Sunday 20 February 2011

Dad Takes Charge of Camera!!!

Yes thats right, see he had no choice, cus mom went out all day Saturday!!! and left us to it,
Dad came up with a plan, "Lets have a pub crawl of pubs named after animals!!!

The First One

The Blue Pig.

 One pint of Guinness and the froth for me,  

Then a walk to

Yes the next place to where I live is called
St George's!!!

Anyways on to

The Bulls Head

Its all tiled out. 

Here he had a pint of

Pig On The Wall, we'd just come from The Blue Pig!!


The Talbot

We went in here cus we wanted to find out why there was a dog on the pub sign 
The landlady said a talbot is an extinct snow white hunting dog!!!
He's a LINK that we found

Next to

 The Elephant and Castle

Now, I do like to be on all my photos for the blog well 99% of them!!
I did go in all of them, but its seams drinking and taking photos don't go together lol!!!
Mom asked why I wasn't on then to which he repled
 "The road was to busy for George to pose"
"Ok dad I'll go with that"


A meet up with WELTAF
Which stands for Welsh Terrier and Friends.
Mom gets out the car and says to dad,
"for a change I'll take George you take the photos!"

This will be fun!!!

Can you spot me?

We were at Haughmond Hill

 I've done a walk around here before, called
My New Local Walk that's a link to it.
Its the place where you flick it with a stick!!!

If you want to find out why, you best go to the link

This is my third meet up with a group of just WT's, and we all seem to greet each other the same way! 

This next photo is me not with a Welsh Terrier but an Airedale, she's called Holly,
its OK Stanzie I told her I have a girlfriend and to leave me alone, I promise I never touched her again.

We get to the viewing point

What are we looking at?

Dad didn't take a photo, so this is one I had from my last visit.

Then a walk back to the start, and a group photo

Can you see me?
 I think you will have to make it bigger by clicking on the photo!

I'm now back home after another busy weekend, 
and have some sleep to catch up on.

See yea George xxx


Joyce said...

Adorable photos!! I had to run and get my husband to show him. Our first dog together was a rescue Welsh. Then Kelly our rescue Lakeland came into the picture and now as you know Mr. Bojangles the airedale mix! I heard under my husband breath "hmmm... we might have to get a Welsh again!" In your photos I did see some Lakies too. Thanks for the memories and smiles George! xo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh bother! I thought I would be the first one here!!!! GEORGE! Tell me why, son, that most of the pubs in U.K. are named after animals? THE BIRD AND THE BABY, THE BLUE you know? I LOVE THE TOURS YOU TAKE US ON old man, please, MORE, MORE!!! And again, you are the most photogenic dog I have ever seen. What does mum do to get you to SMILE LIKE YOU DO! What a fun time I have had with you dear dog, you!!!! Anita and Balzac

J_on_tour said...

Enjoyin' the view at Haughmond Hill George ? It looks like a great place.

Pippen said...

You are so lucky to get to go into pubs! They don't let dogs do that here!

Sam and Pippen

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for taking us on that tour of the animal pubs - we learned something new - the Talbot dog - very interesting. And what great fun you had at that meetup with all the other pups. We just LOVED and got a good chuckle out of that smiling shot of you when mom told dad to take the photos.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ryker said...

What a weekend! That pup crawl sounded like great fun... especially for Dad!

Now the meet up was for you! That was a whole lot of welshies! Mom says she misses her WT Corky and that I would have loved to play with her.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We have some PEEPLE here who have the Last name Talbot. Never heard of the Talbot Dawgs though. Very much interesting.. as your posts always are!!! Loved the Animal Pub tour. I am like Sam & Pippen... not allowed in places where they serve foodables.. UNLESS one is a Service Dawg, of course.

Terrorzinhos said...

Great photos!
Seems like you had such a great time!

houndstooth said...

*sigh* You have the most exciting and educational weekends of any dog we know! We envy you and always look forward to learning more!


Road Dog Tales said...

That was quite a pub crawl! And a fabulous walk with your furiends. We are loving the laughing George photo!

The Road Dogs

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a BIG day out! It's a wonder Dad could even hold the camera after some of those pub visits.

You WTs have a very interesting way of greeting each other!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Inky and Molly said...

No wonder you are all puckered out. What a big weekend! A pub crawl and a black & tan meet..Fabbers!
We are feeling rather spent today, too. Had a big one ourselves....

Michelle said...

George, I would so love to cross the pond and have a pint with you! Such great photos of you enjoying time with your friends. Glad you took a nap after all of that. Such a tiring day, I am sure.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What nice weekends you always have, George. And, I think you better send Stanzie some flowers or sometin after she sees dat foto...just sayin'

Diana Chiew said...

Wow, you have a lot of places named after animals...that's interesting!! We can understand how exhausted you can be at the end of an exciting day.

Bocci said...

What a fun day you had with your Dad, George ! We loved going on the tour of the pubs with you!

Deborah said...

After all that, I would be sleeping too!
What a great day and I loved all the photo's~

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you are so fortunate to go to so many wonderful places!! We love all of the photos and especially the one of you smiling!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Oskar said...

It looks like you had a fantastic time!

Nubbin wiggles,

jen said...

You are so lucky to go to all those pubs with your Dad George! Thanks for taking us along with you:)

Wyatt said...

Thanks for taking us on the pub crawl! We will have to take FG and FS around to some of our Microbrews (that is what they call pubs in Portland...BOL).
Stanzie was a wee bit jealous to see her George hugging another Aire-girl. We gave her a Girl Scout cookie to cheer her up :)


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

My mum drools when she looks at photos of where you live George - she thinks it's so charming and beautiful. She thought it was funny that when you are left alone with your dad you both go to PUBS! The doggie outing looks like a blast! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Rose H (UK) said...

A-ah! So that's what you and Dad were up to on Saturday then...while we were having a great day out in the countryside antiquing! Glad you had a great weekend though George, and WT day looks a hoot :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Your mum x said...

Just lovin' the way you greet each other.....
What a loverly weekend!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo pub hoppin! :P Well at least your Dad took photos of the pubs! BOL! I'm laughin my tail off that y'all have a park that wants ya to 'flick it' Ha! HO! Hee Hee Oh my way too funny :P

Waggin at ya,

Duke said...

What a fun weekend you had, George! We just love that tiled floor!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

I asked my mom what a pub is like and she said I'm a little girl and I'm not allowed to get into anyone of them. You're so lucky, George, you can even have a beer!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning George I did so enjoy the Pub crawl.
What an excellent meet and greet you have with your friends. I love how you all greet one another with a hug...maybe you have some Southern
DNA...that is how we greet friends too.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Cranberry Morning said...

I really need you to come visit me, George. Have you ever crossed the Atlantic? Loved the photos of you on the pub crawl. Why are people in the States too fussy to allow 'people' like you in pubs and stores here? I don't get it.

Pup Fan said...

So fun... great idea to do a pub crawl!

Pat said...

Great photos, George.. you've trained dad well!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Your people have it good, having you. They wouldn't have had NEARLY as much fun on the pub crawl and the WFT meetup without you.

Looks like you had a great weekend!

(And we are so happy to be caught up!)
Jake and Fergs

Jake of Florida said...

Mom likes to shop at a store called Talbots. We'll have to check it out. As for that pub crawl, your dad sounds like a fun guy to think of doing that. We were waiting for him to have one pint too many and then you would have the camera ---is there more to the story????

Did you see Monty and Molly and Taffy at the Weltaf get together?

Wire woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Cat said...

We loved your idea of crawling all the pubs named after animals! I bet there were even a lot more but after that many pints, I suppose all pubs look like they are named after animals!! Do you really like the froth? I love the foam on Mom's and Dad's cappucinnos....I love it so much that I have managed to get them to make me a bit extra and put it on a plate just for me. I think i will have to demand beer froth it good?? That walk you went on looks like soooo much fun!! I always greet people like that (sometimes I greet dogs like that, too), but today I was majorly told off for greeting humans like that...Mom was not happy that I didn't listen to her when she told me not to jump up on people. Do you jump up on people, too?? Mom said it is really bad manners and that it even hurts...I just want to get closer to you have any ideas for me? I wish I could join you on a dog walk...I love to meet other dogs and to play, love to play, love to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!! Woofs to you from your little buddy the Parson Russell Terrier with the wiry coat..Ellwood

Alien said...

You went on a pub crawl and didn't invite me?

Ah well. Next time. Interesting about the Talbot. Such a clever and amusing post!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

ZZZZZZZzzzzzz....Shhhh....I promise not to wake George; Balzac is ALSO very tired after watching ME shovel all the snow we got yesterday AND STILL TODAY! YES! The last I heard, we had 13 inches, and it is still falling! Oh precious Jan, it is such a delight to see you come by again! I SO LOVE BOTH OF YOU! Let Georgie sleep....him and Balzac need their rest! Our neighbor's dog Chester, a darling Cairn terrier sunk into the snow as he went out today for his bathroom break! But I HAVE HOPE that we shall soon see the grass again. Our local bunnies in the garden are eating tree bark for now!!!


J.E. Bolton said...

Adorable beyond words!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

What a day! I'm feeling the need of a nap just from reading about it. You and your Dad sure did get some interesing photos from it all, I must woof.

Peggy Frezon said...

You and your dad must have had fun on the pub crawl. I like the pub with all the tiles. pretty!

The Thuglets said...

Crikey..what a weekend George!

The pub crawl was interesting we think we would like that! Good excuse Dad came up with for you not being in the photos! Wink Wink

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

The Black and Tans. said...

A busy weekend for you George! We would have loved to have gone on the WELTAF walk but it was just too far away.... sniff.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Chicco said...

ohhhhh George, what a lot of travel that you do!fantastic places!


How Sam Sees It said...

How fun! Does George really get to go in the pubs? We'd love to do that with Sam and Monty!


Agatha and Archie said...

WOW we got tired reading this... WE HAVE A PUB HERE CALLED THE ELEPHANT AND CASTLE!!! we have walked by it but didn't see your Dad there.. Listen did you see Molly and Monty adn Taffy and WINNIE???? THE NEW WELSHIE IN THEIR FAMILY??????? woo hoo!!!! love and kisses A+A

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a wonderful weekend! You welshies all seem to have similar ideas on the world. BOL!
~lickies, Ludo

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, your dad did great! Love these animal places. Great pix and thanks for sharing it all with us.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Along These Lines ... said...

George in adorable. We've had wire hairs for many years.

Oh, and Happy Presidents Pets Day - the day after Presidents Day, as I like to call it. In the US, of course we love our presidents..... pets. See my blog if you’re in the mood for a good ol' irreverent howl.

Val said...

You, George, are adorable. :)

WFT Nobby said...

We're a bit late here George. Great post! It seems that my only chance of seeing the inside of an English pub is to visit your blog....
Toodle pip!

Asta said...

I can always spot you!!!!
You stand out in any cwowd..I hope Stanzie wasn't upset by that fliwty giwl..i know you awe twoo to hew.
I wish I could come on a pub cwawl wif you
smoochie kisses

violett said...

Amazing. After such a pub tour and a glass after another ... that your dad was able to take photos. Is your dad come straight home, or on 4 legs like you?
Beautiful photos of the WT meeting. But you are unique!
Lots of love

sprinkles said...

That sounds like a fun pub crawl! I can't believe that you got to go inside each and every pub. There's no way you could do that where I live.

We have a Bullshead Pub here too but I've never been.

the teacher's pets said...

I enjoyed the tour of the pubs with animal names and I thought it was funny! We don't have a lot of animal themed pubs here in New Hampshire, as far as I know, but now I will have to double check! I am amazed that you are allowed to go into the pubs and wander around....not something that would happen here in the U.S!