Sunday 27 February 2011

Another Walk From The Book

Now mom picked this book up at a charity shop, it was first published in 1995, I remember her saying at the time that some of the pubs might not be pubs any more.

Well that is the case with this walk.
We are in a small village called Pontesbury

The following photo was taken from google so you can see how it used to look.
Both mom and dad remember it like this with all its lovely hanging baskets.

But today it looks like this! but keeping with the book we will start from here.

On this walk there is not that much I can tell you, we did at one point walk over the top of a small hill fort!!
Which you will see on the photo of the map, but we didn't realise it at the time! 
So its just all photo's, until it drawns on me that this is the second time I don't get to go in the pub!


"Dad What are we going to have for dinner, I'm running on empty here!"
"Well George we know we won't be going in the pub, but there's a fish and chip shop by the church they must do sausages" 

St George's Church

"Hey what you looking at, this church is named after me ok"

Opposite is a row of 18th century labourers cottages

Just by the steps at the church I got my new header photo.

Fish and Chips
"Dad is that my sausage"
Dad "Could be"

"Come on I'm starving"

"hang on why have you been eating my sausage dad"
"Its only cus I don't want you to burn your mouth and to check that the quailty is good enough for you"

"Dad don't you dare have any more!! its for me!!"

"Thanks dad it was very tastie and good quailty"

Well I'm stuffed after that, see I got more than just that bit of sausage.

Then just a short walk back to where we started.

Hope you enjoyed joining me, the next walk is a belter,
 steps, pubs, yes more than one pub, and I have my own flat Stanzie that puts in an apearance ;)

See Yea George xxx  


Rose H (UK) said...

Looks like a bit of a muddy walk George, but those beautiful snowdrops make up for it. Glad you got your sausage in the end though! Looking forward to flat Stanzie joining you on your adventures :o)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Unknown said...

You live in a very beautiful place, George! The pubs, the countrysides, the lanes, the woods and the steps, they are all so gorgeous!

Christmas-etc... said...

I think it was a grand walk, George!!! And I love your new hEADER...i NOTICED IT RIGHT OFF AND THOUGHT, "What a handsome fellow!" (Sorry...hit the cap locks key!)So sad that flowers are no longer hung out on that beautiful building though... But the area is so really doesn't matter.
Have a fun day!

Taryn said...

More beautiful scenery! I've only been to England once, but I so loved the pubs and all the wonderful flowerboxes most of them have! I took lots of pictures!

J_on_tour said...

What a great and nice varied walk in the parish of St George. Nice villages, country lanes and pubs, seasonal flowers, forest trails and open hillside. Looks like you had a good time and enjoyed the feast at the end..great pictures. Pleased to see you were careful with the dangers George... and I'm not talking about the cattle grid, more the hot sausages.

Patrice said...

Too bad the pub was closed. I did enjoy seeing that beautiful church that was named after St.George, the Lad!

Elizabeth Keene said...

George the Lad, thank you for stopping by to meet us. We have seen your flat likeness over at Darby's and Pumpkin's blog and did not know you were a real live Lad. Did you know you were in our state of Virginia recently? We live in Richmond, which has many momuments named "George."
Pee.S. We love your manly facial hair.
Jon Farleigh and Dewi - Cardigan Welsh Corgi brethren

Beans4Biscuits said...

George you may not have been able to go in the Pub, but that looked like a fantastic adventure!!!

I would like to know your secret for getting the parents to give you sausages.....we clearly need more sausage giving around this place.

A sausage-deprived Who, Sugar

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, George you really out did yourself with these pictures. Just beautiful, especially the ones of you on the road. I am so so glad you got a piece of that sausage. You certainly deserved it after that long walk.

Your pal, Pip

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Georgie mi man, this was a luscious walk. I so grave the European countryside; mum was in France and told me all about the steps she took in Provence and in Italy as well. They are kinder to dogs out there; we here in the U.S. are NOT allowed to go into stores or pubs!!!! Bars they call them out here...I WANT A SAUSAGE!!! Good quality? THEN BRING IT ON!!! Oh, you are so cute son, you have that fierce look in your eye and in your teeth...that always gets you what you want, doesn't it? teeeeheeeeee....sending a hug to you all, Balzac and Anita

3 doxies said...

I likes da hangin' baskets dat was theres...sigh!
But, I don't understand why they wouldn't let you in da pub...I mean, you IS da George afteralls!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George you take us on the most wonderful walks. I love that charming pub with the hanging plants. OHHHHHHHH they named a Kirk fur YOU???? I am not surprised!

Michelle said...

Looks like quite a bit of fun George. So glad you did get a sausage.

Anonymous said...

Hi! George! We enjoy stopping by your blog! Taking us on your walk was a lot of fun! We've enjoyed following Flat George, too. What an adventure.

Wyatt said...

That was a very nice walk, George. We liked the picture of you scooting under the fence, nice butt shot :)
How about those sausages...Mmmm

Wyatt and your best girl, Stanzie

rottrover said...

Thanks for taking us on that wonderful walk, George. So different from where we walk. Really enjoyed it!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Pup Fan said...

Looks like a wonderful walk! :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I always enjoy your walks. You lives in such a beootiful place!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

houndstooth said...

I love your walks! All that green is so lovely. I'm afraid we're never going to see it here!


sprinkles said...

It's too bad that pub is no longer in business. The building looked much prettier as a pub.

The walk was pretty. Looks like you had some mud too. You always go to such fun places.

Great new header pic!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Looks like a great walk anyway. We don't like those cattle grid things either.

Love the new header.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Thuglets said...

George looks like you had another brillo paws walk!

We thought of you earlier..we had Yorkie pud for dinner! Some left if u can make it?

Have a good week.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You has da nicest places to takes walks. Was dat mud dat your were standing on in one of da fotos?

Kristin G. said...

It looked like a nice day for a walk George, even if the pub bit didn't work out. You got some tasty sausage, and a lovely new header photo. I enjoyed your photos. :)

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey George - you are so lucky - so many beautiful places to go and walk - a bit muddy - but lovely all the same. I like the photo of you goin' under the wooden fence - hope dad could use the gate! YAY for sausage and sharing! Tail Wuggles, Rubie. (I'm feelin' a bit peckish now!)

Duke said...

Our mom was scrolling along and the picture of you and the Snowdrops stopped her dead in her tracks. The poor woman is so starved to see a flower - any kind of flower!
The sausage and chips gets a high five from us, George! yummmmm

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

FABulous walking tour George!! Mommy chuckled at your begging pics. You remind her of Hootster. Our tv is on and they just said,"Pets make people better and happier." Isn't that the truth?!
Have a great week buddy.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Your mum x said...

Blimey George that was quite a muddy walk.
Look forward to the next one......

Bocci said...

We loved joining you on your walk, George-looks like you really got to explore on this one!

P.S. Those fish and chips made PU drool-she loves them!

Pippen said...

That is a fabulous walk! Once the weather gets warmer here, we'll be going on some adventures too! But no pubs for us!

Sam and Pippen

Road Dog Tales said...

Sorry you didn't get to go in pub, George, but that was a lovely walk! And we're thinking a nice sausage outside in the fresh air is better than hanging in a pub anyway!

The Road Dogs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi George and Jan,
Love your walks!! So glad you got enough to eat there George!! You Dad loves you a lot to get extras for you!!!!
Thanks for taking us along!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

TwoSpecialWires said...

We liked this walk, George. Nice. Quiet. Peaceful. We could feel the path and smell the leaves. And it made us hungry. Real hungry for sausages. And it convinced Moma that she really does want some window boxes this spring. So. See? It was a PERFECT walk!

Jake and Fergi

Chicco said...

George! again other beautiful place,It seems to have gone back in time with this village.
Happy week to you.


My Mind's Eye said...

George that was some Sunday walk. I was starving and I wasn't even exerting myself. Oh you are a Pup after Mom's heart she will not walk on grates either. Just to scary.

You have a lovely location for your walks...and such yummy looking food.
Hugs madi

Cranberry Morning said...

George, if Mom ever gets tired of taking you on walks, you can count on me to use that wonderful guide book and go with you! Love the photo of you flanked by the hedgerows. We don't have hedgerows here. So beautiful, unless you are driving and come to an intersection. I once heard the name Pontisbury in an old Campion movie. They pronounced it, PON.tis.bree. Is that how Pontesbury is pronounced there?

Glad you weren't fed too much sausage. It may not have settled well. See? they're just being kind to you after all. :-)

Ryker said...

That is to bad about the pub. It looked much nicer before it changed. Ah well, at least you had a lovely walk and a good nosh. Good thing dad didn't eat all your sausage! I see you weren't to keen to walk over that grate, very wise to go around.

Golden Samantha said...

Hi George! Been on a bit of a blogcation, and loved stopping in to accompany you on that AWESOME and beautiful walk! Wow - what gorgeous country you have there (and what lovely sausages, chips and fish too heheh!) - Mom just told Dad she wants to move there!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

Golden Samantha said...

PS: Us again! It's me, Sammie, and I just want to tell you that Avalon desecrated our "Flat George" that Mom put together for a picture on the Dipsea steps. We should have taken a photo of poor "flat" George after Avalon had her way with it, but you might have cried to see the shredded wreck.

Jon Terry said...

Wow! those pictures are so beautiful.We sure like your header picture. Mommy loves the picture of you under the fence, she said you have nice butt ^^

Looking forward to your next walk :)

Love ya,
Jon Terry

Along These Lines ... said...

A better title might be: "Short Staggering Walks from Shropshire Pubs"