Thursday 13 January 2011

My name and Places

Don't you just love slippers, well I do, and sometimes I'm lucky, well quick enough to get hold of mom's. So I thought for Christmas I would buy her some new ones, I got dad to pick up a store voucher, it just so happened its got my name on it!!!

Mom does that mean I can have your old ones please!

The following photo's friends have sent them in for me.

The first one is from Maggie and Mitch the Airdales, it seams there dad just loves the name George!

Thanks to Holly Wags for this one, good name for a florist

Thanks to Khyra Khorner-Khome On By one posh building

You just know my name would crop up with Food!!
Thanks to Bella The Westie for this one

Both of these where sent in by Doyle and mollie 
Thanks for putting a smile on my face : )

Thanks to Samantha and Avalon for these two photos.
When is a street not a street? when its a George Lane!!lol!!

When Samantha and Avalon sent the photos in, they also included photo's of  some a mazing steps, which I will be showing you on Saturday.

I have over the months done a few My Name and Places, it all kicked off with Frankies Name Game.
Peeps have taken time to sent photos in, so I though whats the best way to file all the photos together, well me and mom have been busy.
I now have two more blogs, they are in my profile My Name and Places plus Saturday Steps.
So the photos from today will be put on My Name and Places.
Saturday Steps just has all photos of, yes you guessed it, Saturday Steps!!!
They don't have followers and you cannot comment, but feel free to take a look if you wish. 

Mom wants to say thank you for all your get well wishes, I of course have been making sure she is fed, watered and kept warm, shes slowly on the mend, so I will be catching up with you reel soon

See Yea George xxx 


Wyatt said...

That's nice of you, to get your mum some new slippers (Word of advice, Don't chew them!)
She's going to need some foot warmers, to get well.

Love all your George Places!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


GEORGE OLD MAN, YOU are the cutest, the funniest, the most photogenic dude I have EVER SEEN!!! I know, I know...I have told you that before, but can you PLEEEEEEEEEEASE tell me how do you get that smile on your face????? It surely puts one on my face!!!!

I GOTTA GET FLAT GEORGE COPIED so that i can take him to school with me! I have been so ridiculously busy it is not funny.....Balzac thinks so, however! He is getting back at me for all the times I have laughed at his antics, now he sees me running around chasing my tail!!!!

HUGS TO YOU BOTH! Anita and Balzac

Rose H (UK) said...

So many great places named after you George! Famous worldwide too ;o)
So pleased you Mom is feeling better though - hope Dad is on the mend too. Mom's got too much time on her hands....TWO more blogs? I have enough trouble keeping my one up to date LOL.
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Duke said...

You are one famous boy, George! Your name is everywhere!
We're glad to hear that your mum is getting better!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

By George, that's wonderful! (Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves.) We will check out those new blogs as soon as we can.

Patrice said...

Jan, I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. How can George possibly be taking care of you when he's jetting around the world as Flat George? lol

My Mind's Eye said...

Great George post in honor of a our favorite Lad named George!!! We are so glad Mom is feeling more like herself and hope and pray Darth Vader doesn't return.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Jus' make sures dat when your Mom gets hers new slippers, dat she gets da flavor dat you want da next time. Of course she'll pass da old ones down to you.

The Daily Pip said...

I love slippers, too, George! I am glad your mom is starting to feel better!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that your mom is feeling better. You are such the best nurse and take a very good care of your mom.
By the way, you are so famous. Your name is everywhere!

Michelle said...

Enjoy those slippers George!

Joyce said...

George you are so cute! I'm sure you are taking real good care of your mom. Give her a big hug from Bo and me! xo

jen said...

We love slippers here too George!

Glad to hear that your mom is feeling better!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am glad that your mom is getting better. I know it is due to your loving care!!
Love all the George Places!!

Golden Samantha said...

Great place to shop for slippers, we're sure! Glad to hear that your Mom's on the mend - I'll bet she needs new slippies! What super "George" named things! And what a lot have been sent to you - wow - you are a super popular guy! Love this post!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
PS - thank you so much for your nice Ozzie thoughts...

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Cool pictures George! You seem to be everywhere!! I love slippers too...a little too much. I have chewed up way too many in four years. It's something very good tasting about them isn't it! We are so glad your mum is doing better and hope she gets completely well. You just keep taking great care of her please! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Anonymous said...

Slippers are for chewing...Please don't tell Lola that. She finally grew out of that stage.

Anonymous said...

George, guess what? My dad's name is George and I went to George Mason University! I'll have to find some pictures of George places for you.

Glad to hear your mom's slowly on the mend. Here's hoping she keeps getting better!

Elyse (and Riley)

Asta said...

Of couwse you know it's one of my vewy favowite names cause it's my Daddi's too.
I know wif youw cawe youw Mom will be bettew vewy soon, now mine is sickies and I'm about to make hew you have any special hints?
I love all those special Geowge places and of couwse youw steps, so it's gweat that you awe saving them to a special place
smoochie kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We hope your mom continues to get better. And we hope she gives you those slippers:)

We haven't forgotten about Flat George, it has just been wild and crazy here for two weeks now. We will give him some fun times soon.

Love all those "George" photos. You are just so famous.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've got a LOT of catchin' up to do. First of all: tell your moma to feel better. We totally get having sick momas. It's not much fun. And we hope we're not too late for Flat George. We'll admit. We've not yet read. But we keep thinking about it. And our paws are crossed. And now we see that there are new blogs to check out. We WILL. We promise. And hopefully we will soon. 'Cause we really really really miss reading your blog.

Thanks for sticking with us.
Much love
Jake and Fergi (who are now in the land of No Steps ... VeryVeryFlatFlorida)


The Thuglets said...

George you are such a famous chappie!

Nice chewed slippers, just stick to the old one though!

So pleased your mum is on the mend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Cassie said...

George this was a really swell post. We never knew you had streets named after you all over the world!! That's cool as a moose!! The photos of you just make our mommy smile. She loves you almosst as much as us. Wow!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

the booker man said...


i'm super glad that your mama is startin' to feel the betterment! :)
so did you get your mama's old slippers? heehee.
me and asa and mama need to find some george places here by our house so we can send you some pics!

the booker man

Road Dog Tales said...

George - Glad your Mom's feeling better! Love your name places - we'll have to go over and have a look at your blogs/photo albums - what a cool idea!

The Road Dogs

sprinkles said...

I'm glad your mom is starting to feel better. I know you did your best to cuddle up and care for her. That's the best medicine in the world!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Heeheeeheee! We see that we commented on this post! And we were honest! And NOW we are catching up. And we'll put your Names and Places on our sidebar. We LOVE the photos and we keep keepin' our eyes open.

Next ...
Jake and Fergi