Tuesday 7 September 2010

My Name and places

We went to Much Wenlock and came across two places with my name on!!

A Shut is
•A narrow alley or passage acting as a short cut through the buildings between two streets

Right next door is a pub,called The George and Dragon, dad tried to get mom to have her photo
taken with me, cus he does call her a dragon sometimes!! I wouldn't dere. 

Them I got two emails one from Madi a photo that she had taken, of a place called Georgetown.

and Sprinkles sent me the link to this one.

Thank You for your time, Madi and Sprinkles,
 I will add them to my collection,
 don't forget if you see my name when you are out and about I would love to get a photo.
Moms email is on my side bar.

I'd also like to say a big Thank You to my furiend Roo for this award he gave me.

for just being me
Cheers Roo : )

PS opps I forgot that The OP Pack had told me a while back about Curious George!
 so I just had to google it he's a Monkey, lol that's mom that's laughing not me!!

In this book he eats a Bunnie!!! might get some tips.

See Yea George xxx


3 doxies said...

Oh George I just loves dat furst foto of yous. You is soooo very fotogenic!
I know exactly wheres Georgetown is...it be's in my state and they has a nice beach too.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey George, we haven't seen a store around here with your name on it, but we sure have lots of books around about a funny little guy named Curious George - he has lots of fun adventures with a strange guy with a yellow hat! You should check this little monkey out sometime.

Great photos of you, especially that first one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pippen said...

Those are great pictures of you! Now that we know you are collecting pictures of 'georges' we'll be on the look out!

Sam and Pippen

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GRRRRREAT furst photo of you!!! I will keep a look out for George Places for your collection.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, congratulations on the award!! That's a great one!! Love the pictures of all the George's..especially the ones with you! We will be on the look out for George pictures for you. Lots of love, Holly and mom

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We'll be looking out for some George pictures, too. We love that first picture. Were you allowed in the pub?

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL - did you know that Thunder actually swallowed a baby bunny in one gulp this morning? ;-( Mom was not very happy at all!!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll keep my eyes open fur woo!

I know of some!

In fakht, Merdie's peoples' Subway is on GEORGE Street!


Unknown said...

What a pretty street that is, George. And you look most handsome posing by the George places.

I be on the lookout for some George names round here.....and you be sure to let me know if you find any places named Minna Krebs, okay??


K9 Katastrophie said...

Your famous George!!


Zona said...

What great photos!! I'll keep an eye out too! We have a GEORGETOWN near where my mom works. But since that's been used... I'll keep looking!


the teacher's pets said...

Loved your cute little post about how famous your name is and I loved the pictures very much! You sure do love to pose for the camera, George!
Now, don't get any ideas about eating bunnies, okay?

houndstooth said...

That first picture of you is great, but I don't recommend having a picture taken of your mom in front of a dragon sign. No good can come of that!

Curious George gets into all sorts of adventures! I like the one with the missing puzzle piece!


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We have a Georgetown near us...We will have to get Mama to take a picture of one of their signs for you!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE MI MAN!!! Again son, you are so photogenic and what quaint little streets you live by! We out here in the states are always enchanted by those British towns and such. Tell me son, what does MUCH mean in your English language? I know of a place in your area called MUCH MARCLE...a beautiful place where there is an old yew tree. Thank you for the definition of SHUT....I had no clue and we speak the same language!!!

LOVE YOU GEORGE! Balzac and Anita

jen said...

We will keep our eye out for your name in our neighborhood. I love the first picture of you, you are so handsome:)

The Daily Pip said...

Oh no, I was going to send you a picture of Curious George. He is one of my little sister's favorites - she has Curious George books, dvds, and even pajamas!!!

Your pal, Pip

Cat said...

Oooo! Now we will be on the look-out for any 'Georges' that we can find so that we can send them to you!! We like the photo of you in 'your' shut!! I haven't found a 'Lautrec Shut' yet....the closest I get to one is when Dad says: 'Lautrec, Shut up!' (Because I talk a lot sometimes...hey! I'm Siamese!!) So if you come across a Lautrec Shut, please let me know so I can go have my picture taken like you did in the George Shut....so cool...I guess you are famous then, huh?? Purrs, Lautrec (and Tiny)

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
You have so many nice looking pubs in your area. Gail and I are quite jealous. Do you know, we were listening to Radio Scotland earlier in the summer and they had this phone in inviting suggestions for what listeners liked and admired most about England. The one thing (in fact the only thing) that came up repeatedly was the English pub!
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

My Ma love Curious George she finks he is the cutest monkey ever, me I don't get it at all it's a monket if it was cute pug then yeah I would understand

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Wednesday to my favorite George!!!
How are you sweetie? I hope your day is going well. Mom and I love the George Shut...it is very quaint looking and peaceful. We are so glad you enjoyed the street sign we sent to you!!!

We'll keep our 4 eyes peeled for more George signs.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Pup Fan said...

Congrats on your award, darling!

Unknown said...

George, you're really famous!!! I'll keep an eye over here too!

Unknown said...

Mr George that is awesome about collecting pics of your name!! We know of a few george things we will take pics of and send them over to you buddy!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George!!!! We loves 'da George sighting!!
Too cool!!
Congrats on yous award!!
Roo's a great furiend!!

We's gonna keep our eyeballs opened ups for some George stuffs too!!!

Josie, IzZY and Anakin Man

sprinkles said...

Oh, I love Curious George!

Congrats on your award.

Hmm, you learn something new everyday! Didn't know that's what a shut was.

Duke said...

Oh darn! Mom was on George Street today and do you think she had her camera with her? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
That shut is very cool looking, George!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Alien said...

Ah, George. You haven't seen anything glowing, have you? Let me know.

The Thuglets said...

Oh Paws! We found a butchers called George and we forgot tot ake a photo!

Must get on the case.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets x

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi George
Congrats on your award. That's a good one.
Thanks for taking us to some George Places. We will have to look around town to see if we can find some.
Love Ruby & Penny

TwoSpecialWires said...

George. Moma's got a problem with her memory these days. And her ... umm ... distractibility. Maybe if you keep reminding her she'll remember to take a picture of us in Colorado's GeorgeTown. It's a cool place. You'd like it. 'Specially when the aspens turn gold. Which is soon.

Think she'll remember?
Jake and Fergs xxoo

Sunshade said...

What well deserved award! YOu know, I had a pet bunny named Georgie (Yes, he was MY pet, and I LOVED him). If you click on the label "Georgie" on my blog, you will see him. He probably weighed the same as you, he was a Flemish GIANT bun bun at 23+ lbs!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

How Sam Sees It said...

We have a George and Dragon in Arizona! It is supposed to be an official English pub!


Peggy Frezon said...

You are a very popular boy George. Well of course there's George Washington. And near Washington DC there is Gerogetown University. Wow are they all named after YOU? lol.

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow - you have so many things named after you! Well, no wonder - George is a fine name :)

The Road Dogs