gorgeous pictures! George , go get yourself some wooly legwarmers to keep the old flufsticks warm!

the booker man said...

wow, george, you got snow for your birthday!! that is so totally cool, even if it did make gettin' to the waterfall kinda tricky! i'm glad ya'll made it up there safely. the pictures are so pretty, and i can't wait to see more when you go back!

the booker man

julee said...

Those were spectacular photos. What a lucky boy you are!