Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday Steps and back to Baggeridge Country Park

I told you we would come back,
 just look at all the things we missed on my  sponsored walk

Did you think I wasn't talking to you!!!
 just so much to see and do, can you see me?  

I'm going to give

The 4 Paws Up Award

Well worth a visit if you are in the area

I'm stopping up here for a while.
But I will be back live behind the laptop next Saturday,
I've missed you.

Have a Good Week
See You Soon George xxx 


Wyatt said...

I just about had a melt down, when I saw how handsome you are in the Baggeridge Brick picture!
I loved your scavenger hunt pictures :)


Hoke said...

Holy Guacamole!!! These pictures are awesome!!! Looks fun!

Unknown said...

What gorgeous places you visit! The pictures are beautiful!

Finn said...

Another beautiful walk! I love those sculptures!

Patrice said...

It might be a bit far away for a walk- not to mention that big pond, but it looks quite nice. Hello to Jan!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have loved all your posts while you were away, but we have missed you. What a great place this country park is - lovely photos too.

Welcome back.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! WOW George ... what a lovely place to go for a long walk. Golden Thanks for sharing. As always LOVE the photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What wonderful photos!! You have so many beautiful places to go for walks!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey bro..... it's not the same without you! I did my second PSH and mum nearly got me into every shot!!

That's a great place to walk, I admit, and I'm sooo jealous that they had a friendly doggie cafe - we don't get them here! We are lucky if they let you pause for a bit outside on the footpath!!

Mum and I loved that last pic of you peeking between the leaves in that pawsome tree root shot.

Tail Wuggles, your sis, Rubie xx

TwoSpecialWires said...

Does that modern art scare ya, George? It creeps the bedogness outta me! Those ducks, however, and all the pretty flowers and steps and tree roots and cloudy grey skies ... now THAT'S my kind of walk. Oh how I wish we could join you.

Jake (and Family)

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, these are some fabulous pictures, George. Love that picture of you half way up the hill and the one of you looking out at the ducks!

We have missed you, too!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

Hi George! Oh I so enjoy all the lovely pics. What a beautiful place to romp and run!

Did you have to throw the duckies a lifevest?? BOL

I sure look forward to you bein "live" once again.

Have a Great Weekend.

Woos, Tessa

Peggy Frezon said...

You always go such interesting places, George!

Rattus Scribus said...

Hiya George. I've been enjoying your excursions. Each one confirms that Anita and I must come to England. Perhaps next summer. Look out for us.


Rattus Scribus said...

PS, when we get there, take us to the place were you got that ice cream. Happy Birthday too.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That is one terrific place to visit. We hope it had a few smelly places for you to roll....that's the sensory stuff we like.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Andi's English Attic said...

Our tails will be wagging in anticipation of your return.
Andi & Elsie xx

ps We met a very kind driver of a road sweeping lorry the other day, who turned off his engine and waited for us to pass when he saw how scared Elsie was of his lorry, and called out the window 'I'm not going to hurt you'. How nice was that?

WFT Nobby said...

Did you break the record for number of steps in one post there George?
Great to have you back.
Toodle pip!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi George, you sure can walk a long way. What fabulous photos. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Stella

Duke said...

Baggeridge Country Park is gorgeous, George! We have been loving all of your adventures. You sure do get tons of them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chicco said...

Finally I was able to leave a comment!
I do not know why but first I had problems to put a comment on your posts.that's why I was absent for a while. Beautiful picture as always, George!
have a great weekend.
Woof, woof,


Leigh said...

Like Chicco I couldn't post for a while but I've been enjoying your blog & photos. Baggeridge Country Park looks a great place for doggy rambling. Thanks for sharing it - love Magic x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE!!!! YOU FINALLY HAVE COMMENTS! I wanted to post comments for the last two weeks but I could not see the place to put comments! LOVE YOUR POSTS DEAR ONES!!!! I have missed you terribly....YOU LOOK GREAT GEORGE MI MAN!!!!

Anita and BALZAC

Pat said...

Great photos - love the last especially, with steps made by the tree roots - and darling George at the top xx

houndstooth said...

I love that you visit such cool and interesting places and then share them with us! I'll never get there, but I love seeing what it's like in a place that's not where I live!


Michelle said...

George, I do love those tree root steps. So nice to see you out and about.

Alien said...

Have you seen anything strange lately? Let us know immediately!


rottrover said...

That sensory garden is way cool, George! Waiting for your "live" return with baited breath!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE! JAN!!! MI FRIENDS!!!!! YOU CAME TO VISIT....and of course my dearest ones, THAT POST on which the link appears on my interview has GOT to be my all time favorite in blogland. George, you know how I feel about that smile of yours darlin'....Jan, you are a genius!!!! LOVE TO YOU BOTH from us here at RABBIT HILL!!! FURIENDS FOREVER!

Corbin said...

That seems like a super cool place!

Kerri said...

Awesome blog you have here! We are now following your fun adventures and love the photos!

Sage said...

You know, George, I think those tree roots make some pretty pawsome steps! What a nice tour you took us on in Baggeridge Park. So many sights, so little time.....

meowmeowmans said...

Thanks for the great tour of Baggeridge Country Park, George. Such a lovely place!

We're glad you're back ... we missed you! :)

Road Dog Tales said...

We've missed you, George!!! This is a fabulous park. Loving that sculpture and that vine teepee thing. Looks like a most relaxing and inspiring place!

The Road Dogs

J_on_tour said...

That was a great walk George and I loved that sculpture very much. Quite a few steps for you to climb including the tree roots that look uncannily like steps.... nice shots once again Jan.

Anakin Man said...

Love going on the walks with you George Man!!

Great pix

IzZY, TriXie and Anakin Man

sprinkles said...

I love that header picture, George! So gorgeous.

I feel awful that I missed this. Your Saturday Steps are always my favorite posts. You always visit the most amazing places! The 5th picture down is my favorite. Not sure why, I just love it.

I just voted for you in the Schnauzer Days contest. Good luck, I hope you win!

Anonymous said...

George you go for walks in the most beautiful places. Here where we live dogs aren't allowed in so many of our parks and out door places. I don't think that's fair do you? I hope you and mom have a great week. Charli is sending woof, woofs your way ♥

Pup Fan said...

Great photos and a lovely walk, as always! :)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hey Georgie you look SOoooo cute in that top photo! If only you were an Airedale!!

Hellooooo George my pal. 4 paws award...You really do like that park! From what you've shown us, I totally agree. Very cool!!