Saturday 30 October 2010

Saturday Steps and a Happy Halloween to Yea

My local train station steps ,(they could do with a paint if you ask me!!!) I often think I hear the trains at night, mom says its the ghost train going though !!!!!

Well I'm off to two Halloween partys this weekend the first one is at 

and the second one at

 go and check them out it will be a hoot!!

Here's me in me Halloween gear, ready for the partys

Thanks goes to K-9 Katastrophe for the badge

Come back on the 1st November I've got something up my sleeve, Yes, it is itchy, only 'cus I'm itching to tell you,
No its not a pup! I don't want you all getting the wrong idea!! its to do with my B/Day!!  

See Yea George xxx


Rose H (UK) said...

I'm loving the new fangs and Costumes George! You're SO handsome :o)
Happy Halloween
Love from the old witch!

Taryn said...

Great costume and I LOVE those fangs! Happy Howl-o-ween George!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Happy Halloween, George! You look like you're entering a spooky place at the top of those stairs. That's the best Halloween background we've seen so far!

Have a great time at your parties ... and try to not nibble too many girls on their necks ...

We'll see ya on Monday ... if not sooner!

Boo to You Too!
Prickly Paws Jake and Belle Star Fergi

Michelle said...

George, you are one dapper fellow. I hope you have a spooktacular time at your Halloween festivies.

Bella and Ollie said...

wow! your costume is absolutely amazing!
we are loving it :)
Happy Halloween, George.

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You are most handsome. Very much so.
Sally Ann

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

George, you look fantastic mate! You'll be wowing the girls at the Halloween parties. Those train steps look spooky by themselves!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OMG, OMG!!! DRACULA...KING GEORGE, YOU, YOU are the best. George, you have made my mum and dad laugh SOOOOOOOO HARD....son, you are THEE most photogenic terrier, even more than miself. THOSE FANGS....old man, where, oh WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE! I HAVE NOT SEEN THEH LIKES HERE IN THE STATES! You are the poster boy for the BOO HOUR....And I am going to crash those parties you mention. I WILL BE BACK ON YOUR BDAY AND DO YOU KNOW THAT WHEN MI MUM WAS MAKING THAT RENDERING OF YOU, THAT THE FIRST ONE SHE ATTEMPTED HAD ON A PARTY HAT? She had no idea you were going to be celebrating "THE BIG ONE!" I tip mi hat to ya brother.....lovingly, BALZAC, your American Cousin!

Oh Jan, we just love your humor and GEORGE'S willingness to pose!!!! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, may I please, please snag one of these photos for my sidebar with a link to this little shop of delights so that others may find the joy of GEORGE? Anita

Patrice said...

What a wonderful costume! Count George, the Welsh Vampire!Have fun at your two parties. I checked them both- Luna is so cute as a little pumpkin!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You look so awesome, George. We just know you are going to have a grand time at the parties. Have fun and stay safe.

Happy Halloween weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Those stairs are spooky and your costume is PAWSOME! Happy Howl-O-Ween my furiend, I will see you at da pawtys!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Love those costumes!!! You look great on the steps too!!! Have fun at the pawties!!! Happy Halloween sweet boy! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HOWLY Cow... you are a VAMPIRE???? THAT is one super duper Scarey cawstooom buddy. LOVE the FANGS. I'm taking the Wives and Cussin Francy Pants to Luna's Pawty. I hope to see you there.
SOOOOO you are gonna TEASE us with a surprise thingy??? Make us wait for like 87 hours to find out. Not fair. Butt FUN. Can't wait bud.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

What a great costume George!! Love the fangs :)

Have a Happy Halloween!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Wyatt said...

George, you are the most pawesome vampire, we have ever seen.
Stanzie is not sure about dating you anymore.....she does not want to give blood! Haha


The Daily Pip said...

George, those stairs look brutal and very scary (but not as scary as you in those fangs). I will see at the pawtys!

Your pal, Pip

little princess Luna~ said...

oh george you are brilliant~!! i love all your costumes~!!!! :D


Boo21's Mom said...

You are one handsome Dracula, George!

Darby and Pumpkin's human, Melissa

Jon Terry said...

Yikes! Count Dracula!!! Give me back my pal George!! My mommy says you look so ADORABLE in your costumes =D Happy Halloween!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

oooo! Count George!! Heehee! Glad you liked the badge!


Unknown said...

Hi George, those stairs are really spooky!!!

You're the most handsome vampire. I love your costumes and fangs.

Have pawsome pawties too!!!

The Thuglets said...

OMD! you scared us!

Brilliant costume and fangs you still look so handsome. Happy Halloween.

We love the new header photo of you!

Happy spooking..........

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Duke said...

You sure are the most handsome vampire we've ever seen, George! Have a great time at your halloweenie pawties!
We love your new header picture!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I just had to come again to get a load of those fangs....this is what we all need to release the stress of peep resonsibilities....LAUGH WITH THE VAMPIRES! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ooohhhh, I shall go to my mailbox...but is it quit creepy outside...will I be met by GEORGE THE VAMPIRE? Stay tuned....

My Mind's Eye said...

George first of all we love your new header,
2nd of all MOL at your fierce looking pictures....we know there is a cuddly teddy bear underneath all that growling. Very very cute.

Not to worry about all the 'swords' I have on my keeps them so dull they won't cut butter. MOL Hugs Madi

Kristine said...

Hey George! Nice to meet you. It looks like you are all ready to go for Halloween. That's quite the social calendar. You must be one sought after guy. Have a great weekend!

Zona said...

That costume is fantastical!!! Those teefers looks extra skeery! Can't wait to see you at the pawty. Now I know what you mean about hoping you get through customs in that getup!


Anonymous said...

LOL George, George you look so scary!!! I wonder how your mom got you to wear those vampy teeth? Happy Halloween. I hope you have a boo aful day!!!!

Sage said...

Those are some fangs! I don't want to get too close....

Sherry said...

"George, what big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood. And George said, "The better to grin at you with!"

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh you two dear friends, George's scary image is on my sidebar, TWICE! I just couldn't decide which photo to use, so I used TWO with links to this magic world. HAVE FUN EVERYONE! BALZAC and ANITA

Oskar said...

George you look terrific! We'd love to have your permission to use a picture for our Pet Blogs United Halloween Parade tomorrow. If we can you could send us an e-mail at pbu at comcast dot net.

Have a wonderful weekend!


sprinkles said...

I always look forward to your Saturday Steps posts, George!

Is that a new header picture? You look so handsome!

I love that costume! Did your mum photoshop those fangs in? There's no WAY I would even consider trying to stick fangs in my dog's mouth! bol

Orange is your color!

My boys are really mad at me because I never got around to sending in pictures for Luna's pawty. They don't want anything to do with me now since it's totally my fault they'll have to miss the festivities.

You know, until you pointed it out, I never did notice that a lot of people have dogs the same or similar color as their carpets. After you said that, I started checking and you're right! I always wondered how The OP Pack's mom keeps their cream carpet so beautiful, I guess the trick is to have cream colored dogs and you won't notice the dog hair so much! bol

You were asking if I was having issues with Google Reader. No, because I use the Blogger dashboard to check my fave blogs. Jenn @ My Brown Newfies had said to me that she'd missed my Wordless Wednesday post because it hadn't shown up in her Google Reader but she knew better because I always participate so she made a point to stop by my blog and check it out. So I was just responding to her comment.

Maxmom said...

Hey George...
Looks like you are really in the spirit of things...happy Halloween to you too.
Lotsalicks and howls

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeeeheeeeee! "GEORGIE THE VAMPIRE, HE BIT MY MOTHER'S NECK, pum pum pum....." Have you ever heard that song old man? It actually says, OMAR THE VAMPIRE, HE BIT MY MOTHER'S NECK! YOU LOOK GREAT ON MY SIDEBAR!!!! Happy Sunday dear ones, Balzac and Anita

To Dog With Love said...

Wow! Great costume. LUV the fangs! Good idea on the horse mai pal! Thanks for stopping by my bloggie!

Your pal,

Eric said...

Crickey a creepy blogger just ate my I was barking you look smashing in your Dracula outfit George. And those new pearly whites of your yours are perfect for tearing the stuffing out of stuffies...give 'em bite after midnight.....

happy howloeeeen wiry love Eric xx

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

George, those are some great, great Halloween photos! You look pawsome and exactly like a real vampire, too. Also those stairs are most appropriately spooky looking in the picture.

lotsa licks, Lola

Erin said...

Haven't visited in awhile but we wanted to wish you a Happy Howlaween! Your costume is Fantastic and just adds to the magic that is you. Hug's Erin & Mom

Pup Fan said...

I'm cracking up... love the costume!

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Howlaween George, your costume is excellent.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

AngelPups said...

George, you are a natural Count!! Happy Halloween!
Kelly & Crew
Big Mac, Molly & Moxie

Bruce said...

Happy Halloween George. You're look marvelous in that costume!

Mini Puddles said...

What will get me, Mini Puddles furs YOUR birfday?

Mini Puddles

Anonymous said...

You are one sharp lookin Count Georgula! :)

Those are the spookiest steps I've ever seen! Great shot of you George :)

Happy Howl Day to ya!

PeeS: Got your note. Will stop by tomorrow afternoon :)

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Halloween George
We came over so you could suck our blood. (don't take too much, we are very little)
Love Ruby & Penny

the teacher's pets said...

Hello George!
How is it that a scary vampire costume doesn't make you look scary at all but only more and more adorable??? Thanks for visiting my blog today and I am sooo glad you are pawticipating in the Christmas card exchange too! I can't wait to see what surprises you have in store for us tomorrow!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
Great outfit there. Can't wait for tomorrows post.
Toodle pip!
PS My 'computer help' problem is that we've been away from internet access (last week) and that Gail's v. busy with work (next two weeks). But we're still keeping going.

Anonymous said...

Hi! George! We linked from Darby's Daily and WOW! are we glad we did! That is a great costume!
Wish my person was that creative. I might consent to a costume! Maybe! Have a happy Halloween! Love the blog!

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey George....

Ya look like Count Dracula.....yep....ready ta pounce on some unsuspectin' creature 'n scare the daylights outta 'em....have fun at yer Halloween party....we're stayin' home ta give out candy ta the kids.......we're gonna test it first ta make sure it's safe ta eat.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Deborah said...

Happy Halloween George, you look great, dogdracula!
Hope you have fun at the parties!

Asta said...

You make quite a Dazzlingly handsome count Dwacoola
Have a most wondewful time at the pawties
smoochie kisses

the booker man said...

you are a spiffy lookin' vampire doggie!! i love the costume!! those fangs are totally perfect for stabbin' at all the good foodables. heehee.

the booker man

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Bet your mum had to bribe you with a TON of treats to wear those fangs! Just don't bite your tongue as you scarf down the treats.

Jed & Abby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

your kinda scary looking..
I hope you did not scare anyone toooo bad.
Happy Halloween!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! We just love 'da SpoOky steps pho-toe!! We's skeerd~~

Love yous costume to George...


Happy Halloween!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man


we's glad to be back and next time we leave yous can use our special secret phone so yous don't has to leave messages... it will bring us to you right away... and Puddles won't believe it... (like when you met 'da Road dogs) snorts!!

Road Dog Tales said...

George - That is a PAWSOME costume! Hope you won some contests with that one!

The Road Dogs