Saturday 18 December 2010

Saturday Steps and some Christmas Cheer

OK these are some steps that I couldn't climb, but they still count cus I've got my paws on them.
Mom had to use them to put up all the lovely cards I've been getting. (No shes not at the top lol!! I was just seeing if I might be able to climb them)
 Thank You to every one that has sent one and also for the ecards, I am bowled over at how many I have received. I like other bloggie friends have more than mom and dad!!! 

Now you might have noticed, that out of my reach is our Christmas tree, mom said she didn't want me in the vets over Christmas lol!!! Me! I take that to mean she don't trust me, that hurts, I don't want to play with them baubles any how 

They are all baubles, except one. 

These are all out of my reach to : ( 

A tiny fire place that has our names on

These things are called bottle toppers they should have a cork stopper on there bums!! moms taken them off, the snowman with the stripes looks like he's had a few drinks

A week today and Santa will be here,
 I sooooo excited, I've been getting ready

My stocking is up

Just to make sure, I have this on my bedroom door

To All My Friends from around the world

Have a  Happy Christmas

I'll leave you with this video. Cus I thought it was kinda cute 

See Yea George xxx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Bravo George!

My mom is SO furry excited!

One of her passengers on Sunday is a Pibble and his name is GEORGE!

How khool is that!?!

Happy HOWLidays to all of woo!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Your card to us arrived yesterday.....Thanks. We love the little George sticker! AND the e-card today!!!

We would have eaten those cookies, too and Santa wouldn't have had any.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh George your Bedroom is soooooo very much Festive and is a statement of your EXCELLENT BEHAVIOR. I just know Santa Paws is gonna drop a Load of Pressies down your chimney. You lucky dawg you!!!
Merry Christmas to You and to your family!!!

Homer said...

Hey George,

Thanks for your card. I saw mine on your wall!


Unknown said...

Looks like you are all ready for Santa!!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We love your decorations George! They are so beautiful!!! Have a merry Christmas!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Joyce said...

Oh George I love the last photo of you. It looks as if you are smiling! A cute video too. I'm sure you will be getting a lot of goodies from Santa. Our Mr. Bojangels has been napping under the tree waiting for Santa. xo

How Sam Sees It said...

You guys are very festive! Mom has been enjoying getting all the cards too!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think the same is true here. There might be five cards for us for every one for the humans:) Isn't it just wonderful? Now we are wishing we had done "real" cards too instead of e-cards.

Your decorations are beautiful, especially that cute little fireplace.

Have a wonderful weekend and a fantastic Christmas.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, George!
Santa will have no trouble finding your house :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Duke said...

What a beautiful tree and decorations!
Wow! Your wall is covered with Christmas cards!
Happy holidays to you and your family, George!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Such a cheery home! :D I luved the wee fireplace!

That was a cute video. Good thing he finally fell asleep!

Sendin Merry Christmas wags your way :)

violett said...

Hello Geroge,
with you it is quite nicely Christmassy!
Your mummy has well decorated everything.
I wish you quite many presents of the Santa Claus.
Lots of love

To Your Dad, to the question::
I take in movement only with zoom lens. Almost always in the Canon camera (40D) I have the 24-105mm,f4 L, USM,IS. I have not found it on the side. It is easy, very sharp and suited for almost all situations. The luminosity generally 4. I have one more telephoto lens 70-200mm f 2,8 USM,ISII, also a L-objective.It is suitable hard and not for long walks. I love the achievement of the objective.
Quick, accurately, high luminosity.
I plan in summer for portraits to me EF 85 mm f1,8 USM to shop and the following.

Patrice said...

The girls and I loved the video!

The Daily Pip said...

Hi George,

Your tree and decorations look great. Of course, we know you have been a very good boy and I am sure Santa Paws knows this, too.

That ladder looks dangerous. Do you know that my feline sister Rosie knows how to climb a ladder. We have been doing some painting around the house and have had a ladder out. That crazy Rosie climbs right to the top and supervises everyone - she is a bit of a show off!

Your pal, Pip

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
That is a very pretty tree. What spoilsports, not letting you close!
Now i have an inkling that Santa Claus will have got the message by now, and am confident that you will have a bumper crop of presents coming your way. I too live in hope, given that I overheard Gail saying this week that Hamish always received more gifts at Christmas than she ever did!
Have a very Happy Christmas George,
Toodle pip!

Golden Samantha said...

Luv that movie, George - we wouldn't have been able to resist those cookies either - and we love your stocking and cards and oh... isn't the Christmas season wonderful? Yes, those stops definitely count!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you too, George!

What a great idea, to put that sign on your bedroom! And that tiny fireplace is just too sweet!

My momma loves that video. Her will watch it over and over and over again!

Scooter said...

Hey George!
That's one challenging set of steps...but fun. Thanks for sharing the pix of your cards and decorations. I'm sure Santa can find you now. He can just follow your signs!
Grr and Woof,

Amber DaWeenie said...

Santa will bring you lots of pressies, George. I think I'm still on Santa's "naughty list" this year. Actually, my brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) is really da naughty one but I gets all da blame.

Merry Christmas to you and your family from me (Amber), my brudder Max, and da other doggies in our house, and also my Mom & Dad...

Martha said...

Merry Xmas George to you and yours. We loved the little video - very cute but we do hope that dog gets inside - it is pretty chilly xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George
I certainly did enjoy the tour of your Christmas decorations and cards and of course your steps.
Everything in your home is very festive and great idea to be sure Santa knows where you reside.
Mom has been baking today!! It smells yummy and she will post about it tomorrow.
Hugs Madi and mom

sprinkles said...

I used to work with a boss whose dog would climb a ladder. The problem though, was that she could never figure out how to climb back down. I watched her climb up once.

My larger chihuahua is busy chewing away on one of the paddywacks you sent. I gave both of my boys one yesterday and I'm not sure where the other one went, they must've hidden it somewhere.

You sure got a lot of cards! I added yours to the collection I've received. It's been a lot of fun to go to the mailbox and get something besides junk mail or bills.

Oh, I totally believe you've been a good boy, George! And I'm sure Santa will be bringing you lots of goodies on Christmas day.

Very cute video! I love how he ate one of Santa's cookies, yet Santa still left him a bone.

Michelle said...

Merry Christmas to you George. I hope you have a fantastic holiday and thanks for sharing all of your Christmas photos with us!

Anonymous said...

George, we found you! Riley's gotten more Christmas cards than me this year and she's a dog! We love all your Christmas decorations and especially the sign on the door to your room. That video was too cute. We hope Santa's really good to you this year!

Elyse and Riley

Ryker said...

Don't worry George. I have a feeling Santa is going to be really good to you this year.
I love your little fireplace and teddy bear ornament. You did get a truck load of cards.

That video was doggone cute! Thank you for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

Oh Georgie, you are such a cutie!

Santa Paws will be to your house real soon!

Happy Howladays and Happy New Year!

woo woos, Tessa and Blu

The KGs said...

Oh your sign on your crate made my staff laugh out loud then she burst into tears watching the video - you've no idea what it's like down here in Dylan World....Happy Xmas George! Love Dylan the dog

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teeeheeee! Dolce is a "SWEET" little lass and you dogs MUST KEEP TOGETHER! It is in your NATURE to pack together! ANd her mum is the winner of my wand give away! Now isn't that just fine dear George? THANK YOU FOR COMING!!! Anita and Balzac

One day, I will make a theatre production about dogs...can you be a player dear George?

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I just had to come by again...I put up your image on my sidebar son; you look smashing!!!!!



Dolce said...

George, I was so happy to see you had woofed over for a visit. I'm Dolce (a boy dog too!)and woofingly excited to be venturing off on my own. The view of world is so different from our 4-legged height.

You look like you have this blogging thing under your paw!!! I will be wagging my tail over to visit again soon... xo Dolce

P.S. Your post was great ...!!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

George Dear Boy, We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year too!! It was so great getting to know you in 2010 and we look forward to more of your exploits in the coming years! Love the pics of you and your cool tree and special ornament.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Blessings to your family from ours! xx-Cassie

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Merry merry Christmas to you George and Jan,
Boy you got a lot of cards there George

animal lover, quilt lover said...

George your post was wonderful. Thanks for coming to visit us!!!!!
Please come back for my birthday post on Wednesday.
Love you George, you're a great Lad!!!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear George
Thank you for sharing the video.. It was great!
Mum did a fine job decorating, it looks beautiful.. Love your stocking.. I know it will be full on Christmas morning.
Merry Christmas to all

sprinkles said...

I came back because I wanted to watch the video again (what?! don't judge! lol) and right away I noticed the new header. I'm wondering if you just changed it or if I just haven't paid attention. Either way, you look adorable with all that snow, George.

Bella and Ollie said...

Thank you very much for your Christmas greetings George; we are sure Santa will leave lots of presents in your stocking because you are a wonderful doggie.
We send you our best wishes for the holiday season with all our love.
Bella and Ollie.
PS we love the header picture !

Taryn said...

Merry Christmas from your friends across the pond! We hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Taryn, Wilson & Jimmy

Pup Fan said...

I love all of your decorations!

TwoSpecialWires said...

This is like living Christmas all over again. We KNEW you'd have a lovely one. Did Santa come? Did our card arrive?

Lovin' catchin' up.
Jake and Fergi