Saturday 5 February 2011

Saturday Steps

1234-5678 Thought I'd put a photo of me moving this week!!
How many steps do you see, no its not a trick, my front paws are on number 4, but after that is it 8 or 9? because I have to jump down again to get to the bottom, I don't know!!! but its important!!!

Anyway these are the steps going up to our local theatre, its called
The Place
Its not that big as theatre's go, but we do get acts from across the country, just not any mom and dad would like to see!!

I'm off to the groomers on Tuesday, got to look my best 
Valentines Day is getting close, 
She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not!!
Better make it 9 steps, she loves me. I hope she does!

See Yea George xxx      


Anonymous said...

What a cool theater area that is! We do hope you get the best grooming session ever so you can look dashing for your Valentine!

Elyse and Riley

Taryn said...

Have no fear, George! I am sure you are very well-loved!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Hmm and who is filling your head with thoughts of Love then George my lad?

Momma Tea
xxx xxx

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We all know da answer to dat! SHE LOVES YOU! How could she nots!

Dat looks like a fun place to visit even without da shows!


the teacher's pets said...

Oh, I am sure she loves you very much or why else would she devote a blog to you? I am sorry I haven't done a post with Flat George but I am waiting for a day when I have lots of dogs for "you" to stay tuned!

Wyatt said...

Ooo! Oooo!! I know the answer to that question!!

Some sister doggy says you don't need to get your furs done, you are perfect already!!


Ryker said...

Who wouldn't love you! You are irresistible.

Unknown said...

Awwwh, love is in da air, and cupid is on his way!!

Good luck at da groomers, George! Don't be trying any of those punk haircuts,okay?okay.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Definitely a count of 9 - you have to touch the ground, right? We are sure she loves you - and if she doesn't, we sure do.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Patrice said...

Have a good weekend, George! I'm having a bit of trouble on my blog, so I have it in a private mode for a while. I'll be back soon.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We counted nine.....she loves you!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Neeko said...

Hello Handsome George :o)

I got 9! She LOVES you for sure!!! Who doesn't my friend?
I was at the Spa on Monday just before our snowpocalypse hit...

Have a great weekend,
Neeko :o)

The Thuglets said...

George we think the postman is gonna be so busy delivering your valantines!

She LOVES you! But who?

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the pampering at the groomers! Not to heavy on the aftershave!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

P.S. Glad you found us again!

Rose H (UK) said...

That'll be 9 steps George! I don't know quite how you could be even more dashing than you are now though. I guess knowing you she LOVES you ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hop scotch on steps now that sounds like a fun game!

Bone chance with the gal pal :) Go George!

Waggin at ya,

Elaine Pritchard said...

I don't see how you can get MORE handsome George.

But have fun at the groomers anyway.

Love and licks Winnie x

Michelle said...

Can't wait to see how dapper you look after your haircut :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I am POSITIVE SHE LOVES YOU GEORGIE! You are too suave, debonair, hilarious! Women love funny men. You have that in abundance!!!! LOVE YOU, Anita and Balzac

Michelle Maskaly said...

Who could not love you! Great post. I'm a new follower from the Blog Hop!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy BLOG HOP Saturday Steps. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Step Saturday George...
I don't know who 'she' is but 'she' is a fool is 'she' doesn't love you!!!

Everybody loves George. Can't wait to see your new 'do' on Wednesady.
Hugs Madi

Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...

I forgot about that 'daisy petal plucking chant'--cute! I'll be posting a recipe for mock chocolate/walnut candy that you AND your dog can eat. It's made of carob and is super delicious. Hope to see you then, as well as at the Super Dog Sunday Photo Blog Hop. Here's the info:

AiredaleGirl said...

George, I am sure you will be extra-handsome after your grooming appointment! My two Airedales need some spring sprucing-up right away, too. And how could someone NOT love a Welshie, or any terrier, for that matter???

Unknown said...

SHE LOVES YOU!!!It's for sure, you should have no doubt about it, Goerge!
Have a great time at the groomer's!

Sage said...

Oh, George. You are my idol! You are the best step-hopper there is!!

E.A. said...

Hello George, great to find another UK dog blogger. Here on the Blog Hop. Hope to check in on your adventures again soon!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

She will love you! Of course it 9!

Road Dog Tales said...

Awwwww, she HAS to love YOU, George! That's a cool place you have there. It's got everything our folks would love - library-check; theatre-check; gallery-check! You could spend ALL day there :)

The Road Dogs

Asta said...

All those steps awe absoulutely paying awe getting mowe and mowe handsome...I think youw pwoblem will be too many giwls who love you
how to decide
smoochie kisses

Sherry said...

Hi George, thanks for following Alanis and Miro. I thought we'd signed onto your blog weeks ago but I guess not. We are now!

Anonymous said...

Your steps are beautiful as have a good eye.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Love those steps and theatre George.. How could she not love you George.. You are quite the lad!
Enjoy your walk
Penny, Jasper and Zoe..

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I thought about you today George - I went down 137 steps to go to the beach today - and my silly ni-ni mum didn't get a photo of that for ya!! I need a better photographer! Next time I promise George! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Pippen said...

Nine! We counted nine! And who's the girl of your dreams? We gots to know!

Sam and Pippen

Wirey Harley said...

Hi this is Harley! Angel Tucker led me to your blog and said to tell you HI from across the Rainbow Bridge. His humans just adopted me yesterday and he taught me how to create my very own blog. When you have a chance go see it here.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George Mi MAN! SHE LOVES YOU?! I will be here on the 14th with BELLS ON to see what the scoop will be old fellow! Thank you for the visit my sweet pal...Anita and Balzac

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! She loves yous.. we loves yous and yous steps to yous threatres are neat!

We's sure yous look handsome after yous hair cut!!

'da Elgin Gurls,
IzZY, Josie and TriXie

julee said...

George, we think there are 9 steps. We can't wait to see how extra handsome you look after your appt.
We ALL LOVE you!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

George I love you !!!!! I really do!!! You are going to look even more handsome!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

Homer said...

Wow George, are you planning for a hot date on Valentine's Day? Who's the lucky Dale?

We were in Rome a couple days ago. We wanted to do a Flat George's tour at the Spanish Steps. We thought of this at the last minute. The Missus couldn't find a shop that does color printing... we were guttered. We should come prepared. Urgh. Sorry mate.


animal lover, quilt lover said...

No Jan,,,, I am stil waiting for those new glasses. They said it would take a week or so to get them.
So I have my Magnifying glasses + my old glasses and a hand held magnifying glass to see the computer!!
xx, Fern

Asta said...


I AM puckewing up

come closew to the scween.
smoochie kisses

Pup Fan said...

I like the action shot!

Jon Terry said...

The theater looks nice.'re getting yourself all groomed up for Valentine's Day already!
My dear friend,im very sure she would LOVE YOU as you're always so LOVEABLE!

Love ya,
Jon Terry

Asta said...

Thewe is no need fow youw giwl to be jelly..I love you like a handsome iwwesistable fwiend..that's all and I happen to love kissing my fwiends
Smoochie kisses

TwoSpecialWires said...

She loves you. We're sure she does. And that's that.

Now. We just have to figure out who "she" is.

Hmmm. (Fergi's not jelly ... just knows someone is VERY lucky)