Sunday 7 April 2013

A Walk From The Book

It's been a long time since we did walk from the book 

We had arranged to do the walk with our Welsh Terrier friends Roxy, Roger, Colin and Jenkins

 Starting at 
The Cock Inn
 Hanwood, Shropshire

Photo taken by Jonathan Fraser 
A rare photo of Mom trying to get over a stile!!

Good job they have dog sized holes at the bottom

This is where the walk all started to get a little Muddy!

Roxy and Roger checking out the smells

While the two leggers got deeper in it

That field was shocking to go through and I don't mean just the mud!!  
We walked along the fence line to start with as it was the least muddy place but it had an electric fence next to the main fence, there were no signs to tell you this, two of the two leggers got shocks off it!!

It was at this stage of the walk we decided it was best to walk into the middle of the field, Mom also put the camera away as she was almost a gonner a couple of times with her wellies getting stuck!
We were walking to a stile at the far side of the field, but climbing over it Roxys Mom got an electric shock as she put her arm close to the wire by the stile!!again no signs to warn you. 
Over to Mom for a rant!!

"I did think it was law to have signs up to say you are entering a field with an electric fence, on getting home I checked out the Shropshire Council website about Electric Fences and Public Rights of Way.
Turns out its a Guidance to Landowners not law to have signs up, but the electric fence is the landowners liability

Quote- In the event of a user of a right of way coming into contact with an un-insulated electric
fence and suffering harm as a result then the injured party could sue the person responsible for erecting the fence for damages. 

Rant over back to George" 

We took time out to see where the next part of the walk would take us, I was so pleased Jenkins was with us as he lives locally and pointed out that following the book we would have to go through more fields that would most likely be just as muddy. 
He guilded us a less muddy way


This stile has a piece of wood you lift up so us dogs can get through.

This field was not muddy, can you see the snow on the hills?

Plenty to smell

Photo taken by Jonathan Fraser
A very rare photo of  Mom and Dad!!

The stile out of the field

Time to wash some of the mud off.

This is Jenkin's
 Thanks for your help redircting the walk and getting us away from the mud

I smell spring in the air

All cross

Photo taken by Jonathan Fraser

We all had to wait outside the local shop while Mom went in and got some bin linners to put on the seats of the car!

Oh look its a muck spreader coming!

Back to where we started.

 Dogs where not allowed in this pub so we all had to sit outside 

Bar humbug
We said goodbye to Jenkins at this point and waited while Roxy's Mom put some over trouser's on, as she fell over in the Muddy field! 

We can tick that walk off in the book and can only hope that the next one won't be muddy.

I heard Mom and Dad talking that because we where so muddy it would be a good time to try out the drive in dog wash!!! But Roxy came to the rescue and invited me Tess and Colin to R&P's place for an off lead play time.

Check out the smile box

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Plus two videos

A great end to a great day, with great friends, we didn't end up at the dog wash as most of the mud dropped off with all the running about.
Have a Good Week
See Yea George xxx


ann @ studiohyde said...

Wow that looks like a web of Welsh Terriers to me! Electric fencing is scary stuff...I've been zapped more times than I like to think!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE, TESSY, mom and dad! Is everyone OK who got zapped? My oh my, that is something to remember when I go on walks in fields, I HOPE on day, in your part of the world!

Your area looks like ours: mud, rain, more mud! This was certainly a perfect day with friends of both flesh and fur, and see? You didn't have to go through the dog wash!

It is a joy to see you all, to even HEAR a little bit of the peeps speaking in the videos and that smile box leaves my cheeks hurting, from all the smiles. Hugs to you all dear friends! Anita

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great news about NO bath. Looks like a walk you might like to take during a drought! Bet all the pawrents were ready for a pint when they reached the pub again....or a cuppa if it was that cold.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

We love seeing all the terriers together.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Hope no one got hurt and only the peeps had to take a bath when all was said and done! What a nice long walk though. Have a great night!

Cowspotdog said...

That was certainly a most excellent adventure except for the sappy fence and mud. But oh my the smells must of been wonderful

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD What a FABULOUS DAY... Minus the Shocking Fence and the MUD...
It was soooooo cool drool to see all SIX of you together having such a fun time.

Millie and Walter said...

Glad you were spared the baths. What a fun hike for the pups. Not so much for the peeps.


Michelle said...

Oh dear! We have a lot of that electric fencing here in Kentucky! Not fun if you are shocked. The mud doesn't look too fun either! But, I must admit I would love to join you on a walk!

Sage said...

That looks even muddier than where we go to play...of course, that picture of the mud puddle was mighty inviting! I don't like the sounds of shocking fences, though. NOT GOOD!!!

Eileen H said...

I think there's a song called Mud, mud, glorious mud... but sot so glorious and the electric fences are just scary! The play time looked so much fun and was wonderful to watch:-)

Duke said...

What a fun time for you doggies! The peeps get gold stars for being good sports. Our mom would have been whining about the mud.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Cranberry Morning said...

I'd love to be there on that walk with you!!

BTW, can the landowner be held liable even if he has a sign erected, warning that the fence is electric? I sure hope not, for that would be most unreasonable.

WFT Nobby said...

Great walk George. Hope you survived the dreaded bath.....
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who also got very muddy at the weekend).

WFT Nobby said...

Great walk George. Hope you survived the dreaded bath.....
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who also got very muddy at the weekend).

J_on_tour said...

You held me captive right till the end. It's such a shame that mud on walks like this are a distraction at this time of year. No doubt the route is well used as it's in the walk book.

I remember a walk that I did with friends in January last year that left from a pub car park, through some woods and circuited around a race course that included a farm. The "path" beside the farm was well used for cattle as the gate we were meant to use was also meant for the cattle. The only dry line was a small difficult to walk on raised ridge of grass next to the fence which was marked electric !!

I remember blogging about a walk (Fountains Abbey) when my friend took me to assist him in choosing which party the walk would be suitable for. It turned out to be for the hardcore mudbath Ramblers rather than the amblers !

Fascinating post though.

J_on_tour said...

You held me captive right till the end. It's such a shame that mud on walks like this are a distraction at this time of year. No doubt the route is well used as it's in the walk book.

I remember a walk that I did with friends in January last year that left from a pub car park, through some woods and circuited around a race course that included a farm. The "path" beside the farm was well used for cattle as the gate we were meant to use was also meant for the cattle. The only dry line was a small difficult to walk on raised ridge of grass next to the fence which was marked electric !!

I remember blogging about a walk (Fountains Abbey) when my friend took me to assist him in choosing which party the walk would be suitable for. It turned out to be for the hardcore mudbath Ramblers rather than the amblers !

Fascinating post though.

J_on_tour said...

PS sorry it wouldn't post first time which is probably why the previous commenter has published twice too.

Ryker said...

That was a Shocking and very muddy pub crawl! And you didn't even get to go in and belly up to the bar after all that!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow! What a walk!

Pippa Sheltie said...

That looked a super walk!
There were so many of you, but I could tell which ones were you and Tess because of your neckers. Imagine, an electric fence on a walk where it's obvious there's gonna be some dogs. That's horrible! We like the dog sized holes in the stiles, that's useful! Poor humans though, they had to climb over it!
Pippa :)