Wednesday 13 October 2010

A Thank You To Wyatt and Welsh Cakes

First up I'll like to thank Wyatt as I won his Wyatts Riot with me Welsh Cake recipe.

 The prize was, green papers  to spend in Amazon. I took a long time over what to get, It had to be something that I would look at and remember it came from Wyatt, well this is what I got.

Yep a cook book, I can get a bit board with my food, some days I just don't feel Hungry, there's some great recipes in it just like peeps food, it has photos of dogs on the pages, no WT's or Airedales but there is alot of photos of this fella

 I am not to sure why the vet says I should loose some weight, but I am, moms cut down on me paddywacks

She let me have that one in the photo, but the rest of the packet is still on the top shelve unopened!!!

I'd eat them all day if I could, she also thinks I need more exercise, who's she kidding, I'm always out and about!!!. So I also got this ball !!!

 I now have to roll it round to get me dinner!! 
I'm getting quite good at getting the food out, it makes a right racket in the kitchen lol.  

Right that enough of healthy food and excise, lets get on to the fatty but nice recipe that will put hairs on your chest! The next photo is the one that I sent in with the recipe back in August, just look how well groomed I was. Well, I got mom to get on the phone straight away to book me into the groomers, I tell yea at the moment I can hardly see where I'm going! 

George the Lad's Welsh Cakes

125g of butter
250g of self rising flour
75g of castor sugar (super fine)
Pinch of mixed spices
100g of currants/sultanas/raisins
1 egg beaten

Mix together the butter and flour
Add the egg
Put the sugar, spice and fruit into the mixture
Put the mixture into the fridge to cool for 30 minutes
Roll out the mixture to 1 cm thick
Cut into circles
Cook the cakes in a frying pan or on a bakestone WITHOUT using oil or butter until they are browned on both sides. (don't have it to hot they will burn before being cooked!!)
Sprinkle with sugar and serve, they also taste nice with butter on them.
Best when warm or reheated in microwave!


Thanks I get to try a bit

Mmmmmmm tasty

See what I mean NO EYES!!!

Anyways thanks Wyatt for the green papers to get the cook book and the ball.

Some of you know I have been on Bertie's Field Trip, go take a look, when we left we agreed that the finer details of the trip are between the furiends that went. I think I'm all right saying we all bonded very well !!! 

See Yea George xxx


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom is really oohing and aahing over those welsh cakes - she would love to give that recipe a test. Thanks for sharing.

Great choice for your prize - you will have to let us know if you find any really special recipes.

Happy grooming, although we do like the shaggy look:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

Between you and Wyatt, I'm always hungry reading blogs! *drool*


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Second Another Congratualtions for choosing such a grrrreat thingy with your green paper prize!! Very Wise Shopping!

Zona said...

Congrats! I'd say more but this post made me SOOOOO hungry.. I gotta go!

Drooly wags,

Rose H (UK) said...

My dear George, you and Mom have been busy making those delicious Welsh Cakes...looks like I'll be dusting my griddle off any time soon to try them! I love your new recipe book and ball, they look great.
Thank you for your comments - I had mentioned the dogs - honest!
Quote "The two Staffordshire dogs are genuine antiques - they belonged to my maternal Gt Grandparents, Mary and Joseph Wedge".
Oh, by the way your whiskas are safe...I've only got
C-A-T-S ones :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello George!! Cool pressies!! Congrats on winning!!

We's love yous trip pho-toes and glad yous met 'da Road dogs in 'da furs!!!

Mommy was laughing too 'cuz she tinks 'deres a little man 'dat steals our socks from 'da dryer!! Josie tinks he sells our socks... hee hees


The Daily Pip said...

Hey George, the vet is after me to lose a few pounds, too! I am on this no-taste, low fat prescription dog food ...ugh! I can't imagine you need more exercise with all those steps you are always climbing!

Your pal, Pip

Taryn said...

George, how do you see with all that fuzz in front of your eyes?! I guess you can smell your way to those yummy looking cakes!

Duke said...

Congratulations on your win, George! Your Welsh cakes sound delicious and we love that last photo of you sayin' " Um um good!"

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We just printed out that Welsh Cake recipe. Don't know that we'll even get a taste, what with the sultanas and stuff.

We love your 'bearskin rug' pose..feet out behind you.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Congratulations George!! They look delicious!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George those cakes look delicious. We saw that cute little pan on your stove last week we were wondering what Mom cooked on it.

We enjoyed reading about your antics on Bertie's Field Trip.

You asked about a little window by my chair in today's post. Yes we do have an octagonal window right about the lets in the nices sunbeams.

Happy Almost Thursday,
madi and mom

Two Pitties in the City said...

Miss M has a ball like that and it keeps her entertained for a long time. That recipe does look good; we might just have to try it...

doyle and mollie said...

'by george' we will most definatly have to try those cakes!! nice use of the green stuff too loves and licks xxx

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Oh yes George, many Congrats on winnin' Wyatt's contest. My mom's lame excuse fur a recipe didn't stand a chance. Dose Welsh cakes looks yummy!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Taffy said...

George, those last 2 photos are priceless! Congrats on winning the contest and I must say, those cakes look yummy!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



sprinkles said...

Congrats to you, George! I love that little ball. My dad's dog has one kind of like that but his isn't nearly as pretty.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Georgie!

My Mom has a question for your Mom, what spices are in "Pinch of mixed spices"?

Those Welsh Cakes sure do look like winner to me!

woo woos, Tessa

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, those look lovely. So does the ball, actually. I hope you enjoy them both. Perhaps you can recommend some recipes.

lotsa licks, Lola

TwoSpecialWires said...

Dear George.
Fergi wanted me to tell you she's "blushing." I'm not sure what that's all about. As for me ... I'm sorta obsessing on those Welsh cakes (though Moma won't let me eat raisins or currents, so she says I'd better put my attention on the recipes likely to come from your amazing new CookBook and let HER take care of the cakes.)

Good luck with the grooming ... we just gave up all our furs, just in time for the temperatures to drop for a day.

See ya!
Jake (and Fergi)

Wyatt said...


We are still making the Welsh Cakes on the weekends. It's a new favorite around here...YUM YUM! Glad you got some nifty gifts.
I like your froggie pose today :)


P.S. Stanzie likes you too, she doesn't care if you are shorter than her. :)

The Thuglets said...

Corr them Weshie cakie fingies look daleicious!

Not much chance of them here at mo..its all fruit and yogurt!heyho

Your new receipe looks good you will have to tell us what you try & recommend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Wow George those Welsh Cakes look just fantastic. I am sending Gail to the kitchen right now! Then on to the computer to order some of those Paddywhack thingies. (If only us dogs were allowed our own credit cards..)
Toodle pip!
PS To George's Dad from Gail. I'm afraid the whole thing about Murchison got a bit out of hand on the field trip (see tomorrow's post.....) Problem is that we have been reading a book called 'The Highlands Controversy' by David Oldroyd, and Bertie learned that Murchison got it all wrong when he said all the north of Scotland was Silurian. V. interesting book!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OMG my son, you are TOO MUCH! NO EYES! teeeeheeeee....and those Welsh cakes will put hair on yer chest for sure! I would like mine with some jam please...and I SAW MI PHOTO!!! THAT IS ME, BALZAC THE GREAT on the cover of that bag....mi mum says that I am fat too....these peeps are ridiculous sometimes!!!! LOVE YA OLD MAN, Balzac and Anita

My Mind's Eye said...

PS George I meant to tell you last night that I, Madi, feel your hunger pains...I too have had my kibble reduced in the evening....woe be unto me...I'll waste days.

My Mind's Eye said...

PS George....I guess after seeing today's pictures you know why I call Madi a Diva and why she has on a Diva hat!!!

She is S P O I L E D!!! Horribly!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Hi darling boy we are back!! and we are all caught up!! You have been very busy( reallly that apple trip looked WONDERFULL and all that food..mmmmm) and we are going to make Welsh Cakes except today we made peanut butter cookies so we will have to wait) Listen That business of cutting down on our treats gets old doesn't it?And listen we don't have any eyes right now either, HAAAYYY that kid in the book looks like a lot of fun. Wonder how much money he got for that job??? Love and kisses A+A

Chester said...

Hello George! I'm a brand new dog to the dogblog world, and I'm hopping about to meet some friends! I love your blog (and your accent)! Come check out my new digs and say hello! I'm over at: Oh, and big congrats on winning the contest! Those cakes sure sound yummy!

the booker man said...

hihi george!
we can still see you even if you can't see us! heehee. anywho, i love that your bloggie is often about the foodables. mmmmmm! gratsers on your cookbook and roller ball. my mama and daddy like to put PB or kibbles in my kong and asa's kong and then giggle as we try to get everythingie out. it sure doesn't take much to entertain them, does it? BOL.

the booker man

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by George and for your tips and friendly welcome! I can tell we have a lot in common! Wags, ~Chester

Homer said...

The last photo of you is classic! We love it!

If we are heading over to Shropshire, we'll let you know. We'll go to the pub for a couple of pints!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am taking my mamas into Welsh cakes for this weekend! Thanks for the recipe!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh George mi man, I have to say that you ALWAYS PUT A HUGE SMILE on mi face and a HEARTY CHUCKLE in my belly, and mi mum's....we love ya'! And hairy mutt...well yes, we both are...that is why our mums love us so....


Oskar said...

This sounds super-yummy!

Nubbin wiggles,

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi George,
Thanks for your visit!! I am not going to blog until my hands feel better but I am going to comment. The blog that I have to do will be a long one and commenting is not so long. I have arthritis in a bunch of places on my body, hands are just one place!!!
George you are my kind of man!!! Coming to see me even if I haven't blogged!!!! Nice!!!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Ps, congrats on winning Wyatt's contest. I cook for Bambi, she gets nothing that is made for a dog. Look forward to some great recipes.

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, those Welsh cakes are making us drool! Yummmm. Congrats on your winnings - excellent choices. Oh, yeah, our Mom & Dad met two girl Airedales the other day and they were reminded of you! Dad thought they were just like you, but Welse Terriers are a bit smaller, right? Have you ever done a post on the diff between Airedales and Welse Terriers? That would be really interesting. Anywho, they are the first Airedales we've seen around these parts. They were very sweet girls!
The Road Dogs