Thursday 27 October 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt October

Hosted by

Moms let the sides down I'm only on two!!and Tess is on two!!

A Black Cat

Taken at Liverpool Cathedral when mom took Flat me with her-LINK

Crunchy Leaves
Tess on her first walk out with us

South Stack Lighthouse taken on holiday 2010

My favorite treats

Can someone tell me if this could be a banksy?, its to be found in Holyhead Wales

Yes that's what the Welsh Terrier in the UK comes under a Vulnerable Heritage breed, because there are fewer than 300 registrations each year.That's why I was at Weston Park Game and Country Show, to get more folks to know about us. 


The River Severn as it winds through the fields

Something Eerie
My friend Tony is eerie, this was the first firing of a traditional brick Kiln at Blists Hill Museum 

Witches Hat/Broomstick
Just look at my sister!!! she's not wearing lip stick but looks like she's puts boot polish on her nose!!and where's her eyes gone! and as for dressing up!!!

we don't do dressing up in this house.
I will be having words

See You Soon
George xxx


Rose H (UK) said...

BRILLIANT! Your Mom is clever :o)
Love the candlelight, and sorry George but Tess looks lovely as a witch :o) Golden is clever too.
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Joyce said...

Yes, the candlelight is beautiful. George I bet you would look just as adorable as your sister if you dress up. Hint... I didn't realize the numbers were so low for Welsh terriers. I love my Mr. Bojangles, but my heart holds a special spot for Welshies and Lakies. Tomorrow, will 8 years we had to say good-bye to Buddy a Welsh. He was a stud and a character. As silly as Kelly the lakie was, he would so ever serious. Those were the good old days. How I miss my pups. Someday I think I would like to get another Welsh or Lakeland, so they could put Bo in his place. :) xo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh GEORGE... these are just BREFF TAKING!! Sooooooo perfect fur every CATagory. EVEN the BLACK CATagory... although it wasn't a GORY cat at all. I'm just sayin.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Bro' - tell yer mum to pull up her socks and get you two in more pics!!! I had a word with mine and ..... BAM .... full marks this month!

I'm was a bit concerned Tess has no eyes in her awesome witch costume, and drooled over your paddywacks!

If you think your breed is tough to get over in the UK - try and source one here!!!! VERY Tough. Believe it or not my uncie wanted a Lakeland or Welsh Terrier but couldn't get one!! They only come up very occasionally. But I guess it worked out in the end because I like Scarlet and Zoe lots!

Keep up the good work - and avoid those costumes where possible!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

julee said...

These are wonderful pictures. Miss Tess DOES look like she have shoe polish on her pretty nose.
I dressing up!

Finn said...

Excellent! I love that witch's hat!

Unknown said...

Great collection of photos. Mom loves the river and the candle tree. We like the snacks:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

The Daily Pip said...

Great photos! My mom keeps meaning to participate in this, but then she forgets!

Your pal, Pip

Eileen H said...

Grrreat photos as always :-)

Tess looks wonderful as a witch, and George you do do dressing up, I've seen your bandanas :)

Love from ma and Amber and Annie x xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great pictures George and Tess. (Love the header).

We didn't realise how rare Welsh Terriers are. We know you're doing your best to get the word out there.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Louise said...

Gosh you're always so organised! I always aim to be ready this early and never manage it - I still have loads to take for this month!

Great photos - I love candlelit and the pumpkins :)

PS thanks for the congratulations to dave on his job!

Duke said...

You look so cute in your witchy hat, Tess!
All of your photos are beautiful! You do such a great job with the photo scavenger hunt!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I ALWAYS let out a hearty BELLY LAUGH when I see you GEORGIE BOY!!!!!!!! That smirk on your face upon seeing your little sister all dressed up! YES, BOOT POLISHED NOSE...teeeeeeheeeeeeee....and what handsome canines you are, like a certain FOX TERRIER I guys, you are so SCRAPPY AND BELOVED!!!!!!!

TESSY GIRL, you are a hoot and don't let your big brother tell you what to do. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!

LOVE TO ALL! Anita and BALZAC! Anita

Leigh said...

Great photos George - sad that you and Tess were only on 2 of them. Glad to hear you're an ambassador for heritage breeds - my peeps really like Welsh Terriers but they were already into schnauzers by the time they saw one! Tess - you look great! Girls like dressing for the occasion so don't let George put you off - love from Magic xx

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, what a pawesome collection! Love the candle tree and the river pix! Teeheehee to Tess and her costume. GREAT STUFF!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

ALL such fantastic photos! You do such an pawsome job at this scavenger hunt thingy :D Tess, you make a mean witch ;) Thanks for sharing!

Waggin at ya,

Taryn said...

Another fun hunt!

Our large local newspaper (the Washington Post) had an article yesterday about how housing developers in England are trying to suburbanize some of the gorgeous British countryside and the protests this is raising. The article got me curious so I did some googling and it was fun to run across locations I recognized all because you have photographed and posted about them.

You certainly have some beautiful countryside and I hope the developers don't pave it over like they have done in my part of the US!

Pit Bull Frogs said...

FABULOUS photos! We can almost TASTE those pumpkins. And those candles are amazing! Tess is too adorable in her costume. But what's this? Now you have to compete with a PUPPY in a COSTUME at photo-taking time?! We think you've got your work cut out for you, George! But we're sure you're up to the task. Hey, pssst, if you need us to signa petition or anything asking for MORE pics of GEORGE, we'll be happy to do it, buddy.

The Road Dogs

Anonymous said...

Hey George and Tess!

I just love all your pics!

woos, Tessa

Cranberry Morning said...

All beautiful photos! But the one under 'Heritage' is my favorite. I wonder how a Welsh terrier would get along with a German Shepherd. :-)

Wyatt said...

That is a funny face you are making :D
Stanzie dressed up like a witch too! All your pictures are wonderful as always. We really like your candlelit and something eerie!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Peggy Frezon said...

You are darn handsome George, and your sister Tess just makes me melt. In case you didn't know, that is a good thing. I love the photos, were you in the crunchy leaves too? woofs from Kelly.