Wednesday 12 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Joyce said...

Oh George your little sister is so flipping dog biscuits, cute!! I'm sure you are teaching her all the tricks around the house too. :) xo

Eileen H said...

Double cuteness :-)

I lurve that first pic with yer little sis looking up to you George:)
Teach her well xx

WFT Nobby said...

George I think you've tired her out.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (so envious).

Rose H (UK) said...

Deaest George, I fear that Tess is going to become a rascle too with you as her teacher! LOL :o)
You are handsome, and she is beautiful - a lovely couple indeed...
Lots of love to both of you, and don't wear Mom and Dad out!
Auntie Rose xxxx

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh George, did you hear mum squeeee all the way from Oz. Gosh it was loud. You look like you are being the best big brother. Can't wait to see more photos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Andi's English Attic said...

I agree - no words necessary.

Your sister is adorable. I expect you're so proud of her and I like the way you're leading the way.

Elsie had her first bath and haircut yesterday. Who knew under that mop was a Welsh Terrier. Mega zoomie when we got home! xx

Anonymous said...

Aren't you two the cutest! :D

You and Tess look like you're enjoying each others company quite a bit :) Yay!

Waggin at ya,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

George, are you sure Tess is real? She looks like a little stuffed toy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

Are you teaching Tess to climb steps, George? She is such a doll!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

PICTURES SPEAK A THOUSAND WORDS...and it looks like BIG BROTHA is POOPED!!!!! Oh my dears, CUTENESS RESIDES HERE! Look at those safety belts...everyone is tucked in for a ride in the country!


Leigh said...

Tess so looks up to you George - that first photo says it all..and she's enjoying the steps. What fun you two are going to have together as she grows up - love from Magic xx

Taryn said...

What cuties! By the looks of that last photo, those are a couple of very pooped pups!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Awww...Tess looks just like a Mini You, George. You are being such a good big brother and teaching her everything she has to know....even about the steps!


Scooter said...

Hey George & Tess!
Wow, what a cute pair you are! Looks like a super fun outing and I bet you both snoozed on the way home. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Boo21's Mom said...


Cranberry Morning said...

I doubt I've ever seen that much cuteness in one place! (love the blankie too) :-)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww Tess is adorable - isn't it so much fun having a sister? Looks like you did a great job of tiring her out too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Barbara said...

Oh George - Tess is sooooo cute!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George you and Tess look soooooo grrrreat together!! I see you are trying to teach her about STEPS. Good going buddy.

Anonymous said...

Oh George you and your new little sister Tess are just the cutiest! I keep telling Mom that it would be pawsome for me to have a little sister too!

Woos, Tessa

julee said...

Tess's first step pictures are very lovely.

George, you are very lucky and NICE to share these steps!

Wyatt said...

We see you are showing her the steps, George! Maybe Tess needs her own thing, like 'Wednesday Elevators'...BOL...or 'Tuesday Tess' at the Pub!
She is just the cutest little sister. Terrier kisses across the pond :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

houndstooth said...

Tess is adorable, George! It looks like you're doing a great job of teaching her the ropes!


Pup Fan said...

So cute!

Sherry said...

Oh, the two of you! I about melted off my chair looking at such cuteness.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Blogging Bro' - looks like you better be careful, or Tess will take over your steps!!! Seriously, what a good brother to her, showing her this and that....teachin' the ways of the George World!! BOL!

I love the "pooped out" pic in the car, that's me whenever I come home from being at Grandpaws' with my cousins!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Homer said...

Alreet George?

I'm sorry I've not visited your blog for a while, hope all is well on your side! Is Tess a new member in your family?


Jon Terry said...

Hey George!!

You and your sis,Tess look so adorable. We loved the picture of you both asleep :)

I miss you and your mommy lotsa!!

Love ya,
Jon Terry

The Thuglets said... so cute!

Fabulous photos George. We bet your mum is in overdrive with the camera!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

P.S. You deserve some Yorkie pud for being such a good big bro!

morikomidori said...

hello George
i have managed to commandeer my mum's computer. lest she leave a lame human sort of comment, i thought i would do the job.
mum had a blog a while back and we were both big fans of yours, following all your adventures and i was inspired, i tell you. anyway, then she went and put her back out and i have been deprived of your terrific company ever since. fortunately she has now (tentatively) started up a new blog, featuring some pics of yours truly. my name is peace lily (though they call me lilyluna too)

hope you'll drop by and see us sometime

great pictures in this post.. would love to go for a run with you and your mates!

Unknown said...

You guys sure had a nice walk in such a beautiful place:) Your humans must really love you.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

verobirdie said...

Oh dear! I was seing double without having drink...intil I understood.
Welcome to Tess, you were already cute, now you are double-cute

Ryker said...

So how you likin' having a little sister, George? Do you think she is a cute as we do?

Finn said...

Too cute. All those walkies just tired you out today! Hope you're liking your new lil sis!

meowmeowmans said...

George, it looks like you and Tess had a busy and wonderful day of exploring. That last picture says it all, doesn't it? :)

Stewey said...

Love your new family pics - adorable!

Sage said...

OMD! You have a new sis!! That's what I get for taking a long holiday--well, my Mom did. Tess is ADORABLE and it looks like you are teaching her all about steps and other stuff.

Road Dog Tales said...

There really is only ONE word for the two of you - adorable!

The Road Dogs