Sunday, 14 November 2010

Shsssssssssssss I shouldn't be here!!!!

Mom came into the lounge and said to dad
 "we have no photos left of George on steps!!"
 so after some thought,  I was put in the car and told we would be going to
 The Ironbridge its right on our door step, anyways, we're going down this rather fast road, when dad suddenly turns left, I know I'm in trouble when mom says "hold on George" I always brace me self on hearing it!!
 He says "lets go to this place" OK I'm up for anywhere. the car stops. Mom stays sitting while dad gets out to look at the sign. It's a big sign with allsorts of information on it, including NO DOGS. He gets back to the car and tells mom this, but says he will try and find someone to ask, as the place is almost out of season it closes for the winter on the 30th Nov, the shop was closed, not a soul in sight, he's says
 "whats the worst that can happened someone telling us to get out"
So this is the place that

Ironbridge Open Air Museum of Steel Sculpture 

There are 79 of these steel sculptures,  more than enough to do a year of Saturday Sculpture, but that's not going to happen cus like I said NO DOG ALLOWED dad also informed me when we get back to the car  the sign also said NO CLIMBING ON THE SCULPTURES, guess I've been naughty!! well they made me do it!!  Luckily there were some steps here, so they will be up this coming Saturday.

Me and mom are still arguing the toss on where to take My Birthday Steps, you still have time to send yours in, closing date is the 25th Nov. Details on my side bar

See Yea George xxx  


Littlemissairgap said...

What party poopers those park people are. The sculptures (made out of iron no less and very sturdy) are screaming out "CLIMB ME"!!! My kids would love that place. Looks like George had fun.

The Black and Tans. said...

There are certainly some silly rules made up by silly people George. Anyway we just want to tell you we have been out and about today, found some steps, and will be sending you our photos this week.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You are such a rebel my furiend! Good fur you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Pat said...

George The Lad - Boldly Going Where No Dog Has Gone Before.... :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Those things were just askin' to be climbed! Could have been worse, you could have christened didn't, did you?

Some interesting sculptures there.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

George, you rebel you. And good for you. You've struck a blow for us all in going where they want to exclude us. What could a doggy do to hurt those steel sculptures anyway? Silly rules!

lotsa licks, Lola

Rose H (UK) said...

I just knew your Dad likes living on the edge George! You and Mom will have to put your paw down in future, we don't want you ending up behind bars. Some odd sculptures there though.
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Patrice said...

You could have just told them you were a professional model and this was a very important photo shoot for a major (shhh!) magazine! You could have even given them your pawprint autograph.


♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, we love those pictures of you!!! You are great!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Michelle said...

George, you are a sneaky lad! But, you look so handsome on those sculptures!

Wyatt said...

You were the best looking art there!
Can't wait till your birthday bash!

Wyatt and Stanzie

J_on_tour said...

The element of trespass always makes it more exciting George.... and it seems pretty exciting to me. I can see you keeping your eye out for the Dog Police on some of these shots !!

Pippen said...

George, we didn't see you climbing on any of those statue things... you were standing on them! For all we know your mom and dad put you on them... there's a big difference in climbing on and standing on! At least that's our story...

Sam and Pippen

Sage said...

You just have to go with it sometimes. And you did!! That looks like lots of fun.

doyle and mollie said...

rebel with a cause young george woof hoos to you!

houndstooth said...

George, you rebel! I can't see why they wouldn't let dogs in there or let anybody climb on those sculptures. You look so cool up there! We salute you!

Mom said it made her feel good that she and Dad aren't the only ones who sometimes make special trips out for pictures and stuff for our blog!


Taffy said...

What a cool place to visit. What do they mean no dogs allowed anyway? That just isn't right. I love that very first photo of you smiling. I sent my photos just now so you should have them.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Those are some cool sculptures!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Unknown said...

BOL! George!!

I likes da way your dad thinks........that be something my momma and her furrend would do..heeeheeee

You did come out of this adventure with some pawsome fotos.......even if they are 'not allowed'! HeeeHeeee

Great post

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

That Patrice has a good idea...

Dogue wants's obvious...

What totally cool pix...'specially that last one....

Love ya lots,

Lacie Cakes

The KGs said...

Those sculptures look much more interesting with your big furry paws all over them George- hoomans have silly rules. I prefer to break 'em and see what happens!

Martha said...

Hi George, we loved your pics and glad you couldn't read the sign!
No dogs indeed!
You enhanced the beauty of those solid structures with your soft warm fuzziness!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Unknown said...

Cool, you'd the whole place for yourself!

A little naughty does no harm and thanks for letting us see those beautiful sculptures. I bet they aren't that beautiful and stunning if you weren't there in the pictures! Good climbing!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George what great pictures of the sculptures and of the well sculptured are quite a fit puppy. Mom and I enjoyed the tour in the forbidden land.
Hugs Madi

violett said...

Georgie the rebel! *lol*
If you stand still there in such a way, I think, it are the nicest sculpture
Lots of love

Peggy Frezon said...

I love the photo of you running George! Looks like you had fun. I hope there are plenty of steps left to discover!

♥ Sallie said...

I love a rebel!


Duke said...

What fabulous pictures and even better because it's "forbidden"! You show 'em, George!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Thuglets said...

Oh Wicked George! You are such a little rebel!

You might not have supposed to have been there...but crackin photos.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Georgie you make a lovely addition to all those sculptings!! Obviously when they made that sign they did NOT have you in mind.BOL!!
BabyRD & Hootie

Anonymous said...

You naughty guy you :) Wish I could've been there bein naughty with ya George :)

Those are some of the coolest metal sculptures I've ever seen! What a special place to go on a walkie :)

Keep on breakin the rules George ;)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Mom finally got a couple step shots of me done. They'll be comin over shortly. Hope you like em :)

Ryker said...

You need to send those pictures to the Museum folks. I'd love to see the look on their faces, he he.

sprinkles said...

Those were some interesting sculptures. Too bad you didn't get to take pictures with all of them. I'm glad you didn't get caught.

Zona said...

George, I won't tell anyone you broke those rules because those are great pictures! You go such exciting places!!


julee said...

George you make all the sculptures look great!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE MI are a naughty bloak, but you know what? SO AM I!!!! BRAVO OLD MAN, you broke the rules on a lovely morning, climbing all those steel things and don't you look dashing as always. What do your mum and dad do to get you to show your teeth so sweetly? Mi mum sings to me and then I bear my teeth at her and make her laugh. Ah those humans.....they make us do the strangest things!

LOVE YA OLD MAN....Balzac and Anita

Asta said...

I don't think you awe notty, I think those hoomans who put up those signs awe..they awe cool sculptoowes , but definately impwoved by youw pwesence..I'm so glad you went and showed us
smoochie kisses
pee ess guess what, my Mommi's Biwfday is the same day as youws(sepewated by about two centoowies, hehehe)

Bella and Ollie said...

It's not fair that dogs are not allowed, what harm can they do ? Good on you George !
Love from Bella and Ollie

Road Dog Tales said...

Hehe - we love getting away with stuff like that! Mom is LOVING this place - she's crazy for metal stuff. Our favorite pic is that last one of you - adorable!

The Road Dogs

Coco said...

Whats wrong with that place, it's outdoors, it's not as if it is a nice manicured garden. The dogs can't damage the steel, why aren't they let in. Good for you we should all rebel.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! Love the sculptures!! Very cool!!

We's gonna get our step pho-toes in to yous for yous big day too!! :0)

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Amber DaWeenie said...

Why, George, you's looks just like part of da sculptures. NO DOGS ALLOWED!!!! I don't sees a you sees a dog???

Candylei said...

I was laughing outloud reading this post. Then when I scrolled down and saw picture after picture of you, George, inspecting each sculpture I nearly fell on the floor. You need to put a warning sign on your blog. May cause hysterics!
Thank you George,
Candylei and Sir Salty

the booker man said...

ooo!! heehee, george, you sneaky dude, you!! ;)

the booker man