Saturday 8 October 2011

Saturday Steps Update on what's been happening!!

Hi I'm here, well just for a short time lots to cram in this post!!

Weston Park, Midland Game and Country Fair

10 hours in a pig pen with Max the Welsh Terrier and Tilly the Wire Fox Terrier.
In the Gundog and Heritage Breed Tent

A Trip to Barmouth
For the yearly meet up of WELTAF which stands for Welsh Terriers and Friends, over 30 WT's including
Taffy, Molly, Monty and Winnie, great to meet up with you again, and of course Jenkins was there to

Hair of The Dog
A charity event organised by Boomerangs Mom and Dad.
All proceeds going to
Mom made over 500 dog biscuilts to sell.
thats Dads band 
Over £1000 was raised, a round of a paws, lots of dogs will be helped with that donation

Mom Sold Her Motorbike

Then This Happened
I'm still wordless so I'll let mom tell you

"Thanks for your comments on the wordless Wednesday post. Yes George has a sister, the photo was the very first time he'd set eye's on her.
She's just over 5 months old and shares the same Birthday as me!!
She is George's true half sister, they share the same dad. We have been thinking of getting another dog for sometime, having had Colin the WT for the day and ten hour's in a pig pen with Max the show dog and Tilly it confirmed to me that George would be OK with another dog coming into the family.
We picked her up last Sunday, its early days but they are getting on very well, I'm looking forward to her personality coming out. George plays a little to rough with her sometimes but other than that its like she has always been here. You will get to see her on some of George's blog posts but in the mean time I will put a photo or photo's up each week of her on Wordless Wednesday, I'll hand you back to George"

OK Thanks Mom
I'd like you all to meet my new Sister

Right I have to go and teach my Sis a few things
Have a Good Week
See Yea George xxx
Kisses From Me, Love Tess xxxx


FiveSibesMom said...

Wow! Such exciting happenings!!! First, your sister is just gorgeous! I know you'll have tons of fun teaching her new things!

Love your beach shots! And the one of you on the sandy steps.

Wow! to the fundraising! That's a whole lotta dog bones! Yum.

Have a great weekend - to you, your sis, and your hu-family!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi my blogging Bro' - guess you have a REAL sis cute is she??!! I knew she was alright when I saw her poking her tongue out....BOL!

You will be busy showing her all the stuff she needs to learn - but you will be great at that. Don' be too rough with her, she's only little and she's a girl!!

I got a bit concerned when you said you were in a pig pen for 87 hours..... but then I saw the peeps were in there too - so that's OK!

I'm so happy for your family for the arrival of Tess - you made my mum go "squeeeeee" (and a bit jealous).

Tail Wuggles, still your blogging sis, Rubie xx

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH My Doggies!!

George you is a big brudder now, how cool is dat???
A big boxer welcome to our new furiend Tess, her is a cutie patootie! Happy World Smile Day my furiends!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Kiyi Kiyi said...

Congratulations! She is SO CUTE!! Watch out George - you won't get very far on your walks with her along - everyone will stop and want to pet her!
Wow you have been very busy! What a lot of fun and neat things to do :)

Stewey said...

Wow, George - that is such PAWESOME
news!! Tess is absolutely adorable!

Finn said...

Wow George, you get to be a big brother! That's very exciting! Almost as exciting as all those biscuits!! Looks like you've been real busy. Have a good weekend!

Michelle said...

I thought I had seen it all, cuteness I mean, when you were running on the beach. Now, you have a sister! How fabulous! I know that you will teach her all that you know. Looking forward to seeing you both together.

Patrice said...

My daughter and I are so happy, we're just about jumping up and down! Welcome baby Tess. She's adorable and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful big brother. You have so many fun outings that I'm sure you have lots of things to show her. Congratulations from across the pond!

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you've been a busy guy! What a terrierific group of pooches! Very, very cute. Pawesome post!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

Oh George! I was hoping this was the surprise! You have an adorable little sister! How absolutely exciting. Will Tess be participating in Saturday Steps? Can't wait to find out!

Your pal, PIp

Berts Blog said...

Crazy busy week for you. I love the pictures on the beach. Oh I love those water pictures.

and wow, you got a little sis.

She is as cute as you are handsome (Thats whay My Vickie says)

Cant wait to see more pics of both of you


Cranberry Morning said...

Okay, Tess is a cutie, but you'll always remain #1 with us, George. Love the photo of the people all walking their WTs. :-)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

She's a beauty, George. You'll have lots to teach her.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Eileen H said...

George your sis is so cute ❤
and all those Welsh Terriers in Barmouth ❤ My girls love the beach there too :)

WFT Nobby said...

Brilliant news! Just what we hoped. Welcome, welcome Tess. Already so beautiful. I so hope Gail takes the little brother/sister hint (I fear she won't).

In fact, the whole post this week was even more magnificent than usual. Not only the customary wonderful photos, but we spotted a wire-haired fox terrier too. (Gail said "bit of a fat-boy isn't he Bertie, compared to you. I said "I need more treats).

Oh but dear sweet little Tess, we just know that you are going to have a wonderful life, with George helping you every at every step!

Toodle pip!

WFT Nobby said...

PS Just realised we should have said 'fat girl', and that's rude. Sorry!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Squeeeee! Oh my gosh, mum please! Sorry George, that's just mum going off. Congratulations on becoming a big brother. Tess looks sweet as. Looks like you will be extra busy now showing her all the things you can do. I got heaps of extra treats when Rory came home so good luck to you with that.

We hope you all have a wonderful life together. Someone once said to my mum that when you have another baby (or doggie) in your family, you don't have to share the love, you just grow more love. We think that is a perfect way to view a new addition to the family.

No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Duke said...

OMG! We are just thrilled for you, George! Tess is just adorable! The two of you will have so much fun together!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Andi's English Attic said...

Oh congratulations on your little sister. She's so sweet. You're going to have such fun together.

Now I hope you don't mind but I have a couple of questions to ask you.
Does your mum or dad groom you or do you go to the hairdressers? And are you a good boy while it's being done? (be honest now)

Are steps just your own little quirk or do you think all WT have the same fascination, because Elsie seems to like steps too.


The Thuglets said...

Whoo hoo... we guessed right! Brillo paws news George that you ahve a new sis Tess.

You are going to have such a fabulous funtime together. Tess is adorable - puppalicious!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Taryn said...

Congrats on your new sister! She is adorable, just like you, George!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I AM SO THRILLED FOR YOU GEORGE MI MAN! YOu now have a little girl in the house, so son, BE GENTLE! LET HER grow up to have the UPPER PAW!!!!! She is so darling, and WAIT! DID I SEE A FOX TERRIER IN THE PIG PEN??? I saw a white terrier with the famous gray and brown spots! HOW DID HE GET IN THERE??????

This is fantastic. You all look fabulous and your dad and mum love you so much. WE LOVE YOU GEORGE and your little sister...Tilly, is it?


Elizabeth Keene said...

I saw Tess on twitter and here I am! I DIE! How does your mom stand the cuteness in her house?! :)

So happy for you all and can't wait to see the photos!

Sherry said...

You've been so busy with those wonderful fairs and shows. Is one person cutting out 500 biscuits some kind of record? And now Tessie, the second-cutest breed of puppy in the world. (Airedales are first. Hee hee.)
Yr friends,
Sherry, Alanis & Miro

Rose H (UK) said...

Phew! At last, I can take that gag off!
I'm so pleased for you and Mom and Dad that you now all have some more gorgeousness in your lives. Tess is too cute and I'm looking forward to meeting her :o)
Lots of love to you both
Auntie Rose xx

Anonymous said...

Oh George I am so very happy for you!

Congrats on your new sister joining your family!

Of course, I just LOVE her name!

woos, Tessa

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh George, how x-citing. A new babee sissy. And her is such a cutie. Can't wait to hear lots more about hers.

And...FG won't be flat much longer if he eats all dose tweets!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, we guessed right!!!! Congrats, George, on your new sis Tess. She is just so adorable. TD and Ciara have the same father too, and Lightning's mother has the same father as TD and Ciara. Nice to keep it in the family:) You two must be having so much fun together. Can't wait to see and learn more of the adventures of George and Tess.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

sprinkles said...

I remember seeing that picture on Wordless Wednesday and didn't even notice the new dog! How did I miss that????

Congrats on your new sister, George! She's a cutie!

I'm doing a new post on Monday about Flat George. He hung out with me on campus again. I'm thinking I'll break it up into 2 posts because there are lots of pictures. They're better ones this time than last time.

Pat said...

Congrats on raising such a goodly amount for the Dogs Trust - that will indeed help some unfortunate doggies.

Congrats too on the arrival of a new sister! Wish you many years of joy together xx

Hoke said...

What a great surprise!!! YOu have been very very busy! Have fun and seen you soon!!!!

Leigh said...

Wow what a great post George! The fundraising event was amazing and we loved the idea of the Welsh Terrier get-together...but then to top it all - a new sister!! So happy for you George - Tess is adorable - looking forward to more photos of her soon. Love to you both ( and your peeps) Magic xx

Piappies World said...

We really enjoyed reading your post today. So many fun activities and such a pleasant surprise to meet Tess!

You got a sister to share your steps with, George.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie (Tabby, too)

violett said...

Gerorge Oh, what a Überrasching!
Now you're like I am a big brother.
A little bit I pity you! Now you are no longer the main character. I speak from experience. But it's also fun.
And she's so cute. We look forward to many baby pictures with you

Mischka and Hoover

Joyce said...

George, she is beautiful!! I love her adorable little face. I had a funny feeling when I saw your mom walking up and the way you stood I knew it had to be true, a sibling indeed. Enjoy! xo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


You got a run for your money old man, you have GOT A RUN FOR YOUR MONEY! Your little sister is gonna run you down, because that is what girls do. Just buck up old thing and be a good big brotha.

You are gonna have some fierce competition at the pubs dear friend!!!! WHO WILL GET THE FIRST SAUSAGE!

Oh dear ones, WE LOVE YOU SO! And that picture of Tess with her little tongue hanging out...oh that is a killer! THANK YOU FOR VISITING GEORGE MI MAN! Taking a break from the little one is a goooooooooood idea!


meowmeowmans said...

What a lovely and informative post this week, George! We are totally excited about your new sister, Tess! We bet you will be a great big brother, and will show her the ropes. :)

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, my! Where do we start??? Such a lot of excitement for our little brains to process -- something, something, pig pen, something, something, biscuits, something, something, NEW SISTER!!!! Whoa!!! George has a new sister?! She is absolutely adorable and we love her name. Can't wait to read more about her and see more pics of you two together.

PeeS - This was a post right up our alley and perfect for our short attention span - LOTS of pics with a few words :)

The Road Dogs

Anonymous said...

George you have been a busy busy busy guy! And you have the cutest Sis Tess! Fun! Mom's sad about your Mom selling her beautiful bike. She hopes your Mom got a great price for it and has lots of green papers to buy something she really wants! :D

Waggin at ya,

Ryker said...

You have been a very busy dog! Congratulations on the new family addition. Tess is adorable and she looks like a great playmate for you George! We look forward to learning more about her in your future blogs : )

julee said...

Oh George, the things you can teach your new sister.
Welcome Miss Tess.

Violet and family

Asta said...

Oh Geowge
I' haven't been awound and see how much I've missed????
Oh my dog Tess is adowabull and I know you will be the bestest big bwuvvew to hew. She is soo lucky to have you show hew all you know..all those faboolous places you've gone..what a vewy lucky giwl to be pawt of youw family and how wondewful of youw pinkies to do all that to help so many woofies
soopew happy smoochie kisses to bof of you

Peggy Frezon said...

Ok I know you wrote about other stuff but I got all excited and forgot it all when I saw your new sister! She is soooo adorable! Oh my dog! And George you look like you are taking good care of her. This is such exciting news! Have fun!!!

Wyatt said...

OMD! We almost missed your big news!! We were gone this weekend and are just getting round to the blogs.
Your baby sister is a real doll! You are going to love having a sister. So many hours of bitey face, chasing and digging ahead for you!
Congrats on the addition to your family :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

Asta said...

Thank you so much fow those kisses flying my way
I aways puckew up as soon as i see that you've witten me..I think it's bwilliant that you have such a lovely little sissie and she is getting along wif you
have a wondewful time togethew
smoochie kisses

houndstooth said...

Squeeeee! Tess is adorable! Congratulations to all of you!


Pippen said...

Okay... HOW did we miss this news??? Your sister is very cute! Tell your mom not to worry about the rough wrestles... I was like that when Pippen came around and he turned out fine (or mostly anyway!)

Sam and Pippen

Golden Samantha said...
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Golden Samantha said...

Long time no visit - and what wonderful news!!! George - you must be thrilled to have a "new" sister! Have spent a while today, looking for the post where she appeared; so exciting! Very belated congrats - she is sooooo cute!!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon