Tuesday 21 December 2010

Snow, Snow, SNOW

Blizzard Conditions

Remember Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Snow Balls


See I Can Walk on Water

Its Just So Cold!! Maybe Not a Good Idea! 

I Think This is My Best Side, Do you Think?

 Even My Tongue is Freezing

Going For The Burn!!
 You Know Me If There's Steps I Just Have To Go Up um!

The Weather Man, Say's There's More On The Way!!


So Have Fun If You Have It,
 Remember How You Peeps Say You'd Like A White Christmas!
Its looking That Way In The UK

Stay Warm

See Yea George xxx



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Yes, watch out where The Huskies go....

Of khourse, not all Huskies have snow right now!

SO, please enjoy it fur them!


Peggy Frezon said...

BOL! These are the greatest pix George! Your snow beard is just adorable! Stay warm!

Bocci said...

Wow! Isn't snow pretty rare for your neck of the woods?
The snow's pretty bad in our area too-more very cold than snow, though.

Have a holly jolly Holiday!!!!

Your buddy,

Patrice said...

George, you are the cutest guy around! We enjoy snow, but it makes it really hard to farm sometimes. We have to keep our older horses in the barn so they don't slip and get hurt. One of our two dogs hates the snow. The other one runs and runs like there isn't any snow at all. See ya!

The Heartbeats said...



Busy Buttons said...

Don't fall on those snowy steps!

Merry Christmas, George!

Boo21's Mom said...

Great photos of you, George-boy! We here in Southern California have had four days of rain, some of it very heavy and it isn't over yet. It doesn't rain here a lot, so I am loving it but, Darby and Pumpkin are going a little stir crazy being inside so much. They don't mind the rain, but I'm keeping them inside because Pumpkin's spay incision has to be kept dry. I hope you and your family stay warm and safe in the crazy weather you are having. Keep those lovely photos coming!


The Thuglets said...

wicked..you got the white stuffie George . Looks like you are having a brillo paws time. We are just frozen here... everything frozen solid!

Love the photos, Stay safe.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Kristine said...

Yay for snow! You have way more than we ever did. I'm a little jealous. Our lake hasn't even frozen over yet.

Be careful on those snow-covered steps!

Anonymous said...

I has to ask George but do yu suffer wivs da snow ball paws likes little Ronnii does or is yu like me n not havs dis problem ?

xx xx

Cat said...

Hey George!!! I miss you!! We have tons and tons of snow and it is so much fun!! I would love to run around in the snow with you!! Hey, I have to tell you two things...one, I have a postcard for you but don't know where I can send it and two, tomorrow we (Tiny and I ) are having a big pawty for Lautrec (and for Tiny, too, but she doesn't know it) because they both have birthdays this month. Well, the pawty is for dawgs, too so you gotta come!! Woofs and whines, Ellwood P.S. My face gets all covered with snow, too and Mom just laughs at me...I don't know why!

Ryker said...

Awesome winter George! You look like you could be here in Alaska!
Those stairs look intimidating! Be careful!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George~
You are looking like you are having so much fun!!
We got lots of snow here too!!

We got your lovely Christmas Card in the mail too!! Tank yous so much!! We have it hung up on 'da wall next to our tree...

You look cute running up dem steps!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh GEORGE... don't you HATE the snowballs??? I surely do.
Butt you DO look like you are havin fun there buddy. Glad that you like it.

Rose H (UK) said...

So nice to give you a cuddle (LOL) tonight George - thank you for not pinching my scarf. I'm glad you were snug and warm in front of the fire, and all that snow had melted off you - your Mom takes such lovely photos :o)
Uncle Trev is still laughing at your antics! Stay warm and safe.
Love Auntie Rose xx

Duke said...

You look so happy to have snow on your face, George! Be careful on those snowy steps!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Stay warm, George! Can you get to the pub?

We love all the fantastic pictures of handsome you.

XXXOOo Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Honestly, George...we just caught up on your bloggie...you must be freezing dear boy...do you need me to pop over and offer warmth?? I mean, of course, I could place a hot water bottle in your crate..what were YOU thinking???

Now, please stay warm and avoid any more hoomans bearing inside out Santa costumes that they plan on stuffing you in...we so hope you got major foodables for that...


Hot Lacie Teacakes with Warmth to Spare XXOO

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Love the pictures!!! Enjoy all of the snow George!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

sprinkles said...

I'm freezing just seeing all that snow all over you! I'm glad you're enjoying it but don't stay out in it too long!

Last night the weatherman said we weren't going to have a white Christmas but today they said we'd be getting snow for sure. So I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Oh Georgie you look just Marvolous in snow! Me, no one can find me in snow!!! BOL

Have a Happy Holiday and a Pawsome New Year!

Hugs, Tessa, Blu and Mel too!

Unknown said...

Soo much snow!
I enjoyed your snow ball butt!!!

I hope you stay warm too and don't catch a cold!

houndstooth said...

You are a hearty soul, George! When we have blizzards, I stay inside until it's over if I can! You look like a snow dog!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! We hope you send some of that white stuff our way for Christmas!

Elyse and Riley

Wyatt said...

You are the luckiest dog on the whole planet!!
We want some of that!!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Daily Pip said...

I believe you can walk on water! Of course, I believe I can fly, too! Have fun!

Your pal, Pip

Michelle said...

Glad to see you enjoying your snow George. Try to stay warm.

Bella and Ollie said...

Thank you for sharing those amazing photos with us! look at all that snow! :)

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Your mum x said...

Happy Christmas George.......Hattie xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OMG. YOU ARE THE BEST DOG IN THE WORLD...shhhhhh....Balzac didn't hear that....GEORGIE BOY, your header pic is a winner and KEEP IT UP SON! YOU CAN DO IT! Our canines out here bear up to freezing temps WELL BELOW THE ZERO MARK, farenheit! Our neighbor's dog goes out with little boots!!!! WE ARE HAVING MORE SNOW TOMORROW! We must have snow drifts 5 feet high!!! LOVE YOU GEORGIE BOY!!!! Anita and the sleeping Balzac

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Ya handsome....we have been reading about all the snow in the UK. There is just very odd weather every where. They are even predicting snow here on Chrissymas Day....According to the records we have only had snow on the ground at Chrissymas 3 times since about 1935....boo

So good to see you have such nice think fur to keep you warm and dry.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Amber DaWeenie said...

My Mom has a very close furend dere in da UK and hears bouts all dat bad weather you guys are havin' ov'r dere. I wish I knew what da snow was. Here in da Sunshine State of Florida, we never get any. Does dat mean we are bad and are on da Snowman's Naughty List?

Golden Samantha said...

You look terrific in all that snow, George! And you look happy in it too - so lucky to have it - I think we'll soon drive to it, as we've got the jones for all that white stuff!
Hugs xoxoox
Sammie and Avalon

doyle and mollie said...

we wish you a furry merry xmas and fab howladay... loves and licks xxx

3 doxies said...

Oh my...dis is just so NOT fairs. Everybuddy is gettin snow but me! I will gladly take what you don't want.
By da way...I had no doubt dat you could walk on water.

Awesome fotos!


Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, what great pix of your frosty self! Love the pix of your frozen snout. Very cute. Great action on the water and of course on your steps.
Grr and a Chilly Woof,

Littlemissairgap said...

How beautiful you are in the snow, George! Rather than sunshine over here in Queensland, Australia, it's raining, it's pouring. A cyclone is probably on its way. Merry Christmas to yea, George the Lad! (& Happy Birthday to your Dad! ... fabulous people are born in December ;-)

Dolce said...

Woof!!! looks like you are really enjoying the snow... we have lots over here too! daddy had to make paths for me so I could go out.. you are lucky to be a medium size... xo Dolce

WFT Nobby said...

Great pictures George. Doesn't it feel funny, to have one's muzzle all crunchy!
Toodle pip!
PS I tried that walking on water thing too, but found out I wasn't Jesus and fell right in.... At least the water was only a foot deep. I think the pond is frozen solid now, but I'm not going to risk it again!

julee said...

Merry Christmas George. Stay warm!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We heard about your weather ... and even snuck a peek at your bloggie about this time. Honestly, it sorta made us miss the snow in our mountains. But ... the beach was fun!

Onward ho.
Jake and Fergi