Sunday 10 October 2010

Apples, Cider and more Apples......

Mums gone out “shopping “with her friends – and that puts me and Dad at a loose end

“So, What we goin' to do Dad?”

“Well George. How do you fancy a day in Ironbridge? The Greewood Trust have their “AppleDay” today and it should be fun”.

This is where we end up.

“ So, Whats all this about” I wonder? Dad shows me the poster

First up we have to have a cup of tea.

The two things on the poster I saw are.......Blah, Blah, Blah - Morris Dancing and Blah, Blah, Blah - Hog Roast........Bring it on...........But, hang on a minute - “Whats all this talk and smell of Apples”?

Do you ever have a thought that says......”Sorry I asked”............Dad goes off telling me about apples

“Well George. It works like this. Peeps form all over the county bring their spare apples to the center. They are then washed, mashed and put into a big press. This squeeeeeezzzzesss all the juice out. The peeps that help out get the juice and make it into cider, some of which will be sold at next years Apple Day".

Still with me?......................OK, time for some more pics”

Apples.............Loads of them

Then they get washed

Then Mashed

Put into the press wrapped in sack cloth.

And Squeeeeeeeezzzzzeeed ( Wouldn't want to get my tail stuck in that)

The final result....................Lots of juice

OK.........I've done apples “What about the “Hog Roast”

We go and see the guys cooking the hog and I tell them that we'd like a roll with all the extras (apple sauce and stuffing)

And just look what we got.....and very nice it was to. Dad had half a pint of cider to wash it down.

So that's us fed and watered................How about a look round and I'll introduce you to a few of the people we met.

Firstly. I had a chat with our local MP David Wright.

Next, Dads potter friend, Rachael. She has a workshop within the old Coalport China Museum and was at Apple Day letting the kids have a go on the potters wheel. ( Dads says he can do that – but wouldn't have a go? he used to be a potter!!)

Finaly me mates “The Ironmasters and Guilders Morris dancers”

Cos Dad was driving, he only had half a pint. So when we got home we had a walk down to The Station Hotel so he could have a drop more cider (hic) and I could have a play with me mate Minni.

So all in all a great day with Dad.

Now when mom goes out with her friends she always comes back with something for ME!!
I'm not to inpressed with what she brought back this time!

A Dragon, BOL, LOL very funny mom!!

" Well you've heard of GEORGE and the DRAGON"  yea yea yea!!

Plus this thing

Now we make Welsh Cakes, but mom has to use a large frying pan, this is a proper griddle pan.
Which brings me around to a competition we won, with the recipe for the Welsh cakes, our furiend Wyatt held it, WYATTS RIOT   the prize was green papers to spend at Amazon, I took me a long time to pick something out, but the items came this week, so I will be posting about it soon.

Me bags are packed for Bertie and Gails field trip, I'm so exsited, I'm catching the overnight train up there,
So will catch up with you all later in the week.

See Yea George xxx   


Eric said...

Ay up George me lad. You've had some wagging times lately. Up the old apples and pears at for your saturday post, the George monument ....hhhhaaaa!!....hooooo... your flying moo need that wax me lad to make yourslef a nice old handlebar.

We don't have that smashing apple day down south. Shame. I'm rather partial to 'em...did you have one for dessert after your porkie pig roll? Course. If I'd gone I could of joined in with the Morris dancing but I notice they weren't wearing their wellibobs.

Lookies like you and Minnie had a fair few pints at the pub after too and getting all tangled up together like that haarharararara.. s'pose you two are an item then huh? Or just good friends eh? Wink*.

Wiry wags Eric xxx

Taryn said...

Your Apple Day is interesting....Around here, we go to Apple Days to pick apples and bring them home....Not take them in for smashing...Jimmy and Wilson love a day in the orchard, lots of running around, a picnic to beg for, and all the apples they can eat. Of course, they do have to be wary of all the bees enjoying the fallen apples.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

What a lovely day the two of you had. Not every Dad would bother. Lots of Dads would think a day without Mom means hanging around the house watching sports on TV. I can name some of those Dads if prompted. I'm glad you had such fun.

lotsa licks, Lola

Anonymous said...

Ah George, what a Wonderful time, apples and pig! Sounds so good too!

woo woos, Tessa

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our Dad looked at that pile of apples and said - just think of all the apple pies Mom could make:) We looked at that hog and thought - we have to get to George's place so we can have a taste of THAT.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

the booker man said...

sounds like you had a grrreat "guys day out" with your daddy! apple day looked pretty neato! my mama goes gaga over cider, so she was totally droolin' everywhere. she says the cider is not nearly as good in the united states. i wouldn't know. hmmmpf.
i thought for sure you'd start up a jig with the morris dancers? did you have too much hog 'n cider in your belly? teehee!
have funsies on bertie's expedition!

the booker man

Rose H (UK) said...

I knew you and Dad would have a great day out George! I can vouch that Dad is good on the potters wheel too - I've seen him do it! I have good memories of a day out with Mom, Dad and Uncle Trev at Apple Day a couple of years ago. Looking forward to your Welsh Cakes George :o)
Great to see you yesterday....
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi George
You apple days sounded like so much fun.
Moms remember how good the apples cider can be in 1 year from now..
And she said there is no way that the apple cider would get out of her site!
Happy Days to you

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you really had a wonderful day didn't you!!! Those apples look great! Apple cider sounds delicious!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Scooter said...

Hey ya George!!
That sounded like a great day with Dad. gee...maybe Mom should go shopping more often, I'm just saying!!


My Mind's Eye said...

George I would like to officially submit an application to apply for adoption by your Mom and Dad. OHC you and Dad had a ton of fun and look at all the food and folks you were able to see. Good to know you two men did not get into too much trouble while the Boss lady was away,

Hugs Madi and Mom

The Daily Pip said...

That's a lot of apples, George!! We usually go apple picking at this time of year, but haven't made it yet!! Glad you had a nice day with dad!

Your pal, Pip

sprinkles said...

I'm so excited you got picked to go on Gail and Bertie's field trip! You're going to have so much fun. Don't forget to take lots of pictures and notes so you can tell us all about your adventures.

That was pretty interesting seeing all those pictures of how they make apple cider. I never really put much thought into how it's made but it looks like a lot of work.

Homer said...

Alreet George?

Were you and Minni pissed from too much cider?


Wyatt said...

Yay for apples! Looks like a great day. We love your play picture with Minni!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Chewy said...

apple day.....yummm (drool drool).

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Another great day wif your dad! You is a lucky pup!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

Hey there, George!
You and your dad sure do have some great adventures together! I just loves reading about them.....

and your furrend Minni is a real cutie (course, I am partial to black furry dogs with wild kinda hairs.....heeehee)
Have a good trip.


jen said...

Holy apples!!! I have never seen so many apples-that is pretty neat how they made the juice:)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom would need a much bigger khrokhkpot to turn all those apples into apple butter!


Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

Apple Cider!! Yumm....just made a cup here - only not nearly as fresh or as tasty we're sure... That's a crazy cider making apparatus if we've ever seen one - looks like a ton of fun....October festivities are the best aren't they?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Apples AND pork.....does it get any better? That WAS a great day out.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Thuglets said...

Corr don't half get some crackin days out.

That roast really made us drool!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Unknown said...

Apples and Apple cider sound so yummy.

Thanks for sharing the secrets of making that yummy drink too. Your dad was so kind to give you an educational trip and the whole event looked so fun!!!

WFT Nobby said...

What a great day George. I love apples too - but Gail always gives me just the cores. Your mate Minni looks a bundle of fun.
Looking forward to seeing you in Scotland !!
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Excellent day with Dad George! Those are quite the menagerie of contraptions used to make your apple cider. Very cool :)

And you topped it off with a roast pork sandwich.

Thinkin you're livin high on the hog BOL :P

Duke said...

What an awesome day you had, George! We hope you got an apple! If not, you can come here and have as many as you want!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE MI MATE! I missed you yesterday....I was out galavanting as well....but what yummy fun you had old man....HOGS and PINTS and TEA and CIDER....son, you keep your figure so do you do it? And on top of that, WELSH CAKES? SOUNDS FABULOUS! Oh, how I wish we could play together.....much commaradery, Balzac

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! What a cool day yous had!!
We's loves to go apple picking too!! Mommy likes 'da dragon and hopefully next times yous get a George pressie!!

We's like dese apple donuts 'dat da pawrents bring us's... well, we's sneak from 'dem... hee hee

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

3 doxies said...

Golly George, I am most exhausted from dat field trip you hads. I have NEVER seen how they do dat apple stuffs...that was seriously cool!
I have learned so many neat things from your trips you go on. Now, I has to admit...I am rather glad they was roasting a hog rather than weinies.

Oh and by da is a funny fur ya.
Them Elgin Pugs REALLY thought da Road Dogs was going to visit you...BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh me, I still laughing.


freerangegirl said...

Great post George it looks like you had a fab day out and a nice time after at the pub! We love the pics of you eyeing up the burger! Check out Arthur and pearl on our blog of you like - arthurs avoiding the apples this year as when he was younger he got into the cider and got rather tipsy - not a pretty sight!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Had to come back and take another look at all those apples. Jake's been begging for 'em for a week now.

And. By the way. We just caught a peek at your moma's blog. And NOW we understand why you've got the MostAmazingPhotos!

There's some real talent in your family!
Jake and Fergs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow Georgie, there was soooo much info on this post that our heads are spinning! Apple Day sounded & looked like a wonderful to meet the king of your village too? Cider is a tasty are so lucky. AnD you're going on Bertie's dig! Busy little fella.
BabyRD and Hootie

Road Dog Tales said...

Now that's an adventure! We were most interested in that pork. Lucky you! Mom fancied that wooden dragon for Dad (it's his Chinese astrologic sign, you know:) and she would love to see your potter friend's work. Mom tried a turn at the wheel many years ago and though it was fun, she wasn't very good - her pots were kinda wobbly. We didn't know your Dad was a potter - can we see some of his work? Good thing you had your adorable friend Minni to save you from all that boring apple pressing!
PeeS - Was great to meet you in the fur at Bertie's Scottish adventure! SOME people think we didn't really meet you, but we've got proof - stay tuned!
The Road Dogs

Unknown said...

George - we have that cookbook too, we use it all the time - several of our homeade recipes we put on our site are from that cookbook. All our treats almost always use canned pumpkin ;)

Scout and Freyja said...

George, I can't imagine a more wonderful time with your dad - ever! How fun☺

Pat Wahler said...

What an interesting field trip you had with Dad! Anything that involves food tends to get two thumbs up from me!


Asta said...

I am gween wif envy
Honestly, I think I live o the wong side of the pond. Fiwst you go off on a splendid Geological field twip wif my fwinds and I miss it, and now this gweat apple day complete wif woast and cidew and a comfy snooze in a pub wif youw fwiend ahhh, you have the life!!!

can't wait to see what you won
smoochie kisses

Neeko said...

Good grief George!
That's a LOT of apples...
Wow! What an exciting trip you had with your Daddy my friend.

Loved all the pictures; thanks for sharing them with us.

Neeko :o)

Littlemissairgap said...

G'day George the Lad. You're my kind of dog. I love a doggie with a beard; Airedales, Lakelands, Irish Terriers & of course, Welsh Terriers :-)
We've been watching on cable tv of late River Cottage with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall & we've become convinced that anyone living in rural England loves a good excuse for a party, usually involving cider ;-) What a great life village life must be! Lucky George and his mum and dad too.