Tuesday 28 December 2010

Ho,Ho.Ho, Plus Some Thank You's

Heck I'didn't know that Christmas would be this busy, I tell yea, but I had a Great time.
Santa did find me!!

These are the presents he left

Not to sure about the tooth brushes!!! I only have one mouth!

I  also took part in Jazzi's Christmas Exchange, Thank You Jazzi that was some great organizing you did.

My Exchange was with Martha and Bailey, its been a pleasure to get to know them as Bloggie friends. 

I sent a present to Martha, and Bailey sent me one back

The parcel came the week before Christmas, but I have to tell you a little story about it getting into my paws

I go for a walk each morning at around 7.00am, and from where we live I have four different ways to go. This day I decided we would go up the road to the playing field about 500 yards away, anyhow, I'm having a run about and then spot the postman delivering mail, so I sit down and watch him.
Next thing he shouts something,

 moms going deaf and shouted back "hang on I can't hear you"
 he says "you live at Number **"
 mom "yes that's right I'm very impressed"
postman "its not you, its the dog I know"

 He's got to know who I am with all the Christmas Cards I've been getting, moms face was a picture I can tell yea!! so to save him carrying it around we took it home.


Its a big present, just what's in it?

A Christmas Stocking

Wait there's more

This is very useful, at least I won't get run over when I am walking back from the pub with dad !!!
Mom says she might by one for him to lol!!!

There's more

DAD LEAVE IT!!! its mine, that worked,
look a have a lovely new blanket for the sofa as well, if you take a look at the card it has a guitar playing snowman!!

Thank You so much, Bailey and Martha

The other thing that happened just before Christmas I won
Inky's Return of The Fourth Leggie Special Prize!!!!

So mom made me wait till Christmas Day to open it

Just look, Dads got his paws on it again!!
Dad Its for me!!

Just how did you know my treat bag was on its last leggies, this one is great it will hold a lot more than my old one, it also had a book mark inside it, hang on I've lost sight of it, "MOM"

A lovely towel to dry my paws off

Plus an Australian badge

Thank You

Well that's just a very small part of my Christmas, I hope you all had a great one too

New Year is around the corner, and would you believe,
 New Years Day is My Saturday Steps Day!!
I have something brewing!!
 Beer lol!! no its not and its not a Cup Of Tea 

OK a clue

Some of my bloggie friends might have a good idea what it will be, as it was their idea : )

See Yea, Maybe on Saturday ?

George xxx


Wyatt said...

What nice pressies, George! It looks like you had a stellar Christmas....it's cute how the mailman knows how famous you are!!
We always knew it!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Anonymous said...

Hey George, it looks like you had a great Christmas! You got a lot of presents. We hope you have a happy New Year!

Elyse and Riley

Martha said...

What a great day you had - we loved seeing you untie the ribbon on the parcel!
We are glad you enjoyed your pressies - we think your Dad should have his own flashy light for coming home from the pub!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Homer said...

Hahaha that's a funny post George! Have a pint on my behalf when you go pub crawling with your dad next time!

Happy New Year! Why aye man!


houndstooth said...

What great presents!

We are going to be waiting on the edge of the couch to see those steps!


Patrice said...

We can't wait to find out what you are upto on your Saturday Steps!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George What Outstanding Pressies.... I love the BEAR... it matches your furs... I can see it now!! Whenever you "make a slight mistake" you can run and put your bear there and BLAME IT ON HIM. Does he have a Name???
Oh I love the light up Bone to keep you and your dad safe during your evening "travels". hehe
Gosh buddy EVERYTHINGY just looks wonderful.. even the paw towel.
I simply LOVE IT that your postman know YOU just like my Miss Patti knows Me. Of course WE really ARE the Heads of our households so I suppose we should expect this type of Fame. BOL BOL
Now you ARE being Naughty with us again. You do love to tease about your adventures and plans. Can't wait to see what you have stuck to your furs. BOL HO HO HO hehehe

Pippen said...

Great pressies, George! We can hardly wait to hear your big announcement!

Sam and Pippen

Duke said...

You hit the jackpot this year, George!
We just love your header picture! You are so adorable!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

J_on_tour said...

Hey George, You must be famous with the postman and all that fanmail and cards. How exciting is it to see you opening up your presents. Looking forward to NYD, Happy New Year to you and the family. J

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OMG I am smiling from ear to ear, laughing with a loud shrill and my husband is laughing with me. George mi man, YOU ARE THE GOLDEN BOY OF BLOGLAND AND WE LOVE YOU! Look at all those gifties, son! BALZAC IS JEALOUS! And no, that new addition is not a barn dear friend! But Balzac has one amazing bed with a crown on top that will go nicely in the new room! WE SEND OUR HUGS TO YOU BOTH AND WE WILL MOST CERTAINLY BE TOGETHER IN 2011!!!! LOVE TO YOU BOTH, Anita and Balzac

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What wonderful presents George!! We love the pictures!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

julee said...

George those were wonderful pressies from your blogger friends.
We can't wait to see what Saturday excitement you have brewing!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

George, what great gifts--no wonder your Dad had his paws all over them! So New Year's Day on steps???? Can't wait.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

3 doxies said...

Dis is funny bouts da blankie...I'll let ya knows bout dat tomorrow on my bloggie though.
You sure did lots of neat pressies. Martha and Baily sumptin else...them girls are too funny.
I don't know Inky and Molly, they sound terrific.
Can't wait to see what you has planned...beer sounded good to me.


sprinkles said...

You got a lot of pressies, George! Hmmmm...wondering just what you might have up your sleeves for New Years!

Asta said...

What a fantastical fantaboolous Chwissmuss hawl.
Mawfa and Bailey awe incwedible shoppews. You'we one lucky lad to get all those wondewful pwessies, but I think you desewve them all, so enjoy them to bits
smoochie kisses

Michelle said...

George, I love seeing you open your presents. Looks like you had a good Christmas. It has been fun getting to know you this year and I look forward to much more in the coming year!

Unknown said...

LOL Georgie!
I loved your postman story!!!! You're just so popular ... and with all the pressies you've been getting, it's no wonder the postman knows you rather than your mom!!!!
Enjoy them :)

K9 Katastrophie said...

Haha! George your famous!! Even the mail man remembers you!

Sherry said...

Mom says to me, "Don't even THINK about that fuzzy bear." But it sure looks yummy. So do all the other gifts!

Lorenza said...

You got lots of pawesome presents!
I know you are enjoying them a lot!
Kisses and hugs

Scooter said...

WOW so many cool gifts there George. I am glad thaty you joined in for Christmas, it was fun huh?? You really made a haul!!


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh you got wonderful pressies, George. Isn't Christmas fun? I can't wait to hear what you've got brewing. I really don't have any idea. Oh, and I just love your header photo. That is really adorable!

lotsa licks, Lola

Chewy said...

What wonderful gifts you got george! It is great to have bloggie buddies!


The Daily Pip said...

Very nice pressies. Our postman gets a big kick out of all my mail, too!

Your pal, Pip

Ryker said...

Wow George, you got a lot of wonderful presents. Had to laugh about the Postman. Us dogs get more attention and recognition than our peeps. That is how it should be!
Can't wait to see what you brewed up.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful Christmas indeed! :) Lookin forward to steppin out with ya on Saturday ;)

Waggin at ya,

Amber DaWeenie said...

You got lots of nice pressies, George. But me tinks dat you better watch your Dad....If any of your pressies disappear, you's nose where to start lookin'.



Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello George!! Oh we just loves yous Teddy Bear Man!! Him soooo cutes!! And yous Blankie from 'da gifty exchange is adorable!!

We are glad you had a wonderful Christmassy's and we look forward to spending Saturday wits yous too!!

Yous stuff yous won is cool too!

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

The Thuglets said...

WOW..George you got some absolutely wicked prezzies!

Your postman is the man..knows his important deliveries!

White stuffie meltin and thick foggies here right now. yuk

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Anonymous said...

Oh George looks likes yu had a most pawesome Crimbo too my furiend. We is so glad yu dids, I look forwards to yor New Years Day steps. Da Momster is deetermined to gets a photy ovs me on some steps but I keep foilin her plans....BOL
xx xx

Pup Fan said...

Looks like fun! Happy belated Christmas! :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear George and his able assistant!!!
You two are great story tellers!! Mom and I got quite the visual of your and your post man. MOL
Mom said to Dad the other day, I hope our postman doesn't think we have had another child AT our age'. All this mail addressed to Madi Upchurch must make him wonder. MOL

Anyhows we thoroughly enjyoed your post.
Greag presents from my BBBBGFFF (Beautiful Bonnie Basset Best GirlFriends forever) Martha and Bailey
See ya Saturday,
Hugs Madi

Inky and Molly said...

Hello Mini. We're glad you received the package ok. What a great loot of pressies you have there. And you deserve every bit of it!
Hey, the towel is very special you know. It's Inky approved. The Inkmeister likes the water like nothing else so this little shammy gets a lot of use here, especially now that the fourth leggie is back. It just lives in the car because it dries so quickly so one less thing for the pink people to take in and out (you know how they get a bit lazy)...
Looks like your Christmas was as fabbers as ours.
We wish you and your family all the best for 2011. Have a pint on us!

Your mum x said...

Wow George.....didn't you do well?

Hattie wants to know if you already have a girlfriend as she likes you VERY much.........

Your mum x said...

George.....I've rather let everyone down.....I've eaten or destroyed EVERYTHING! Nothing remains!
Stuffies are no more!
Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
I'm 9 months old, so really the perfect age, George........you really are SO handsome. Can I be your girlfriend George, can I, can I?

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, what an awesome bunch of pressies! You really cleaned Santa out this year! Now you're famous with your mail person like my cousin Frankie is with his mail lady. I think I got more cards this year than my peeps did. BOL
Happy 2011!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awesome pressies, George. We can see you had a wonderful Christmas. Now we can't wait to see what is going to happen on Saturday:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi George and Jan,
Boy George you got a lot of Christmas gifts and a lot of cards. You are famous on two continents!!!
Of course your mail lady would know you!!
Thanks for the kind words about my G-daughter. I am very proud of her. She is living the good life!!!
Thanks for your visits!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

Your mum x said...

George..... thank you for your letter. I love you SO much, but thought you were a dale, like ME!

We cannot go on George. I cannot be your girlfriend. This is a love thwarted before we have even begun.......

George......I will see you in my dreams still......

violett said...

Hello George,
however, you have got quite great presents. There I become quite envious!

I wish you and all your loves a happy new year.
We are already glad about new, interesting stories of you
Lots of love
Mischka, Hoover and violett

the teacher's pets said...

That's great that all of your bloggie friends helped you get recognized by your mailman by sending cards and presents! I think you are very lucky to have so many wonderful toys (except for the toothbrushes) to play with for the new year!

Amber DaWeenie said...


Time to Pawty..


3 doxies said...

Hahahaha...I was just leavin' a comment about you while you was leavin'; a comment on my bloggie. Yeppers, I was overs at Wyatt's blog and read your comment bout Stanzie...hehehehe...is you in love George?


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE BOY!!! Oh my dear, dear friends.....If my calculations are correct, you now have THREE HOURS LEFT! It is 3:00 here....Oh you two...have a most wonderful and safe celebration and may 2011 be a healthy and happy ROMP all over your beloved hills and beautiful countryside....wishing we could meet some day..Anita and Balzac

Bocci said...

George, what great gifts you got! Isn't that hilarious that the postman knows you:-) hehehe.
So glad that you and your family had a nice Christmas-and all the best to you in 2011!

Neeko said...

Wow George! You got some pawsome gifts there my friend...

Happy New Year!!!

Neeko :o)
P.S. Love your picture at the beginning of your post!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wow! What great pressies from some of our favorite pals. Santa. Martha and Bailey (we miss 'em) and Inky and Molly. You are sooooo deserving! And they picked out great things for you! I bet they had as much fun finding and sending and giving things as you did receiving!

We're waggin' happy we got to see your fun!
Jake and Fergi