Saturday 1 January 2011

Saturday Steps, Flat Georges 2011 World Tour

Happy New Year Every One
Welcome to the launch of

Flat Georges 2011 World Tour

Yes that's right flat me is being allowed to set off on his own adventure, but I need your help.
The idea is to take a photo with him on, like a post card, he is going to get his own blog,
I'm not going to let him take over this one!!

For full details if you would like to host him are now on his Travel Blog

There is now a download button on the site to the pdf
 so you don't have to send in a email

Flats Georges 2011 World Tour.

The link is also on my side bar

Weekly updates will be on my Saturday Steps
No ones name will be put up, that way it will be a surprise when we all see the post card photo.

I raise a pint to you all,
 Cheers and a Happy New Year 

Signing off for now the reel
 George xxx


the teacher's pets said...

I love the idea of Flat George traveling to our house because we have so much to show him in New Hampshire! We love George and we love Airedales so we are sure to have some fun with him soon! Love your idea and we are going to email you for the kit asap!
Daisy and the kitties

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great idea, George. We are in too.

Happy New Year.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and the Momster

rottrover said...

Happy New Year George! This is a great idea - we're in. Looking forward to spending a little time with you in 2011!

-The Rottrovers

Ryker said...

Oh yeah, George is coming to Alaska! Come play in the snow with me! You can send mom the jpeg.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great and grand idea!

We'll be in!

Happy 2011 To ALL!

Cheers with Prosekhkho tonight!


houndstooth said...

We're sending an e-mail as soon as we get done posting! That sounds like a fun idea. Morgan and I might even be able to take him hiking with us!


The Daily Pip said...

Oh, I just love this idea! I will be emailing you shortly with my preferences. Great idea!

Happy New Year! I suppose it is already 2011 over in the UK. Still 2010 here, not sure I will make it until midnight!

Your pal, Pip

Tweedles -- that's me said...

wow George, you have been up to some deep thinking.
This is a big project. Did you go get your passport yet? You will need it with all the traveling.
HAPPY NEW YEAR George to you and your peeps.

Anonymous said...

This is GREAT!

Woo woo I cannot wait to see you Flat George!

We look forward to another wonderful year with you!

Happy New Year!!!

woo woos, Tessa

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Happy New Year dear George and family!

TwoSpecialWires said...

George. Our Pal. You KNOW we want to host ya ... we wouldn't miss it. We've charging from bloggie to bloggie right now ... between trips to Grannnmmmamma's bedroom with water to sip ... wantin' to tell everyone Happy New Year. We saw this post ... got all excited ... but promised Moma we'd come back to read about it as soon as possible.

Please don't furget us. We miss you!
Jake and Fergi (who still remembers that kiss)

K9 Katastrophie said...

What a great idea! Happy new year!

Lorenza said...

It is a pawesome idea, George!
I will send you an email!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

Happy New Year George! That sounds like a good idea you have there although we will need to go back and read it all again later - the human is having difficulty with all that information right now..............!
Something about it being the first day of the year and celebrations but we think it sounds fun.
Martha and Bailey xxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH DEAR, THIS is the way to start the new year....IN FUN AND TRAVEL! I WANT A PHOTO SENT VIA EMAIL..I will run to send you a message....GEORGE OLD MAN, WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME TO MINNESOTA WHERE IT IS COLD DEAR ONE? O.K.!!!!

LOVE YOU BOTH , Anita and Balzac

pilgrim said...

We're in babe! Will send you an email...

Abigail the Yorkie & clan :)

Cape Town

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year George! Wish I would have had your flat self with me sooner! Oh well. It'll give me an excuse to go back to the steps place ;)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: sendin you an email to request a copy of your flat self :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Count me IN... I just sent you an email!!!! I will see if Sarge wants to be Next on the list ... After ME that is. hehe
GRRRRREAT Idea!!!! Can't wait.

Eric said...

Happy New Year laddie!! And to your leggeds too.Are they a bit wobbly on their old pins today like my squares seem to be today after the excess of last night??

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xx

I already host flat Lacie and Asta!!! Did you want to meet 'em??

Michelle said...

I will be sending an e-mail and would love to host Flat George!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Happy New Year George!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George, Happy New Year. There are so many places I'd like you to see in the Scottish Highlands. If your three-dimensional self cannot make it, then it will be a pleasure to take flat George along on a trip or twp. So count me in!
Toodle pip!

The Thuglets said...

Happy New Year to you and your family George.

May all your wishes and dreams come true.

Brillo paws idea Flat George tour..we'll be sending you an email!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

julee said...

Flat George is coming to the east coast of USA. We would love to have you. Mom will be emailing you soon!

sprinkles said...

Love your new background and header, George! I'm supposed to be getting a new background later today, just waiting for the girl to install it.

I want to do this. Just have to get my stupid camera fixed. Well, I don't really know if it's the camera or the computer. I think I need a new UBS cord or whatever it's called. Once I get that all figured out, I'll let you know.

fromsophiesview said...

This looks like I just have to get my printer up and running and away I could go! ANYWAY< Happy New Year to you! from your newest follower Sophie!

Duke said...

We're definitely in, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Kewl Beens idea George mee has sented mi email already :o).
Havs a Happi 2011 George n family


My Mind's Eye said...

Hey George!!!
Dag gone it Saturday is over and we are late. Today was the day the peeps took down all our decorations!!!
Anyway happy Saturday and Happy New Year.
Mom is going to send your mom an email we are excited!!!
Hugs Madi

A MilShelb Mom said...

We love it! Mom says we can email you for a DIY Flat George! We are so excited!
~Milly and Shelby

Diana Chiew said...

Hey George, you've got us so excited! We have never hosted any "flatties" before and we would love to. We would love to have a pin put on Malaysia in your travel map.

Wyatt said...

George you are so fun! We will send you an e-mail right away!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Sally said...

Sounds like a grand idea! Count us in!

Lots of licks and a Super Happy New Year!
Sally and Paddy

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Gosh I just love coming here to see this lad's face.....HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU DEAR ONES and George will be starting his tour with me at SCHOOL!!! Teeeheeee....he is gonna get the treatment from the children!


Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

That sounds like such a fun idea, George! We can't wait to host you! Mama says she will print oout Flat George so he can stay with us all year long. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year George...we are new followers. Take care

Pup Fan said...

Such a fun idea - happy new year!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Happy travels! The way my family dumps me all of the time I need a flat Gracie. Where ever did you find a flat one?
Wishing you and all at your place a year filled with good health, fun, friends, family, and surrounded by love.

Amber DaWeenie said...

What a wonderful idea, George. I hopes dat you come visit me too. I will have my Mom check dat out. Maybe you's can come swim in my pool wit me or do to da beach.

Happy Yappy New Years to ya and to your family.


PeeEss....Love da new picture of you at da top!

Peggy Frezon said...

Fun! We'd be happy to participate. Happy New Year!

My Mind's Eye said...

Madi here....I'm so jealous...Mom went back to work today after a 2 week vacation and guess what......?????She took Flat George with her. She was going to take pictures of you in her office and possibly at lunch. I've never been to mom's office...
Hugs Madi

the teacher's pets said...

Thanks for the update, George! I printed out your flat self a few minutes ago and I will soon be taking you on a tour of New Hampshire! Happy New Year!

3 doxies said...

What up George?!?!?! Sorry it has taken me so long to gets heres...whew, but I is here nows and I would just loves Flat George to come visit me. I can download it so I'll be on my way to do dat. yu sure you wants him to come visit ME? Bwhahahahahaha! I'll be good, I promise.


Amber DaWeenie said...

I gots my Flat George in da email dis morning...I is so EXCITED......YIPPY....YAPPY....YIPPY! Now I will plan lots of stuffs for us to do here in da Sunshine State


Christmas-etc... said...

So much fun!!
Count me in dear George!!
Happy New Year!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a handsome fella you are, George!!!!!!!! We are so happy to meet you. Thank you for coming by our blog to wish our mama a Happy Birthday. :)

Jon Terry said...

Hey George!! Happy Blessed New Year to you!
Looks like this new year has brought you great ideas. Well, I'm wishing that this year you would have many great and unusual exploits ;p

Love ya,
Jon Terry

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello George!!!!
Oh we's would loooooove to host a flat George!!!! 'dis Will be fun!!!!!!!
HaPpY NeW YeaR and looking forward to spending 2011 wits yous!!

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've been waiting and waiting to find out what this is all about. We've got Flat George's World Tour on our Blog Lists now ...

Jake and Fergi
(We're gonna LOVE your travels!)