Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturday Steps

Steps to get on a Fire Engine. Mom asked if it was OK for me to stand up against them, and take a photo, they were quite happy to let me, I don't think they would have minded if I was to jump up,
 but I was happy to keep me feet on the ground. 

See Yea George xxx


Anonymous said...

Oh Georgie Boy your are very well behaved! I sure am proud of you!

woo woos, Tessa

pee s you sure have a cute butt!

Patrice said...

In the United States, the Dalmatian is the typical firehouse dog. I believe they may even be some type of unofficial mascot. The color of the fire truck looks good with your bandanna. Maybe you can be their mascot!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you have the best time!! A fire engine!!! They probably would have loved to have you on it! Lots of love, Holly and mom

♥ Sallie said...

Awesome steps! Yay!

Two Pitties in the City said...

What a great photo. Did you meet any dalmatians?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We would love to see you sitting right up top there, George.

Happy weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Zona said...

What a great photo! Did you see anything interesting in there???


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George mi man, you look swell next to that fire machine all shiny and are such a photogenic young lad....come and play with me and we can get dirty and full of mud and our mums would bust....wishing you a fun weekend mi Georgie!

Balzac, Anita

The Daily Pip said...

I am always amazed at your enthusiasm over stairs, George! I avoid stairs at all costs! I like to keep things flat and on one level.

Your pal, Pip

Chewy said...

nice steps. Next time take a pic of you in the fire truck!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh George
I would be so proud to stand by that fire truck!
You look so proud standing there.
I bet you sometimes dream of being a fire dog?

houndstooth said...

That is one big truck! You would need a pretty big jump to make it up there!


Road Dog Tales said...

George - Those were the coolest steps ever! Maybe they will make you their fire station mascot!
The Road Dogs

jen said...

You look so little next to that big red truck George! How cool that they let you take peek:)

Hailey said...

Oooooh George!!!! Next time can you get a picture of the hunky firehouse dog?!

Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO

Wyatt said...

Hey George, here in the USA, the fire dogs are Dalmations. Are Welsh Terriers, the official fire engine dog, of the UK?? If they are not....they should BE!!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh 'dat super cool George!! You could so drive 'dat fire truck!! 'da Josie toast ups some marshy mellow toes and yous can come on bys in yous new ride!!!

Yous look cool!!
Josie, IzZY and Anakin Man


'da Momma gots yous addy... tanks
and tanks for 'da kind words yous lefts for us's on ours bloggy~

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Unknown said...

That's a one big step of life, George! I'm glad you did it!

Duke said...

Whoa! Those are very tall steps, George! You need a running start to succeed!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhh G E O R G E,
I, Madi, like a man in uniform.....
and I love red trucks...

BlogDog said...

That's cool, George! We wish we can have a big step on this fire truck as you did!


Cat said...

OOoooo George!!! You are SO BRAVE!!! There is NO WAY I would have put my paws on that big red monster!! I am soo in awe of you!! And I want a scarf just like yours. Purrs, Lautrec

AngelPups said...

Awesome shot of you, George!! Very official looking ;-)

Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Kelly & Crew
Big Mac, Molly & Moxie

sprinkles said...

You look so little next to that great big truck, George.

I think my dogs would've tried to climb in and check it out.

Rattus Scribus said...

Hi Jan,
Anita has raved about your blog and George's adventures and I have to agree. The lad knows how to have fun, and we get to have fu with him. Thanks for visiting and commenting on Rattus Scribus. I hope to keep posting weekly entries my readers will enjoy. Anita is the one who has inspired and encouraged me.
Cheers to you and George.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE! JANNNNN DEAR! Thank you for coming to my miracle post....dearest, when we surprise someone or are surprised ourselves by a COINCIDENCE too close for comfort, we have created a DIVINE moment....I bid you a lovely and miraculous weekend where only love reigns in your heart and hearth. HELLO GEORGE MI MAN!!! Anita and......Balzac

violett said...

Hey Georgie, this is a great photo. But you must still grow. You should take a model in an Airedale. Then you would sit like me already in the steering wheel of the fire engine.
My tip: Drink Guiness beer and eat so much like you can agree.
Lots of love

the booker man said...

hey, george!!
i'm so happy to be back from vaca cuz i was really missing everybuddy! it's good to see you again!
how cool is it that you got to check out a fire engine! i'm totally jelly! did you ask for a ride around the block, too? :)

the booker man

Rose H (UK) said...

Aw, George....It was just Mom wanting to check out those hunky firemen really!
Love 'n hugs
Auntie Rose xx

The Thuglets said...

That's some big red truck George!
Any chance of borrowing it from them so we could all go tripping?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx