Monday 13 September 2010

I'm all Scarecrowed out!!

Yep that's right 100 of um

At the Sheriffhales Scarecrow Festival, its a lovely little village about 5 miles away. They close the roads off to it so you get to walk around without thinking about the cars.

First up was a look around the small animal farm.

Now because the village is closed off  you have to pay to get in, its going towards the cost of the
 new village hall, and they give you a map of the village plus a list of all the scarecrows, there numbers, and what they are called, at the end you vote on the one you like the best and hand it back in, now mom didn't take a photo of the list, so we will let you think what they are called. 
Don't worry there's not 100 photos!!!

Now we were given three voting papers so the votes went to.

Farmers Friend, voted by mom, she says it cus its close to Halloween and liked his pumkin head
"weird woman" 

Dads choice Ali baba

My Choice, Gok Wan - How to Look Good Naked

Well I liked this one cus, he is wearing just boots and I'm just wearing me bandanny,
and I think I look petty good naked.
As you can see the rain held off and I enjoyed meself. 
I cannot wait for next weeks Saturday steps to show you what steps I was allowed on today : ) 

See Yea George xxx 


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What cool and interesting scarecrows George!!

Ooooo we can't wait to hear about the steps either!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, that is so awesome - what a great way to have fun and raise money for a good cause. We loved seeing all those creatures. Got more?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow! That's some scarecrow display! And very creative. Those folks take their scarecrows pretty seriously, huh? We're a fan of the Mr. Potato Head one. Thanks for sharing these.
The Road Dogs

the teacher's pets said...

I do love a good scarecrow festival and I have to say that this is the best one I've ever "gone to" yet! I love to look at anything that is all dressed up and nowhere to go and my vote goes to Mr. Potato Head and it looks like the Road Dog Tales peeps are in agreement.
I did think it was funny that you liked the naked scarecrow and I agree that you look fantastic naked too!
What a fun post...loved it!

jen said...

Wow! Those are some pretty cool scarecrows!

violett said...

Hello Georgie,
however, this is a very interesting and amusing idea. Scarecrows competition!
Mummy must tell this sometimes in our village club!
You have approached very courageously to all figures!

I like your new Blogoutfit
Lots of love

The Daily Pip said...

Very cool scarecrows! I think I like Mr. Potatohead best!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

George you really are adogable. We love you and we love the SCARECROWS! THAT IS WAY COOL.
Argyle is afraid of cats- he likes to chase them but then when he realizes they want him he bolts -

I think we are making a trip to Scotland and Wales in the late Winter- i would love to see you as you are CUTE!
Maisy's and Argyle's mom and protector

Busy Buttons said...

Wow -- that sounds like a pretty cool festival! My mom says her favorite is the Mr. Potato Head scarecrow.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


What a fun festival to go to! Tank youz fur taking us along wif youz. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Mggie Mae

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Being a sci fi geeky kindaa girl I would have had to vote for the Wookie but I think Mr Potato head was a close second for me.

Mollys Momma

Anonymous said...

Ohh I be likin them thar scarecrow fings we hav a famous scarecrow near me Reverend Doctor Christopher Syn aka The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh


Pat said...

Hello George
What splendid things you see. Did Gromit bark at you?

Agatha and Archie said...

Heehee we liked Wallace and Gromit!! You are such s lucky chap to have adventures like thus! Love A and A

Corbin said...

Wow, that looks like a really neat adventure! I've never seen a scarecrow before... Hm, maybe I'll tell mom we need one outside our house! Then would you come visit us!? hehe

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, that is fantastic!! Look at all of those interesting scarecrows!! It sounds like lots of fun! Love your header picture!!! Lots of love, Holly and Mom

Pup Fan said...

I can't decide my fave... Wallace & Gromit, or Mr. Potato Head??

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's a very creative village. What a fun event.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

George mi get around!!!! What fun your country must be! I WANT TO GO THERE!!!! Have you ever seen the movie, HOT FUZZ? Do you live near that village?

Carry on....Balzac and Anita

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, what fun! I think we kind of favor the Mr. Potato Head scarecrow for fun and the Chewbacca one for being really scary for the crows. They all looked good to us, though.

lotsa licks, Lola

sprinkles said...

Those are some pretty cool scarecrows! Sometimes the children here will make scarecrows as a school project. They'll sit in businesses for a little while and then people bid on them. None of them are nearly as fancy as these though and I don't know what the money goes to, probably the school.

George, please tell your mom thank you for her comment today. I do check out her Jan's Eye View blog from time to time but there's no comments available there so she might not know. She has some beautiful pictures on there and I think I know just which ones she was talking about. Thanks for the offer.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing that!

Those were furry khlever!


houndstooth said...

Holy crow! I wish we had a scarecrow festival around here! That looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing those, George!


24 Paws of Love said...

We like the last one best too George. Must be a naked dog thing!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun time Georgie! But all those scarcrows, I agree, enough is enough!

I did like Wallace and Chewbacca!

Woo woos, Tessa

Bocci said...

Great post, George-love those scarecrows-they are workd of art, for sure!

P.S. Like that new header picture:-)

little princess Luna~ said...

WOW GEORGE--very VERY COOL~!! we especially liked the wallace and gromit one. :)


TwoSpecialWires said...

How very cool! We'd like to have seen all 100 of them! Autumn Festivals have to be the very best ever! You sure seemed to enjoy it ... we liked seeing you peer at all those funny scarecrows! Our favorite? Maybe the last one you photographed, the TV EcoKing. He looks exactly like the guy on the poster! Great mustache. Sort of like a few Dales we know!

Looking forward to your next adventures. They are always fun to go on with you!
Jake and Fergs xxoo

Unknown said...

Hey, George, what a fun festival you've been. Those are pawsome scarecrows!!!

Wait! did they scare you???

WFT Nobby said...

What about Gromit? Why didn't you vote for him George? Now scarey enough perhaps?
Toodle pip!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!! This was most fun!!! Oh how we enjoyed seeing all the scary crows!!! Very clever ones too!!!

We's like 'da mr. potato head ones..hee hee

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Duke said...

What a great time you had, George! You didn't look like you were scared by any of those scarecrows! You must have been barking at them though, right?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Pretty scary, in a neat way. Makes us think of scarecrow zombies!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

My Mind's Eye said...

WHAT FUN!!!!! Mom and I like Mr. Potato Head!!!
But if we had to vote uuuuuummmmm it would be so hard. Your choices were very good. Madi and Mom

Patrice said...

I like the horse scarecrow! Check out my blog for an award that I have given you!

Cat said...

MEOWZA!! Those are a lot of scarecrows!! Were YOU scared?? I would have been...I would have puffed up and hissed at them...then run away!! I bet you told them who is boss, huh? Bravo!! Purrs, Lautrec

Wyatt said...

Those were so cute and creative! We loved the Wallace scarecrow, but where was Gromit?


Eric said...

Haa!!! A Gok Wann scarecrow, eeek thank dog it was ony his scarecrow. They were all wagging though huh? Mr Potato Head and Wallace were well wicked. You weren't scared though George. Gulp. I was scared at a just a legged standing still in the woods the other day.You must be one brave dude.

Wiry love Eric xxx

Thanks a squillion for asking bout the pokey sticks me lad! I'm doing ok though I'm kind of worries since I saw a gleam in Mom's pies when she saw Fergie wearing her jim jams to stop her scratching...she wouldn't ..would she?!!

Neeko said...

Wow George!

Cool outing with lots of cool pictures...
You are very brave to get so close to those scary things. I probably would have barked at all of them :o)))
That is the reason I'll never be invited to such events :o(

Thanks for sharing the pawsome pictures!

Neeko :o)
P.S. Thanks for the nice wishes for my parents and my Sis :o)

Hailey said...

OMD! hat's quite a scarecrow collection! Some of them really scared me! BOL! Get it?!! I liked the Mr Potatoe one the best and my 2nd best was the naked one... It looks like he is doing the pee pee dance! Thanks for sharing from your side of the world!! Your newest follower!

Hugs & smoochies!! xoxo

Peggy Frezon said...

Looks like you and Kelly both went visiting some interesting sites this past weekend. Those were creative scarecrows. I like the Mr. PotatoHead one.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! How COOL ... That's great that you did not get scared. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

I like the changes you did on your blog. Woof! Woof!

Homer said...

Oh wow George, that's a lot of scarecrows display! And they look fantastic to me!


Alien said...

Amazing. I love the Chewbacca scarecrow. And Sallie and I love the new header. :)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow, we've never even seen 1 scarecrow. You are so lucky to see so many differnent kinds. Some are not so scary...just funny! And GeorgieBoy, you are looking all grown up now!! Seems you were just a little feller. Time flies.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

3 doxies said...

OMG...dat is da best festival I haves ever seen! I looooves da Mr. Potato Head...dat one cracks me up.
Maaaan, all we has in da Pumpkin Festival! Yea, really!


The Black and Tans. said...

Those were awesome scarecrows George. You certainly lead an interesting and active social life young man.

MOlly, Taffy and MOnty

Deborah said...

WOW, the scarecrows are awesome! You have a nice blog, nice to meet you!
Have a nice weekend!

the booker man said...

i could totally tell from the pictures that you were very attentive to the farm animals. heehee.
those scarecrows were way cool! me and asa and mama's fave was wallace and gromit!! we love them!

the booker man