Headline News
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What she got from Crufts!!
This Months Pooch Pack
How could She!!
Surveys,Tin Foil & Fuzz Book
Hello and welcome to this months "The Tess"
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We got a tweet from Pooch Pack the day before we went to Crufts
Saying check out the Crufts official show guide
It's me George with my Pooch Pack!!
Think how many folks will have seen that!
What she got from Cruft's
A Welsh Terrier Bag from the stand
Harringtons Training Treats they are a great stand in when we run out of home made liver cake
What's in the bag?
"You know what this means Tess"
Its clippers!!
"Are you sure George"
Thats not a present for us, she says that's all she bought!! as she ran out of money!
Yes she has used them.
This is before
The clue we gave you on the Crufts 2013 Blog Post
The name of a Wallis & Gromit Film?
A Close Shave
This Months Pooch Pack
I'll let Tess in soon
I just need to look at it first
Easter Goodies
How Could She!
"Yes Mom this is terrible"
George had to go for his jabs at the vets, I had mine a couple of months ago but she forgot to take my record card for the vet to fill in. While she was looking through the paper work she realised that my papers for the kennel club saying she is my new owner had not been done!!
She got it sorted super quick and now they know my forever home
Surveys, Tin Foil & Fuzz Book
A while back when we were on our blogging break
before Christmas
got in touch with us to see if we would take part in their survey What's Your Pet Pet-rified of.
we declined at the time.
But Louise got back in touch with the results it's well worth a read

Image source: MoneySupermarket Pet Insurancebefore Christmas
got in touch with us to see if we would take part in their survey What's Your Pet Pet-rified of.
we declined at the time.
But Louise got back in touch with the results it's well worth a read
"Go on George tell them what Pet-rifes you"
Tin Foil, Mom opened a cupboard in the kitchen I was only about 9 weeks old at the time. A roll of tin foil fell out from a great height and hit me on the head them rolled out along the floor!!
Ok now you know, as I'm talking I want to tell you about a page I've set up on Fuzz Book
Each Saturday I will put the same photo as on my blog but on Face Book.
Breaking News
It's a bark out
George is going on his Birthday Outing this week.
About time he's been waiting for over 4 months!!
We've been on a very muddy walk, blog post about it coming soon
It's a wrap for this months Tess
Thanks for popping by
Love and Hugs George & Tess xxx
Wow you two had a lot to bark about today...we loved reading it all! And Tess is famous...think of all the vets offices that book is in now!!!
What can I say? I read every minute detail, scanned every photo, and what do I come up with? A HUGE SMILE, even bigger than GEORGIE'S SMILE!
WOW...you covered quite a bit today you two! And with super duper photos?
HOW HOW HOW do you smile and smirk, George the Lad? You are priceless, and you Tessy? Sweet as pie.
That muddy walk has got to be so much fun, watching all the WTs just scramble about! So wish I was there.
LOVE TO YOU ALL...you make my day and OH! WE ARE FINALLY in April! George mi man, St. George's Day is coming....are you going to do something special to show off your dragon slaying skills? Anita
Love that Pooch Pack. We hope we're getting something like that soon. Congratulations on Tess for becoming legal...BOL!
That muddy walk looks like FUN!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Oh PHEW! I'm so relieved your momma finally got things sorted out so everyone will KNOW where you belong! That would've been skeery if someone tried to say you were supposed to be somewhere else!
WOW Tess, that was some report, its gonna take us a while to get it all in, may have to read it more then once, especially the what pets are afraid of. For me it may be you the way you attacked that yellow ball. Boy did you guys gather up lots of goodies, now about them clippers!
Your Pals
The Mad Scots
Wow, Tess! Now THAT was quite an extensive report. Great job! Glad all that paperwork got sorted out, and that you're "official" now, Tess. And we hope that George had fun on his birthday outing! :)
Wow! I loe that picture of you Geroge! And that poster of what pets are afraid of is fantastic!!
That's a whole lot of news, Tess! You've been busy, busy, busy.
I must say, I'm in the majority in being afraid of the vacuum. I trie to bite it to death every time Mom starts it up.
Hiya bro and Tess - another GREAT report - I had to go for a whizz about 1/2 way through - I guess I laffed too hard at George locking Tess out to check out the Pooch Pack BOL! She looked so sad in the background!
Good to see all the great stuffs - had to avert my eyes with the Wahl bag ..... we also have those clippers!!
Glad you had a great Easter - I'm about to post on our Easter how that you-know-who has switched on the big computer I can now do it!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
Your pooch pack was great and how cool that George was in the Crufts magazine. I always love your updates.
Hi Tess and George,
I didn't buy a Crufts show guide, but can imagine just how many people have seen you George, fame at last!
I like Mom's bag but as for the clippers..well I can imagine you're not too impressed with your close shave! Have to say you do look very smart now.
Naughty Mom forgetting Tess's officialdom, love your name Miss Kissme Quick :-)
No wonder you're afraid of tinfoil!!
Annie hates the vacuum cleaner, she tries to kill the beast :-)
Enjoy your birthday treat George. Better late than never!
Love Eileen and Annie xx
That pooch pack is sure full of the bestest stuff! You and Tess are lucky dogs, George!
Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly
Pawsome Pooch pack and we love the bit about what petrifies dogs. LOL tin foil? Mine are propellers and balloons. Not fond of the vacular either. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Ok - to clarify my comment .... Mum loves her stoooopid little iPad so she's on that most of the time. But it's really horrible to type on for leaving comments and I can only do blog posts when she has turned on the office Mac.
So good to hear your ma is on Hollingdays..... What you guys gonna get up to???
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
Great report Tess - and so much news. George being famous again - he'll start being mobbed by pawtograph hunters soon :-)Bad news about the clippers although you did both look very smart after a trim! I'll tell my peeps to look out for your Facebook Page. Have a fun day - woofs and licks from Magic xx
WOW! That was a lot of news! You must be exhausted from reporting so much!
Enjoy your TREATS!
Lucky Pals.
Enid x
Famous George! Lucky you!
This was a great issue of Tess!
That pet-triffied thing was good, I'm scared of the brush.
Wow, that walk looked great! How many Welsh terriers do you know?!
Hope you had a happy easter!
Pippa :)
Howdy George and Tess, wowza that was a busy month. We liked the article about what pets are scared of. We also love the photos of you and all your friends and we're green with jelly looking at your Pooch Pack. Enjoy it all mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Excellent Post! Real news that we can use...:D
George, it is okay to be afraid of tin foil. We are afraid of chandeliers, sneezing and the neighbor!
Wyatt and Stanzie
I AM LOVING YOUR NEW BANNER MY FRIENDS! And Georgie, are you sharpening your crusader sword, getting yourself ready to slay away? I see you liked my little pet dragon, but I fear he would go down in one gulp with you or Tessy! teeheee
Thank you precious friends for coming by. I am looking forward to some dragon slaying, George the Lad style!!!!!!! LOVE, Anita
Wow a mega post, the dialogue is great. Fancy keeping Tess outside while you get the pick of the treats George. Hope there was no tin foil in there. Hope you enjoyed your walk after such a long time. I had one on saturday gone, the first decent one in over a year.
We are so happy for George being famous now and being in the magazine. All of these photos are just wonderful. So much pawsome fun times. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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