Saturday 9 October 2010

Saturday Steps... Double Dose

Weston Park, Shropshire, these two photos were taken there, me and mom went to have a walk around it last weekend, when dad was at the beer festival, but we was turned away : (  the parks closed now till the end of May!!. Bye Bye to one of my favorite walks till next year!!

 See Yea George xxx


Scooter said...

Hi George
Thats too bad that it was closed already. Do you have other places to walk until next May?? I bet those steps were fun though!!


Taryn said...

Every place in England looks so elegant!

Jake of Florida said...

George my lad, You really enhance those steps. We think they should pay you to attract visitors.

Gotta' tell you -- when I was a puppy -- about 8 and a half years ago, mom and I turned a corner on our walkie and ran smack into a welsh terrier. We both got so excited that before you could say wire fox and welsh terriers, our leashes were entangled and mom and the stranger on the other end of the leash were kind of wrapped up too.

So I always have a soft spot in my heart for your kind, remembering that fun encounter!!! Mom made the stranger and the welshie walk home with us so she could show Dogdad what a good-looking terrier the pup was.

Wirey woofs,

Jake (and Just Harry)

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Beautiful photos George!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Wyatt said...

How could those park people turn you away? Don't they know how famous you are!


The Daily Pip said...

Beer festival!!!! Boy oh boy, that sounds fun!!

Your pal, Pip

Patrice said...

You have such beautiful places to take your walks!
Have a good weekend, George!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, I'm sorry you were turned away. Why do they close? Is it a particularly summer type of park.

lotsa licks, Lola

Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

And what a lovely walk that looks to be.... Always enjoy a nice stroll through any garden.... especially with a pooch :)

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!!! BeauTeeful pho-toes!! Sorry yous turned away at 'da beer fest... and yous has to wait to May... maybe a new ones open for business!!! hee hee

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

sprinkles said...

These are some really pretty steps!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You should have gone to the beer festival. Great step shots, at least they weren't closed!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

What a bummer your park closed for the year, George! You'll have to discover new favorite spots!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh horsefeathers!!!!!! I just kick mi back paws when I don't get what I want! I am with you old man, but I know some wonderful trails round the Twin City lakes that mum and I enjoy...come on down dear friend! Balzac and Anita

Anonymous said...

Awww. It'll be okay George. Maybe Mom and Dad can take you to some Two Steppin classes until your park reopens. Yeehaw!

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

George you show us some marvelous places! Thank you. Sooo beautiful. You are just too cute ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

You are looking very handsome there in the sunshine. We especially like your 'step form' in the 2nd picture...that looks rather tricky to sit on one and stand on the other....Well done,
madi and Mom

Alien said...

Ah, George. I missed you. Thanks for your concern while I was, um... occupied.


Anonymous said...

Oh Georgie you make the steps look Pawsome!

woo woos, Tessa

Unknown said...

You definitely live in one of the most beautiful places in the whole wide world. I love to see those beautiful places in your pictures. Even the steps look great!!!

Bocci said...

Oh no! We'll all look forward to next year. In the meantime, I'm sure you'll show us lots of other beautiful photos!

violett said...

How can the park close? Nevertheless, you are a VIP.
In Germany the big historical parks also close at the end of October. For example, Sanssouci, from the 31.10 to the 1.4.
The photos are wonderful. And you as wonderfully.
Lots of love

the booker man said...

awww, george, how could they turn you away? lame-o! may is a long time to wait...hopefully, time will fly by super duper fast so you can head back to your favoritest park!

the booker man