Saturday 30 March 2013

Saturday Steps a Snowy Weekend and Bunny Ears!

Steps under the snow

We got snow last weekend and had a great time playing in it
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Mom thought it would be funny to throw our treats in the snow,
 I'm not daft as I knew all along where they were


She also had to much time on her hands Friday and got us to pose in Bunny Ears!!!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


YOU TWO....I am privy to the shenanigans in the snow and terriers! OH DEAR...Now George mi man, you are not daft at all! No terrier with muscles in his muzzle to pull such long faces can be daft! teehehehehehe

Mum really had you going didn't she, but really,you had HER going! And the bunny ears! I welcome you into my heart as the Easter Terriers! Oh do have a fabulous Sunday and remember how much we love you.

This was great; I will close my eyes now with visions of your bunny ears and BRIGHT SMILES! OH my Easter Bunny, what large TEETH you have!

Ranger said...

Happy Easter. Nice ears. It's about time you go your ears UP.

Anonymous said...

Guys, you had a real pawty there in the snow with your pals. Tess you make a very good snow plow, love the snow ball look. Ohhhhh, George, was that really required to pee on the giant snow ball. Ok, Ok Bites says yes.

Happy Easter to you guys, yep we gotta do the stupid bunny ears also, but our giant baskets are ready for the real bunny!

Your Pals
The Mad Scots

Sage said...

Your Mom is such a spoofer! Treats in the pockets, huh?

Loved the snow pictures, guys. That's WAY more than we've gotten.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hunting the treats in the snow looked fun....but you need Spring, so you can get back to following your Best Walks Book!

You look cute in your bunny ears, hope you have a Happy Easter.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

Oh you didn't escape the bunny ears then? Have a happy holiday and we wish you and your family a Happy Easter. Enjoy.

Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Looking for treats in the snow sounds like fun to us!
Love your bunny ears, George and Tess!
Happy Easter!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Eileen H said...

Happy Easter George, Tess, Mom and Dad.
Love your bunny ears.
I enjoyed your photos of your walk with your pals. Good idea to end the walk at the pub :-)
I have to tell you we didn't have any snow here on the coast again. Very embarrassing when it was so deep everywhere else. Never mind, Summertime starts tomorrow :-)

Love Eileen and Annie xx

Taryn said...

Happy Easter! Those are some cute Bunny ears!

Cowspotdog said...

Those are the biggest and fluffiness bunny ears we have ever seen. Have a happy Easter George and Tess and enjoy that wonderful snow

Cranberry Morning said...

Okay, George and Tess, I think you should rebel. After all. Treats flung into the snow??? Really! Being made to wear bunny ears??? Listen to me. Come a little closer. I have a plan.....

Matilda the Boxer said...

Ugh. The bunny ears pose. Momma inflicted that on Cinderella and me, and I was NOT amused. You'll see the results on my blog tomorrow.

Millie and Walter said...

You two sure had fun in the snow. I love playing in the snow too. Your bunny ears were beyond cute too. I'm lucky my mom doesn't buy those things for me.


Anonymous said...

LOVE YOUR BUNNY EARS! Happy Easter to ya~

Pippa Sheltie said...

That was such a good post! I loved all your snow pictures! And the video was great, I can see how deep your snow was! We got a little bit, but it all melted!
Nice bunny ears!
Have a very happy easter!
pippa :)

William the Lurcher said...

Love the look of all that snow adventure you two. As for the bunny ears!...I think you need to have a serious talk with your humans! lol

Leigh said...

Happy Easter George and Tess and hope the Easter Bunny has left some treats for you today! We loved your Smilebox - great fun :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

meowmeowmans said...

Beautiful steps (but aren't they all?), George and Tess! :)

Wishing you a hippity, hoppity, happity Easter!

Piappies World said...

To our dearest pals George and Tess,

Sorry we have been in and out of bloggerville. Your bunny ears are just pawesome. We were subjected by Piappies Mom into so much embarrassment this Easter with the head gear she got for us. We love your photos.

We sure hope you are well always.

Happy Easter from all of us!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Sweet William The Scot said...

Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter George & Tess. Your snow really was beautiful the way it covered the trees like a fairy land. I think your friends a cute in the smilebox.
Sweet William The Scot

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Georgie Porgie and Messy Tessy! teeehee...just pulling your fuzzy legs!

Thank you my dear friends for coming to comment and to welcome me back in the comment world! Yes, life gets so busy, but keeping up the community when we can does bring a sense of love and a breath of fresh air.

Now look at that giant bunny but don't attempt to chase him! HE IS HUGE, that is for sure!! Anita

julee said...

You two are just the cutest! Love the video's and of course your ears.
you are very nice to sit for your mom!


sprinkles said...

OMD, you two just look oh-so-cute in those bunny ears! I don't know how your mom managed to get you to wear them long enough for a photo shoot.

Yikes, that's a lot of snow!

Unknown said...

Love to your beautiful ears. :p
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