Saturday 22 January 2011

Saturday Steps

I'm in Bridgnorth the place where mom was born!!! these steps are called
The Stoneway Steps there are 137 all edged with iron.
 They are a funny size not easy to walk down, they were built like this because years ago peeps used to take there horse's down them to get to low town!!

We will come back here when the weather is better, the town is full of steps!!
the next two photo's where taken at low town, from across the river, looking up at high town

You can see St Mary's Church on the sky line, this is one end of the town.

 St Leonards Church is the other end.

It was a grey misty day, in fact its been like it all week!

I was going to have a drink but changed my mind, the river was going very fast.

So quenched my thirst in a dirty puddle!! why does puddle water taste good?

See Yea George xxx

Seems FG has had more sun than me this week!
If you would like to host him please go via the link at the top of my side bar : )


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Very nice steps George!! Puddles do taste good and are much easier to get to than a roaring river! Great photos! Lots of love, Holly and mom

houndstooth said...

I like today's steps, George! Mom says she's not sure she'd have wanted to ride her horse down them, though. All those foggy pictures sure look like something from a cool movie!

Now I'm off to see what FG has been up to!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Love those steps... neat that horses used to go down them. Your mom was born in a very pretty place.
I heard from Puddles... that FG is on his way to my house... Hope he can get through all the Snow... and doesn't FREEZE on the way.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

We think where you mum was born is beautiful! Mist and all. We are battling the heat over here! Whew! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Ryker said...

That is a town full of it was just made for you! Even hose steps. What are the odds? Did mom live in high or low town?
The churches are lovely.

Michelle said...

So handsome you are on those steps. My dogs do enjoy puddle water. They seem to prefer it to most other things.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

137 steps, that'll keep you busy. No wonder you needed a drink. Bridgnorth sounds like a fascinating place. Thanks for taking us there.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Thank you for da nice fotos. I love seeing da other countries. You is lucky you didn't fall into dat river. Dat would NOT be very good. Looks like you need a bath now after going through all those puddles....HeHeHe


Bocci said...

Great photos, George! Yep, I love puddle water!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yes indeed, we all love to slurp the water in the puddles too. Wow, that is a lot of steps. We think we would prefer to go down rather than up.

We have had snow AND sun, and we sure don't want any fog to take away our snow.

Enjoy your weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sage said...

Puddles are amazing! Especially if there's mud in them (check out my blog in a couple of hours).

That was a gorgemous town you went to. And those are very special steps since your Mom was born there!!

The Daily Pip said...

Have I had too many beers or are those steps curvy? Just kidding. Beautiful pictures. I don't know that I have drank from a puddle (another thing I have missed out on), will have to give it a try.

Your pal, Pip

Wyatt said...

Those are some pretty cool steps!
Hey George, keep an eye on yer mailbox. My silly sister sent you something.
We are having some fun with FG!! He's going to the dog show tomorrow!!


Unknown said...

It's a very pretty place that your mom was born in. The churches and the cool steps are so beautiful. Are the steps actually curvy? To me, they look so curvy or I do need an eye test!

The Thuglets said...

Great steps George. We imagined a bannister and that you were going to slide down in it with your positioning! LOL

Puddles are just brillo paws, made for slurping, splashing and wading through!

Have a great weekend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Oh George, we know ALL about grey, here in Aberdeen! (At least your buildings are not all grey stone!)
But Bridgnorth does look nice. Gail tells me she went there once, about a zillion years ago.
Toodle pip!

Rose H (UK) said...

Considering I've been to Bridgnorth countless times - I never knew about those steps. Lovely pictures, very atmospheric. Great to see that you and Mom are out and about again -hope she's feeling better. Don't drink too much puddle water though George - what goes in must come out!
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Pat said...

The mist is very photogenic - but not as much as you, dear George! xx

Duke said...

You climb the neatest steps, George!
Bridgnorth is just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello silly boy! Oh, your high town and your low towns look so intriguing!!!! US TERRIERS love to wander in and out of crooked little streets, looking at all the lovely little houses so close together...what a fabulous part of the world you live in, son. Oh, we had quiet the cold last night. It was TWENTY BELOW ZERO, FARENHEIT! Oh yes old thing, IT WAS COOOOOLD! These AMerican peeps somehow figure out how to manage, and teach us how to survive. I wear booties to go out to the WC!!!!

Enjoy your Saturday steps mi man. LOVE TO YOU ALL and Jan, thank you dearest, for the encouraging and most kind words. Anita

Taryn said...

Those steps are interesting....funny how the left side has a little dip in each step. I guess everyone always walks down that side? Everything looks so picturesque in English towns....Just lovely!

Martha said...

Bridgnorth looks very nice, we have never been there.
There were certainly lots of nice steps for you and how handsome you looked!
We just saw your flat self over at the Op Pack - we must confess to being just a little worried when you were in that toy box.........!
Happy Saturday Steps to you
Martha and Bailey xxx

Anonymous said...

Ohh Bridgnorth look so pretty n the fog. Those steps are so pawsome looking too!

Your flat self is really getting around! We visited you over at the OP Pack too!

Keep on Steppin!

woo woos, Tessa

Road Dog Tales said...

Those are all cool steps, George. We especially like those steps down to the river!

The Road Dogs

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you have the mostest pawsome steps ever. Great pix of the territory!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥ Sallie said...

Those steps are awesome! Puddle water is like drinking mystery water! You never know what you will find!


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hello George
Oh I just love the low towns.. St. Mary's is just beautiful.. Those are some steps to climb... be careful..
Thank you for your most welcome visit and kind words.. Yes, I know grapes are a no no for your George, but you could make a little splash in the creek..
My best to mum and dad.

Anonymous said...

Those are some warped steps George. I'm gettin dizzy just lookin at em! Interestin how a little fog can make any place look spooky :O

Cool walk dude! :D

Waggin at ya,

Chester said...

We love puddles too! Sure looks like a nice old town! We don't have such "old" places around here.- Maybe we'll get to travel one day, and see some real history! Hope your day is a good one George! Wags from, --Chester (and Caroline says "hi"!)

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Saturday George!!We did so enjoy seeing parts of your lovely contry side and hearing about where your Mom was born!!

Hugs Madi

J_on_tour said...

Hey George those are adventurous steps down to the river and dangerous too with all that fog. I'm jealous of you George at Bridgenorth, somewhere I have been prevented from going... accommodation was full due to a SVR event. One of these days... I'll retrace your steps.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow George that is such a neat fact about the horses using the steps. You live in a country full of such fascinating history!
BabyRD & Hootie

Asta said...

Those awe especially pawsome steps...i love them!!!!
I'm glad you didn't fall into that fast moving watew. I see you must have had mowe than a good dwinkie fwom the mud..looks like you had a little mudbaf-spa-tweatment..I'm so jelly
smoochie kisses

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so enjoyng my day with Gracie visiting with her and meeting some of her friends. I want to thank you for the anniversary wishes your left for the dad and me the other day. That was so nice of you.
Great that you can travel with the folks and see where they were from. The photos are lovely, hope the weather got better and the rain went away.

Anonymous said...

I like your steps George.. It's always nice visiting a piece of family history.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Moma wants us to tell ya that she LOVES these photos. It makes her want to come visit. The fog. And colors. And the water. And the architecture. And YOU are all beautiful. (Those are her words ... but we agree.)

Jake and Fergi